Division 5. RG 5.07 IUFRO biorefinery Research Group
Dear Colleagues in the IUFRO Division 5
This is a reminder of the *biorefinery workshop* organized by the IUFRO
Biorefinery Research Group (RG 5.07) in Autrans, France on *wood
deconstruction for chemicals production.*This workshop is held in
conjunction with the 14^th European Workshop on Lignocellulosics and
Pulp (EWLP 2016) which brings together about 200 participants around
themes related to wood and pulping chemistry. This gives opportunities
of fruitful exchanges between the wood chemists and cellulose producers
communities and our IUFRO biorefinery research group.
The IUFRO sessions will take place on Thursday, June 30, 2016 afternoon
and Friday, July 1, morning.
All the information concerning this IUFRO biorefinery workshop is given
on the worshop web site www.ewlp2016.org, including final program,
registration procedure and accommodation.
We encourage those of you interested in this event to register as soon
as possible.
Should you have any question about this coming event, please do not
hesitate to contact me directly.
I look forward to seeing you in Autrans nextJune.
Prof. Dominique Lachenal
Coordinator of the RG 5.07 IUFRO biorefinery Research Group
+33 (0)673793975
Dear Division 5,
We have an employment opportunity at Forest Research based in Edinburgh
(Scotland) working with the Tree and Wood properties group. This is
quite a technical, practical role. Full details are given here:
Please share this with anyone who you think might be interested in
applying, please note you need to be able to demonstrate that you are
eligible to work in the United Kingdom.
Paul McLean
Research Scientist
Forest Research,
Northern Research Station,
Roslin, Midlothian,
EH25 9SY.
***Please note my new office phone number***
Tel: 0300 067 5960 ***NEW***
Mobile: 0782 795 7715
Fax: 0131 445 5124
email: paul.mclean(a)forestry.gsi.gov.uk
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