Dear Colleague:
IUFRO is pleased to announce that Divisions 1, 4 and 8 as well as Working
Party 1.01.08, together with the Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences, TemaTillväxt, and the University of Copenhagen, Forest &
Landscape, are organizing the:
Ecology, silviculture, forest products, management risks and conservation
31 Aug 3 Sep 2009 - Halmstad, Sweden
Please have a look at the Second announcement and call for abstracts at:
Note in particular the Publication Timeline:
Papers, posters and computer demonstrations are welcomed within the theme of
the conference. Participants are invited to contribute problems and ideas as
well as potential solutions. Extended abstracts (max. one printed page,
including one figure or illustration) for all invited speakers, voluntary
presentations, posters and demonstrations will be available in printed
proceedings format at the start of the conference.
30 April 2009 Last date for submission of abstracts is 30 April 2009.
Abstracts should be prepared according to the guidelines presented on the
conference web-site.
15 May 2009 Notification of acceptance will be issued by 15 May 2009.
15 June 2009 Final, extended abstracts, including specific results, should
be received no later than 15 June 2009.
For more detailed information please visit:
Please distribute this message to colleagues that might be interested in the
conference subject.
Sent by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO Headquarters
on behalf of Jens Peter Skovgaard, University of Copenhagen, Chairman of the
Scientific Advisory Board
Dear Mailing List Members:
As at past IUFRO World Congresses, there will be the opportunity to honour
special scientific performances and achievements with selected IUFRO Awards
in the Seoul Congress in 2010.
If you know scientists doing outstanding forest research, nominate them for
one of the IUFRO Awards and give them the opportunity to travel to and
participate in the Congress as well as the chance to present their research
to the Congress participants.
Choose among the Scientific Achievement Award (SAA), Outstanding Doctoral
Research Award (ODRA) and the IUFRO Student Award (ISA) and make your
nomination soon. Bear in mind that you can only nominate candidates from
IUFRO Member Organizations, - no self-nominations are accepted - and that
the deadline for submission is 31 July 2009.
Find more information and nomination forms on our website and send your nominations to the Chair
of the IUFRO Honours & Awards Committee (Dr. Su See Lee, leess(a)
with copy to the IUFRO Executive Director (Dr. Peter Mayer,
Dr. Su See Lee
Chair of the IUFRO H&A Committee
IUFRO AWARDS at the IUFRO World Congress 2010
Scientific Achievement Award (SAA)
Up to 10 awards to recognize distinguished individual scientific
achievements within the fields of research covered by IUFRO. Criteria for
judgment will be dissemination of results, implementation of knowledge,
methods or techniques in practical forestry and skilled research management
(success in publications, meetings, funding, etc. in a larger group than the
individual) and involvement in IUFRO activities.
Outstanding Doctoral Research Award (ODRA)
One award per IUFRO Division to recognize outstanding individual scientific
achievements among young Doctoral researchers and to encourage further work
within the fields of research covered by the Union.
IUFRO Student Award (ISA)
One award per IUFRO Division to recognise outstanding individual
achievements in forest science made by Masters degree students (or
equivalent), and to encourage their further work within the fields of
research covered by the Union. Nominations can be made through IUFRO member
organizations or officeholders and through members of the International
Forestry Students Association (IFSA).
Furthermore, the Congress will also offer
Best Poster Award (BPA)
To encourage public dissemination of high quality research and to recognize
distinguished poster presentations by young scientists during the IUFRO
World Congress.
and IUFRO World Congress Host Scientific Award
Honors a truly outstanding scientist from the Congress host
country/countries who has elevated the profile of forest science and
research accomplishments.
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
c/o BFW Mariabrunn, Hauptstrasse 7 │ 1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43-1-877 0151 0 │ Fax: +43-1-877 0151 50
Website: <> │ E-mail: