Dear colleagues!
This is the first announcement for the:
13th IUFRO International Wood Drying Conference
Wood drying in developing countries
September 5-9, 2016, Istanbul, Turkey
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. The papers accepted for oral presentation will be
published (printed+full online access) in a special edition of Drying Technology: An
International Journal and Maderas: Ciencia y Tecnología. All papers (oral presentations
and posters) will be published in the conference proceedings (on CD).
The conference details (topics, staff, programme, location, important deadlines, paper
guidelines, information concerning accommodation facilities, registration fees and other
issues of interest) are available on the conference website:
The deadline for the pre-registration of participants and paper titles is 31th of August
2015. The Pre-Registration Form is attached to this e-mail, as well as available on the
conference website under the heading “Key Dates”). Full-papers are expected no later than
30th of July 2016.
Correspondence regarding the conference and submission of papers should be addressed to:
onsal44(a) ; suleymankorkut(a)
We look forward to your contributions!
On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Prof. Dr. Oner UNSAL
Istanbul University, Turkey
E-mail: <> onsal44(a)
Assoc. Prof. Suleyman KORKUT
Duzce Universit, Turkey
E-mail: <> suleymankorkut(a)