Dear D5
I have been given a small task here to compare the wood properties of radiata pine in New Zealand with those in South America - Chile, Argentina. I have found it very hard to obtain good factual information on wood properties and lumber quality (stiffness, degrading features) in relation to site, silviculture and genetics.
I would be most grateful for any sources of information.
Dave Cown
Senior Scientist
Deputy Coordinator IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
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Dear D5 friedns,
FYI and interest.
Andrew H.H. Wong, D.Phil.
Associate Professor, Wood durability & Protection
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products),
Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)
Faculty of Resource Science and Technology
94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak
Tel: +6082 582936 (direct line)
Tel: +6082 581000, Ext. #2936
Fax: +6082 583160
Email: ahhwong(a)
----- Forwarded by Andrew Wong Han Hoy/PLANT/FRST/UNIMAS on 25-09-12 02:13
PM -----
From: Mehrab Madhoushi <mmadhoushi(a)>
To: <ahhwong(a)>
Date: 25-09-12 05:27 AM
Subject: IJLP-Call For Paper
Dear Dr. Andrew Wong,
Many thanks for your attention to this e-mail.
Kindly, could you please circulate the following message to all colleagues
in IUFRO, especially in Division 5?
I'm grateful for your collaboration.
Best regards
Mehrab Madhoushi
Dr. Mehrab Madhoushi,
Associate Professor,
Department of Wood Engineering and Technology,
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Gorgan, 49138-15739
Golestan, IRAN,
e-mail: mmadhoushi(a)
Dear Colleagues,
I am very glad to inform you that International Journal of Lignocellulosic
Products (IJLP), ( a newly established journal will
start its publication by early 2013. The International Journal of
Lignocellulosic Products (IJLP) is a peer-reviewed journal that will be
published quarterly by the Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and
Natural Resources (
Now, the site of journal ( is ready to receive the
paper and process the next steps. All procedures will be performed as
The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meets the general
criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and will publish review
articles, research articles, short communications and letters to the
Instruction for authors and other details are available on website (
Aims and Scope:
IJLP is a quarterly publication by Faculty of Wood and Paper Engineering at
Gorgan University of Agricultural and Natural Resources, Iran.
IJLP is a peer-reviewed journal and aims to provide a forum for the prompt
publication of original research on all areas of lignocellulosic products
and composites, including
Science, fundamentals, and characterization,
Physical, chemical and mechanical properties,
Engineering design, analysis, mathematical modeling and
computer simulation,
Their utilization in traditional, conventional and new
applications in all cases,
Manufacturing economy, raw material supplying and management,
Modern utilizations and new capabilities,
New and innovative technologies for the measurement of
Employing the new technologies such as biotechnology and
nanotechnology in production of lignocellulosic products.
IJLP publishes original articles, review articles, case studies and short
communications on the above mentioned topics.
All articles subject to a peer review process managed by the co-editors,
with oversight by the Editorial Board. IJLP employs an automated system for
web-based submission of articles.
Editorial Board
Hossein Resalati, Professor. Gorgan University of Agricuyltural and Natural
Resources, IRAN.
Managing Editor:
Mehrab Madhoushi, Associate Professor. Gorgan University of Agricuyltural
and Natural Resources, IRAN.
Assistant Editor:
Ali Ghasemian, Associate Professor. Gorgan University of Agricuyltural and
Natural Resources, IRAN.
Editorial Board:
Stavros Avramidis, Professor. University of British Columbia, CANADA
Martin Philip Ansell, Professor. University of Bath, UK
Paul A Cooper, Professor. University of Toronto, CANADA
Ghanbar Ebrahimi, Professor Emeritus. University of Tehran, IRAN
Pedro E Fardim, Professor. Åbo Akademi University (ÅA), FINLAND
Seyed Ziaeddin Hosseini, Professor Emeritus. Gorgan University of
Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, IRAN
Martin A. Hubbe, Professor. North Carolina State University, USA
Ahmad Jahan Latibari, Associate Professor. Islamic Azad University, Karaj
Branch, IRAN
Frank Lam, Professor. University of British Columbia, CANADA
Seyed Ahmad Mirshokraie, Professor. Payame Noor University, Tehran, IRAN
Yuji Matsumoto, Professor. University of Tokyo, JAPAN
Leonard Mwaikambo, Associate Professor. University of Dar es Salaam,
Yonghao Ni, Professor. University of New Brunswick, CANADA
Ashgar Omidvar, Professor Emeritus. Gorgan University of Agricultural
Sciences and Natural Resources, IRAN
Antonio Pizzi, Professor. LERMAB, FRANCE
Roger M. Rowell, Professor Emeritus. University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Bernard Thibaut, Associate Professor. University Montpellier 2, FRANCE
Taghi Tabarsa, Professor. Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and
Natural Resources, IRAN
Best regards
Mehrab Madhoushi
Managing Editor
Dr. Mehrab Madhoushi,
Associate Professor,
Department of Wood Engineering and Technology,
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Gorgan, 49138-15739
Golestan, IRAN,
e-mail: mmadhoushi(a)