Dear IUFRO Members
There has been a suggestion from an events organiser that the next D5
Conference (in 2012) could be held in Portugal.
For this to happen, I need to have an expression of interest from an
organisation in Portugal which has members interested in D5 activities.
Does anyone who of an organisation which might like to take this on?
(See attached file: Guidelines for D5 Conference.pdf)(See attached file:
Expression of Interest in D5 Conference.pdf)
Dave Cown,
Senior Scientist, Wood Quality
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
Scion (Trading name of Forest Research Institute Ltd.)
Private Bag 3020
49 Sala St. Rotorua
New Zealand
Ph: +64 7343 5525
Mobile: 021 187 4022
Fx: +64 7343 5507