World Bamboo Congress REGISTRATION is OPEN
by Susanne Lucas, Executive Director WBO
Taiwan 18-24 April 2024
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12th World Bamboo Congress []
Dates: 18-23 April 2024
Theme: Next Generation Bamboo / Solution, Innovation and Design
Welcome to 12th World Bamboo Congress, 2024 []!
Please join us for the 12th World Bamboo Congress [], 18-23 April 2024. This global event will take place at two distinct locations. Venue 1 is the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University […] in Hsinchu, easily accessible by rail from Taoyuan []International Airport and Taipei. Venue 2 is the National Taiwan Craft Research Institute [] in Caotun, Nantou County, also accessible by an excellent rail system. The hosts of the 12th WBC are the Taiwan Bamboo Society []and the Taiwanese Forest and Nature Conservancy [].
Taiwan is rich in bamboo resources, bamboo industry technology, and bamboo culture. WBC has invited trailblazers from all over the world to share fruitful experiences in various fields such as landscape restoration, circular economy, sustainable housing, cultivation, architecture, crafts, design, and community development. This unique opportunity will combine conference presentations, industry technology exposition, vendor market, bamboo craft exhibition, etc. for an unforgettable experience. Cultural events such as musical concerts, tea ceremony, and bamboo shoot cuisine will be carefully arranged to give international visitors a sense of the diversity of Taiwanese bamboo culture. All of this plus a nation-wide Bamboo Expo displaying cutting-edge architecture and sculptures!
The event is free, thanks to our generous Taiwanese friends!
There is a post-Congress tour for a fee scheduled for April 22-23rd. Details to follow soon.
Plan now to be at this exceptional global event! We look forward to seeing you there!
#nextgenerationbamboo #bamboonow #plantbamboo bambooisgrowing #keepbamboostrong #thinkbamboo
12th WBC International Organizing Committee: Susanne Lucas, Michel Abadie, Guillermo Mortera, Nirmala Chongtham, Linh Tran, LiFang Tang.
12th WBC Technical Committee Chairs: Nirmala Chongtham & Liang-Jeng Leu
Thank you!
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World Bamboo Organization
A United States tax-exempt trade association and member of the United Nations Global Compact
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