From: Franka.Bruechert(a) []
Sent: Saturday, 30 July 2011 2:38 a.m.
To: xwang(a); pekka.saranpaa(a)
Cc: roger.meder(a); Dave Cown; Udo.Sauter(a)
Subject: IUFRO Conference Div-All 5, Lisbon 2012
Dear colleagues:
many thanks for the positive feedback that our proposal on a "CT and x-ray"
session will jointly be hosted under the umbrella of WG 5.01.00 and WG
5.02.01. I understood from the correspondance that WG 5.02.01 will be the
appropriate address to send in the abstracts for the session. We very much
appreciate this support. We would be please to support you in reviewing
proposed contributions for this subtopic on the CT and x-ray scanning.
As the preparation for the conference is progressing fast and deadlines are
coming close we would like to ask for your assistance to disseminate the
information on this session via your email lists and invite interested
colleagues to contribute.
Please find attached the "call for papers" for this specific topic.
We would like to call for papers focussing on the application of CT and
x-ray scanning both for forest based research and wood processing. For the
session contributions are expected on applications of x-ray and CT to
support forest management and roundwood quality control, and improved raw
material utilisation through processing optimisation based on x-ray based
As x-ray based technology provides information on a high spatial resolution
for roundwood, the data base for quality modelling can be widened
drastically in comparison to destructive sampling. With regards to material
flow along the forest-wood chain, the application of non-destructive x-ray
based technology to roundwood provides information in both directions
upstream and downstream. In the upstream direction back into the forest, the
information on internal roundwood characteristics and quality features can
be linked to forest management and tree growth. In the downstream direction,
internal log information can be used for production optimisation for
improved raw material utilisation.
It would be very much appreciated if you could distribute this call directly
to the members of your workgroups. If this is not possible, could you please
provide us with some contacts for further dissemination. We will also
directly inform colleagues about the option to contribute to such a session.
Yours sincerely
Franka Brüchert
Franka Brüchert
Abteilung Waldnutzung
Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg
Wonnhaldestr. 4, Freiburg i. Breisgau -
Postanschrift: Postfach 708, D-79007 Freiburg i. Breisgau
tel : 0049-(0)761-4018 239
fax: 0049-(0)761-4018 333
email: franka.bruechert(a), f.bruechert(a)
Franka Brüchert
Department of Forest Utilisation
Forest Research Institute of Baden-Württemberg
mail address: Postfach 708, D-79007 Freiburg i. Breisgau
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