As in the past IUFRO World Congresses, there will be an opportunity to honor special scientific performances and achievements with selected IUFRO Awards at the Salt Lake City Congress in 2014.
There are still good chances for your candidate to be among the awardees: awardees will win a ticket to travel to Salt Lake City and will have the opportunity to present the Award-winning work to the Congress participants. Therefore, choose among the Scientific Achievement Award (SAA), Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (ODRA) and the IUFRO Student Award (ISA) and make your nomination soon. Bear in mind that you can only nominate candidates from IUFRO Member Organizations, - no self-nominations are accepted – and that the deadline for submission expires at the end of August 2013.
Find more information and nomination forms on our website and send your nominations to the Chair of the IUFRO Honors & Awards Committee (Dr. Shirong Liu, liusr(a) with copy to the IUFRO Executive Director (office(a)
Dr. Shirong Liu
Chair of the IUFRO H&A Committee
IUFRO AWARDS at the IUFRO World Congress 2014
Scientific Achievement Award (SAA)
Up to 10 awards to recognize distinguished individual scientific achievements within the fields of research covered by IUFRO. Criteria for judgment will be dissemination of results, implementation of knowledge, methods or techniques in practical forestry and skilled research management (success in publications, meetings, funding, etc. in a larger group than the individual) and involvement in IUFRO activities.
Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (ODRA)
One award per IUFRO Division to recognize outstanding individual scientific achievements among young Doctoral researchers and to encourage further work within the fields of research covered by the Union.
IUFRO Student Award (ISA)
One award per IUFRO Division to recognize outstanding individual achievements in forest science made by Masters degree students (or equivalent), and to encourage their further work within the fields of research covered by the Union. Nominations can be made through IUFRO member organizations or officeholders and through members of the International Forestry Students’ Association (IFSA).
From: andreja.kutnar(a) [] On Behalf Of Andreja Kutnar
Sent: June-27-13 1:47 AM
Subject: Announcement of joint conference of COST FP0904 and FP1006
Dear members of COST Action FP0904,
We are inviting you to the joint conference of COST FP0904 and FP1006, Characterization of modified wood in relation to wood bonding and coating performance, which will be held in Slovenia from 16th till 18th of October 2013 at Hotel Rogla and Hotel Planja. All the details of the conference are in the attachment.
Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any further question.
Looking forward to welcome you at Rogla,
Assist.Prof. Andreja Kutnar, PhD
University of Primorska
Andrej Marušič Institute
Muzejski trg 2
SI-6000 Koper
e-mail: andreja.kutnar(a)
tel.: 00386 31 240 121