-----Original Message-----
From: owner-wood-science(a)interchange.ubc.ca [mailto:owner-wood-science@interchange.ubc.ca]
On Behalf Of Stavros Avramidis
Sent: Tuesday, 11 January 2011 5:03 a.m.
To: wood-science(a)interchange.ubc.ca
Subject: FW: Announcement COST FP0802 Workshop | April 27-28, 2011 | Vila Real, Portugal
For your information.
-----Original Message-----
From: Martina Pöll [mailto:martina.poell@tuwien.ac.at]
Sent: January-10-11 12:12 AM
To: Martina Pöll
Subject: Announcement COST FP0802 Workshop | April 27-28, 2011 | Vila Real, Portugal
Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to announce the COST FP0802 Workshop on "Mixed numerical and
experimental methods applied to the mechanical characterization of bio-materials"
which will take place in Vila Real, Portugal, April 27-28, 2011.
The objective of the workshop is to present and discuss the benefits and problems of
combined numerical/experimental methods for the study of wood and possibly also more
general to bio-materials (e.g.
micro-spectroscopy, mechanical tests in ESEM, full-field measurements of deformation,
Finite Element simulation and optimization methods). The workshop will provide a forum to
communicate current ideas and strategies in this field.
Please find attached the announcement folder for your information and for distribution
among your colleagues. Please note that the deadline for submission of abstracts is
February 11, 2011.
Updated information on the workshop and on COST Action FP0802 in general can be found at
the webpage
Looking forward to meeting you soon in Vila Real.
Best regards,
José Morais
Workshop Organizer
Karin Hofstetter
COST Action FP0802 Chair
Mag.(FH) Martina Pöll
Technische Universität Wien
Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen
Vienna University of Technology
Institute for Mechanics of Materials and Structures
Karlsplatz 13, A-1040 Wien, Austria
Tel: (++43 1) 58801-20211
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