Dear colleagues,
This is a FINAL REMINDER that the deadline for abstract submission to the 8th IUFRO International Workshop on Resistance Mechanisms and Breeding in Forest Trees is in a week (January 15, 2025)!
We cordially invite you to participate in the 8th IUFRO International Workshop on Resistance Mechanisms and Breeding in Forest Trees organized by IUFRO WPs 7.03.11 (Tree Resistance to Insects and Pathogens) and 2.02.15 (Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines).
When: June 1 to 6, 2025
Where: Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Registration is now open: Please visit the website<> for more details and to register. The new deadline for early bird registration is February 10, 2025.
Abstract submission: We are now accepting abstract<> submissions through the website. The new deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2025.
The Tree Resistance Workshops series provides an international forum to discuss the status and future plans for both tree resistance breeding programs and scientific research efforts in the field of tree resistance mechanisms against pathogens and insects. The topics of discussion will include, among others, conventional tree breeding initiatives, ecology and genetics of resistance and tree-antagonistic relationships in natural and managed tree populations, mechanisms of recognition and signaling of biotic damage and plant defensive strategies, comparative genomics, GWAS, genomic selection and other genomic initiatives looking for resistance, interactive effects of abiotic stressors with biotic resistance, the role of microbiome in resistance, and new methods, technology, and tools for resistance screening. The primary audience is those involved with operational breeding programs as well as academic researchers and extension professionals. We welcome the participation of students and early career professionals.
Become a sponsor and help make this workshop a huge success. Sponsorship money will be used to keep registration costs low. Please visit our sponsorship<> page and download the sponsorship package with details about how your organization can help and take advantage of exposure at this international event!
For questions related to the workshop, please contact:
Nicholas Ukrainetz (Nicholas.Ukrainetz(a)<>) or Caterina Villari (cvillari(a)<>).
Dear colleagues,
We have extended the deadline for both abstract submission and early bird registration.
The new deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2025.
The new deadline for early bird registration is February 10, 2025
We cordially invite you to participate in the 8th IUFRO International Workshop on Resistance Mechanisms and Breeding in Forest Trees organized by IUFRO WPs 7.03.11 (Tree Resistance to Insects and Pathogens) and 2.02.15 (Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines).
When: June 1 to 6, 2025
Where: Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Registration is now open: Please visit the website<> for more details and to register. The new deadline for early bird registration is February 10, 2025.
Abstract submission: We are now accepting abstract<> submissions through the website. The new deadline for abstract submission is January 15, 2025.
The Tree Resistance Workshops series provides an international forum to discuss the status and future plans for both tree resistance breeding programs and scientific research efforts in the field of tree resistance mechanisms against pathogens and insects. The topics of discussion will include, among others, conventional tree breeding initiatives, ecology and genetics of resistance and tree-antagonistic relationships in natural and managed tree populations, mechanisms of recognition and signaling of biotic damage and plant defensive strategies, comparative genomics, GWAS, genomic selection and other genomic initiatives looking for resistance, interactive effects of abiotic stressors with biotic resistance, the role of microbiome in resistance, and new methods, technology, and tools for resistance screening. The primary audience is those involved with operational breeding programs as well as academic researchers and extension professionals. We welcome the participation of students and early career professionals.
Become a sponsor and help make this workshop a huge success. Sponsorship money will be used to keep registration costs low. Please visit our sponsorship<> page and download the sponsorship package with details about how your organization can help and take advantage of exposure at this international event!
For questions related to the workshop, please contact:
Nicholas Ukrainetz (Nicholas.Ukrainetz(a)<>) or Caterina Villari (cvillari(a)<>).
Caterina Villari (she/her)
Associate Professor
Co-Director - Southern Pine Health Research Cooperative
706 389 5031 Office
706 542 0119 Lab
Villari Forest Pathology Lab<><>
D.B. Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
University of Georgia
180 E Green Street
Athens, GA 30602
Integrated Plant Sciences:<>
Dear Division 2 Officeholders and colleagues,
IUFRO Headquarters is organising a on-line meeting to facilitate that you
integrate properly into the IUFRO structure. As many of you are new to your
position, I think it would be very important that you participate in one of
these events (see all information and registration link below).
I take this opportunity to 1) circulate the Minutes of the Administrative
Meeting we held during the past World Congress in Stockholm; and 2) enclose
some updated documents for guidance on your activity at IUFRO.
I thank you for your generous service to IUFRO.
All my best,
Santiago C. González-Martínez
Research Director at UMR1202 BIOGECO <>, Univ.
