Conference Theme
Formerly known as TAPPI?s International Conference on Nanotechnology for
the Forest Products Industry, the title of this annual conference has been
changed to reflect advances in nanotechnology in renewable materials and
their widespread applications in many other industries. To fully embrace
all nano-enabled biomaterials, the conference technical focus has been
expanded to include other nanomaterials along with cellulose.
The 2011 Technical Program Committee invites contributions from
participants working in research, development and deployment of renewable
nanomaterials. Abstracts that focus on new and novel uses are highly
encouraged. Analysis of challenges and trends in emerging markets for
renewable nanomaterials are sought to provide a foundation for new
research and industrial activities. The organizers also encourage
submissions on other aspects of nanotech products including law, policy,
economics and environmental health and safety.
Nanocellulosics and Nanocomposites
Nanocellulosics and nanostructured materials
Separation processes for nanocellulosics
Nano-reinforced films, fibers, and foams
Bio-derived matrix polymers for sustainable nanocomposites
Processing of nanocomposites
Characterization techniques
Computer and Hierarchical modeling
Applications of Renewable Nanomaterials in
Printing inks
Smart materials
Sensing technologies
Molded composite structures
Biofuels, Paper, Paperboard and Wood products
Structural application
Nanostructured materials by self assembly
Nano manufacture & self-assembly
Photonic bandgap pigments for special optical effects in forest
Nanoporous materials for controlled delivery of actives,
immobilization of sensor liquids
Nanotech coatings and novel nano-enabled functionalities
Surface modification and functionalization
Wear and scratch resistant coatings
Novel optical effects
High modulus paper coatings
Novel Piezoelectric effects
Governmental & Environmental Issues
Consumer perception
Policy issues
Environmental impacts
Health & Safety issues
Ethical, legal and social implications
Sustainability analysis
Defense applications
Sean Ireland, Verso Paper Corp., World Nieh, USDA Forest Service, Theodore
Wegner, USDA Forest Service
Submit title and 300 word or less abstracts via TAPPI?s Speaker Management
System: click here to sign in. Due by January 7, 2011. Extended abstracts
or papers due March 7, 2011 ?
Requirements for extended abstracts: 2 pages, single spaced, in a Word
format. Papers need to be single spaced, also in a Word format.
See for more information. Reduced conference rate
available for speakers.
World L.-S. Nieh, Ph.D.
National Program Leader, Forest Products and Wood Utilization
USDA Forest Service, R&D, Resource Use Science
1601 N. Kent Street, RPC-4, Arlington, VA 22209
Phone: (703)605-4197, Fax: (703)605-5137
Mobile: (202)579-1089
Email: wnieh(a)