Dave Cown,
Senior Scientist, Wood Quality
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
Scion (Trading name of Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Private Bag 3020
49 Sala St. Rotorua
New Zealand
Ph: +64 7343 5525
Mobile: 021 187 4022
Fx: +64 7343 5507
(See attached file: Sri Lanka - 2nd Announcement.pdf)
Dave Cown,
Senior Scientist, Wood Quality
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
Scion (Trading name of Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Private Bag 3020
49 Sala St. Rotorua
New Zealand
Ph: +64 7343 5525
Mobile: 021 187 4022
Fx: +64 7343 5507
IAWA, IAWS and IUFRO Conference
23-26 June 2010, MADISON, WISCONSIN, USA
The Pan-American Regional Group of IAWA, the International Academy of Wood
Science (IAWS) and Division 5 of IUFRO are organizing a joint meeting in
Madison, Wisconsin, USA for June 23 - 26, 2010. This joint conference will
serve as an international forum for the exchange of knowledge and
experience in a wide variety of fields including tree biology, systematic
wood anatomy and wood identification, paleobotany, ecophysiology, wood
formation and cambial activity, and wood quality research. New developments
in the areas of ultrastructure and lignin chemistry and the use of various
new technologies including near infrared spectroscopy and recent advances
in microscopy and molecular biology are pushing the frontiers of wood
anatomy to new heights. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss
their recent research progress, exchange information and develop
The IAWA/IAWS Conference will be held in the Memorial Union at 800 Langdon
St. located on the shores of Lake Mendota on the campus of the University
of Wisconsin - Madison ( and map
REGISTRATION: see attached form
Registration is US$150 payable via check or money order in US dollars.
Student registration is $100. You can pay via PayPal on the IAWS website ( Click on DONATION and at the top under
description enter “IAWA, IAWS, and IUFRO Conference”. Complete the form and
submit. You do not need a PayPal account. Your registration fee includes
the banquet on Friday night. For updates check the website at IAWA, ( or IAWS ( or IUFRO (. Deadline for registering
without a late fee is May 1, 2010.
You must make your own reservations. When making them, mention the IAWA,
IAWS, and IUFRO Conference at the Memorial Union. For accommodations
associated with the University of Wisconsin-Madison, go to Most of these accommodations are
within walking distance of the Memorial Union.
University Housing: Summer Housing for Groups
Through University Housing, we have arranged for rooms all with single/twin
beds at Smith Hall (35 N. Park St.), a student housing facility. For photos
and information on Smith Hall go to The cost of
single and double occupancy including breakfast has not been set for 2010,
but an estimate is $60/night for single occupancy and $40/night/person for
double occupancy. Complete information will be available when on-line
reservations are opened after January 1, 2010. We will need a minimum of 20
person/night to have this facility available. If our minimum is not reached
45 days before the meeting, we will have to cancel. (Go to: select “On-Line Reservations
For questions, email conferenceservices(a)
For more accommodations choices, check the website We have blocked rooms at two
hotels close to the Memorial Union as follows:
Campus Inn and Chancellor’s Club
601 Langdon St.
Madison, WI 53703, USA
Phone: 608-257-4391 or tollfree 800-589-6285 — FAX: 608-257-2832.
Please refer to “IAWA & IAWS Conference” group reservation #92482.
Direct URL with no login needed use the following:…
For information about the hotel use:
University Inn
441 N. Frances St.
Madison, WI 53703, USA
Phone: 608-257-4881 or tollfree 800-279-4881 — FAX: 608-285-8051.
Please refer to “IAWA/IAWS Conference Block”. You must call to receive
discounted rates.
For information abut the hotel use:
SOCIAL EVENTS: On Friday evening, June 25, we will have a banquet and
business meeting at the Memorial Union. The cost of the banquet is included
in your registration fee.