Bordeaux, INRAE
Coordinator of EVOLTREE <> & *OPT*FORESTS
<> Horizon Europe project
IUFRO Division 2 <>
(Physiology & Genetics) Coordinator
Phone: ++33 (0)5 35 38 53 20
Check out our last publications here
<> and download
the post-prints from HAL
*Please notice that any emails I may send outside of working hours do not
require an immediate response.*
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: IUFRO Headquarters <office(a)>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 at 09:50
Subject: Invitation to the First-Ever IUFRO Officeholder Orientation
To: Santiago Gonzalez-Martinez <santiago.gonzalez-martinez(a)>
* International Union of Forest Research Organizations *
Invitation to the First-Ever IUFRO Officeholder Orientation
Dear IUFRO Colleagues,
We are excited to invite you to the first-ever IUFRO Officeholder
Orientation! This event is designed for all officeholders to:
- *Learn about IUFRO*: Gain a deeper understanding of IUFRO’s mission,
structure, and resources;
- *Amplify Your Impact*: Get the insights you need and contribute your
vision for IUFRO;
- *Meet Other Officeholders*: Expand your network with IUFRO colleagues
from around the world.
This orientation will be held in**, a virtual space platform
that allows for interactive networking and engaging discussions.
*Event Details (Choose one):*
- Session 1: Wednesday, 04 December @ 14:00-15:00 (UTC)
- Session 2: Thursday, 05 December @ 02:00-03:00 (UTC)
Please *RVSP
<> by 22
November* to receive the calendar invite and link.
We believe this orientation will be a valuable opportunity to connect with
your colleagues across all Divisions, learn more about IUFRO, and
contribute to shaping the future of our organization.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best regards,
Woodam Chung, *IUFRO Vice-President for Divisions*
Janice Burns, *IUFRO Thematic Networking Manager*
*You are receiving this message, because you are an IUFRO member or
officeholder or have registered for one of our web-based email distribution
lists. If you wish to unsubscribe from IUFRO mailings, please email us at:
burger(at) <burger(a)>.*
*IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.*
*Website: <> - Email:
office(a) <office(a)>*
*Imprint: <>*
Dear colleagues,
This is a friendly reminder that the deadlines for abstract submission and early bird registration to the 8th IUFRO International Workshop on Resistance Mechanisms and Breeding in Forest Trees are approaching.
Register today using the link below to take advantage of the early bird pricing!
We cordially invite you to participate in the 8th IUFRO International Workshop on Resistance Mechanisms and Breeding in Forest Trees organized by IUFRO WPs 7.03.11 (Tree Resistance to Insects and Pathogens) and 2.02.15 (Breeding and Genetic Resources of Five-Needle Pines).
When: June 1 to 6, 2025
Where: Vernon, British Columbia, Canada
Registration is now open: Please visit the website<> for more details and to register. The deadline for early bird registration is January 15, 2025.
Abstract submission: We are now accepting abstract<> submissions through the website. The deadline for abstract submission is December 20, 2024.
The Tree Resistance Workshops series provides an international forum to discuss the status and future plans for both tree resistance breeding programs and scientific research efforts in the field of tree resistance mechanisms against pathogens and insects. The topics of discussion will include, among others, conventional tree breeding initiatives, ecology and genetics of resistance and tree-antagonistic relationships in natural and managed tree populations, mechanisms of recognition and signaling of biotic damage and plant defensive strategies, comparative genomics, GWAS, genomic selection and other genomic initiatives looking for resistance, interactive effects of abiotic stressors with biotic resistance, the role of microbiome in resistance, and new methods, technology, and tools for resistance screening. The primary audience is those involved with operational breeding programs as well as academic researchers and extension professionals. We welcome the participation of students and early career professionals.
Become a sponsor and help make this workshop a huge success. Sponsorship money will be used to keep registration costs low. Please visit our sponsorship<> page and download the sponsorship package with details about how your organization can help and take advantage of exposure at this international event!
For questions related to the workshop, please contact:
Nicholas Ukrainetz (Nicholas.Ukrainetz(a)<>) or Caterina Villari (cvillari(a)<>).
Caterina Villari (she/her)
Associate Professor
Co-Director - Southern Pine Health Research Cooperative
706 389 5031 Office
706 542 0119 Lab
Villari Forest Pathology Lab<><>
D.B. Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
University of Georgia
180 E Green Street
Athens, GA 30602
Integrated Plant Sciences:<>