LOCAL INFORMATION: For information about the local area check the websites
of Madison at; the University of
Wisconsin-Madison at and the Memorial Union at
Dr. Regis B. Miller, Executive Secretary of IAWA
USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53726-2398, USA
Phone: 608-231-9341 — FAX: 608-231-9508 — Email: rmiller1(a)
Please send an electronic copy of your Abstract following the models shown
below. Use 2 cm margins on all four sides with single-spaced lines and
Times New Roman typeface with a 12-point pitch. Make the text left aligned
only (not justified or right aligned) and use no tabs, tables, figures,
pictures or references. Please do not divide words. The body of the
Abstract should contain no more than 2000 characters, including the spaces
between the words. Immediately after the title, indicate if the Abstract is
a paper or a poster.
Send the Abstract to Dr. Regis B. Miller at rmiller1(a) If email is
not possible, send your Abstract on a CD together with a hard copy printout
to Dr. Miller.
The deadline for submission of Abstracts is May 1, 2010.
Oral presentations:
Each delegate will be allowed one oral presentation of 15 or 20 minutes
including time for questions and discussion. PowerPoint presentations are
required. No slide projectors will be available. PC’s and data projectors
will be used for PowerPoint presentations. If other audio-visual aids are
needed, please contact Regis Miller.
A display panel with dimensions 3’8” (1.1 meters) high by 5’7” (1.7 meters)
wide will be provided. Pushpins to facilitate display will be provided. We
are asking poster presenters to prepare a 3-minute mini-PowerPoint to
present their poster. Information about times for displaying and removing
posters will be available in the final program.
Models of Abstracts:
Pieter Baas1, Steven Jansen2 & Elisabeth Wheeler3: 1Nationaal Herbarium
Nederland, P.O. Box 9514, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands; 2Instituut voor
Plantkunde en Microbiologie, Laboratorium voor Systematiek, K.U. Leuven,
Kasteelpark Arenberg 31, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium; 3North Carolina State
University, Department of Wood and Paper Science, P.O. Box 8005, Raleigh,
NC 27695-8005, USA. — Ecological adaptations in wood microstructure and
angiosperm phylogeny. — (Paper)
Ecological adaptations in xylem anatomy are relatively well understood in
terms of their functional significance and general validity. This makes them
suspect candidates for relating adaptive change with deep phylogenetic
splits in woody plant phylogenies because their very functionality… Etc.
Ayami Akimatsu, Seiichi Yasuda & Kazuhiko Fukushima: Graduate School of
Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan. —
Stable carbon isotope compositions of cell wall components of woody plants.
— (Poster)
Analysis of stable carbon isotope composition of bulk organic
material has been applied to numerous ecological and physiological studies.
Nevertheless, the isotopic composition of bulk plant material represents
only the average of the isotopic composition of all chemical compounds in a
certain tissue… E
Dave Cown,
Senior Scientist, Wood Quality
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
Scion (Trading name of Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Private Bag 3020
49 Sala St. Rotorua
New Zealand
Ph: +64 7343 5525
Mobile: 021 187 4022
Fx: +64 7343 5507
Dear IUFRO D5 members:
The Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST) has been working
closely with IUFRO D5.14 Education through its SWST University
Accreditation Program in wood & lignocellulosic science. Eleven
universities in North and South America are now accredited under this
program. SWST invites membership applications from individuals with
completed or ongoing formal education (undergraduate or graduate
curriculum), OR through specialized experience in the fields of wood
science and technology, forest products, and other lignocellulosic
materials. A new, electronic-based membership is available for emerging
countries, with discounted membership fees and electronic access to the
Wood and Fiber Science Journal. Additional benefits and other types of
SWST memberships can be found at the website:
For additional information on SWST contact
Prof. William T. Y. Tze, SWST Membership Chair (wtze(a)
or Dr. Jerrold E. Winandy, Past President of SWST
Dept of Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering
University of Minnesota
Drying Wood with High Frequency Electric Current by Helmuth Resch
This monograph aims at providing understanding of the many ways to employ
special drying methods using high frequency electric currents for wood and
wood products. It offers a broad coverage of research and development over
many decades from the original concept to industrial applications. The
physical process of dielectric heating has advantages of rapid and
relatively uniform heat transfer, resulting in high drying rates and
avoidance of various drying defects, including any significant casehardening
and oxidative discoloration of wood. Heat transfer to and evaporation of
moisture from wood is shown in dependence on the dielectric properties of
materials. Because wood is heterogeneous, these properties vary not only
with the frequency of the current and the field orientation, but also with
the moisture content, temperature, and density of wood. Considering these
parameters and the specific heat of the material, the selection of a
frequency can be made for heating specific products and the power absorption
and feasibility of a system can be estimated. The text traces the historical
roots of using high frequency current for heating and drying of wood.
Principles of and formulas describing dielectric heating and the dielectric
properties of wood give a background useful for understanding parameters of
specific applications, energy transfer, and power consumption. Early
equipment development for continuous and batch dryers using radio
frequencies and microwaves is reported from work in Russia, USA, Canada,
Japan, and Europe. The greatest emphasis is placed on the method of
combining radio frequency heating with vacuum drying. Research during the
last decades lead to industrial installations designed mainly for drying of
lumber and timbers in vacuum kilns. This development provided a positive
picture for higher value products. On the other hand, the continuation of
research with microwaves promises to make use of their unique properties.
Some ideas are advanced on achieving rapid and economic drying by combining
other heat transfer methods with high frequency heating along production
lines. Finally, the present understanding of the drying mechanism, the
technical feasibility, and economics are considered. A broad listing of
relevant literature provides the reader with a multitude of references. Data
are presented in international and American units.
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Society of Wood Science and Technology, Madison, Wisconsin, USA ISBN
Cost: $30 + postage (Check payable to SWST; Visa, Mastercard)
Order from: Order online at <> or from SWST, One Gifford Pinchot Drive,
Madison, WI 53726; email: <> vicki(a) Phone:
608-231-9347; Fax: 608-231-9592
Name: _____________________________ Address:
Email:___________________________________________ Phone/Fax:
Credit Card # _____________________ Expiration Date ________________ Total $
Signature: _______________________________________________
Dave Cown,
Senior Scientist, Wood Quality
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
Scion (Trading name of Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Private Bag 3020
49 Sala St. Rotorua
New Zealand
Ph: +64 7343 5525
Mobile: 021 187 4022
Fx: +64 7343 5507
Message circulated on behalf of Dave Cown by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO
(See attached file: EFORWOOD Programme_final.pdf)
Dave Cown,
Senior Scientist, Wood Quality
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
Scion (Trading name of Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Private Bag 3020
49 Sala St. Rotorua
New Zealand
Ph: +64 7343 5525
Mobile: 021 187 4022
Fx: +64 7343 5507
The Pan-American Regional Group of IAWA (Fidel Roig, Mendoza, Argentina;
Veronica Angalossy, Sao Paulo, Brazil; Teresa Terrazas, Mexico City,
Mexico; Barbara Lachenbruch, Corvallis, Oregon, USA; Regis B. Miller,
Madison, Wisconsin, USA), the International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS),
and Division 5.01 (Wood Quality) of IUFRO are organizing a joint meeting in
Madison, Wisconsin, USA for June 23 - 26, 2010. The meeting will be held
at the Memorial Union on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
In the fall IAWA mailing, we will include a notice of the meeting including
more details about registration, accommodations, tours, etc. If you are
interested in attending, send an email message to Regis B. Miller (
rmiller1(a) so that future information can be quickly distributed
via email. You can check the IAWA or IAWS websites at or for updates.
The conference will include all aspects of wood science from wood anatomy,
forest products, wood identification and wood quality to wood formation,
xylem physiology, tree ring analysis, and paleobotany. All members,
prospective members and guests are welcome.
Start thinking about your abstract. We will begin accepting abstracts in
October 2009.
LOCAL INFORMATION: For information about the local area check the
Madison, Wisconsin:
University of Wisconsin-Madison:
Memorial Union:
Dr. Regis B. Miller, Executive Secretary of IAWA
USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory
One Gifford Pinchot Drive
Madison, WI 53726-2398, USA
Phone: 608-231-9341 — FAX: 608-231-9508 — Email: rmiller1(a)
Dave Cown,
Senior Scientist, Wood Quality
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
Scion (Trading name of Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Private Bag 3020
49 Sala St. Rotorua
New Zealand
Ph: +64 7343 5525
Mobile: 021 187 4022
Fx: +64 7343 5507
Dear D5 List Members
I wish to inform you of an upcoming meeting organised by the Asia Pacific
Association of Forest Research Institutes (APAFRI).
"Asia and the Pacific Forest Products Workshop – Green Technology for
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation",
14-16 December 2009, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Climate change is a global problem, with global causes and effects. Climate
change affects the basic elements of life for people around the world –
access to water, food production, health, and the environment. Hundreds of
millions of people would suffer from hunger, water shortages, and more
frequent severe natural disasters such as droughts, typhoons and floods, as
the climate changes. Addressing climate change and dealing with the
impacts that cannot be avoided now, requires urgent efforts by all. Actions
will require commitments and responsibilities to invest in capacity and
capability building to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
The workshop will focus on two broad topics: energy reduction and carbon
emission reduction – the two main objectives of green technologies. The
programme of the workshop will have two main sessions: green technologies
in manufacturing and green products development.
Green technologies in manufacturing
· Wood waste reduction in wood processing
· Volatile Organic Compound-free adhesives and coatings technologies
· Recyclable packing technologies
· Energy reduction in wood processing
· Process and material optimization
Green products development
· Chain-of-Custody Certification and Life-Cycle-Assessment – Impetus
for green products development
· New environmentally friendly products from the composite/panel
· Challenges for environmentally friendly products
· Biofuels
The working language of the workshop will be English.
If you wish to present a paper, or exhibit a poster, send your abstract of
300–500 words to Sim HeokChoh (simhc(a); sim(a)
Abstracts should include the full names, addresses of authors, and e-mail
address for the corresponding author.
Deadlines: Submissions of abstracts – 15 September
Notification of acceptance – 30 September
Final Papers/Presentations – 15 November
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Sources of Funding
Participants should seek their own resources to attend the workshop.
Efforts are being made to mobilize resources to support a limited number of
invited participants, especially from developing countries in Asia and the
Pacific. Those who are interested in participating in the workshop, but do
not have their own funding, are still encouraged to register. The workshop
organizers will attempt to provide partial support.
The workshop is an initiative of the International Union of Forest Research
Organization (IUFRO). It is being organized by the Asia-Pacific Association
of Forest Research Institutions (APAFRI) in technical collaboration with
the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Sri
Lanka Forest Department, Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), and the
Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI).
The deadline for registrations for the workshop is 15 November 2009.
Contact for Enquiries
Sim Heok-Choh
Asia Pacific Association of Forestry Research Institutions
c/o Forest Research Institute Malaysia
Kepong 52109 Kepong
Selangor, Malaysia
Fax: 60 3 6277 3249 E-mail: simhc(a)
Dave Cown,
Senior Scientist, Wood Quality
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
Scion (Trading name of Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Private Bag 3020
49 Sala St. Rotorua
New Zealand
Ph: +64 7343 5525
Mobile: 021 187 4022
Fx: +64 7343 5507
Dear D5 list members
I am seeking input about D5 activities for my annual Coordinator report. I
find it difficult to keep up with all Working Group activities, so there
may be significant events of which I am unaware. Please let me know if you
think there is an item worth mentioning in my report.
Also, I would like to be pro-active in identifying officeholders who may be
considering relinquishing their duties in 2011 at Congress time, and also
seeking nominations for the positions which will become available then.
There will be opportunities for interested scientists to join the D5.00
team. Nominations will be considered at the 2010 Board meeting in Buenos
Aires, so please let me know if anyone is interested and available as soon
as possible.
Dave Cown,
Senior Scientist, Wood Quality
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
Scion (Trading name of Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Private Bag 3020
49 Sala St. Rotorua
New Zealand
Ph: +64 7343 5525
Mobile: 021 187 4022
Fx: +64 7343 5507