International Union
of Forest Research
XXVI IUFRO World Congress: Call for Abstracts
XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024
Stockholm, Sweden; 23-29 June 2024
Congress website: https://www.iufro2024.com/
Dear forest scientists and experts, dear IUFRO members, dear colleagues,
The Congress Scientific Committee (CSC) is pleased to announce that the Call for Abstracts for the XXVI IUFRO Congress in Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024, is open and welcomes submissions of abstracts for presentations in sub-plenary, technical and poster sessions.
To submit your abstract, please take the following steps:
1. Consult the list of sessions at Call for Congress Abstract | IUFRO Stockholm 2024 (iufro2024.com)<https://iufro2024.com/call-for-congress-abstract>
2. Submit your abstract at Abstract Submission | IUFRO 2024 <https://www.appinconf.com/kas/Abstract?projectName=iufro2024abstracts>
A form for abstract submission is available online. You will be required to insert a title (max 150 characters), authors with their affiliation (the author presenting the paper or poster at the Congress must be designated as the Presenting Author), and text (max 350 words describing context, specific topic of the study, methods, main results, and conclusions in plain writing). No figures, tables or list of references should be added. Please note that abstracts may be submitted in English only.
Authors must select one of the following options: oral only; poster only; oral or poster. The session organizers will decide on the length of a talk, which could range from 2-3 minutes for flash talks to 15 minutes or more for regular talks. Please note that poster presenters will be given the opportunity to present their work orally (2-3 min) during moderated poster sessions. The Congress will feature only digital poster displays to ensure high visibility for poster presentations. Poster areas will be open and free to visit during the whole Congress.
Authors are limited to a maximum of two abstracts as presenting author, although an individual may be listed as a co-author on several abstracts. Abstracts not associated with one of the sessions in the list may be assigned to a general poster session. Session organizers will review the abstracts for scientific quality, topical significance and relevance to the Congress themes<https://iufro2024.com/iufro-world-congress-2024/forests-and-society-towards…> and to the particular session to which the abstract is submitted, and assign them as oral or poster presentations. You will be informed in due time about the type and length of your presentation.
Candidates for Best Poster Award<https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/discover/honour-bpa.pdf> must apply online during the abstract submission process.
Abstracts will be accepted until 2 June 2023. Authors will be informed if their presentation is accepted by 30 October 2023. In order to remain in the programme, the registration deadline for Presenting Authors of accepted abstracts is 15 January 2024.
We look forward to your active participation in the design of the scientific program for the 2024 IUFRO Congress in Stockholm.
Elena Paoletti
On behalf of the CSC
You are receiving this message because you are an IUFRO member or officeholder.
Contact us at office(a)iufro.org<mailto:office@iufro.org> or visit https://www.iufro.org/
IUFRO Headquarters, Marxergasse 2, 1030 Vienna, Austria.
Imprint: https://www.iufro.org/legal/#c74 * Privacy policy: https://www.iufro.org/legal/#c10397
Dear colleagues,
I send you attached the first communication about the next conference of the Working Group 2.08.03 "Improvement and culture of Eucalyptus" that will take place in Uruguay on next November.
Soon we will be sending a new communication with more detailed information.
We hope to see you all in Colonia del Sacramento
Best regards
Gustavo Balmelli
Deputy Coordinator Unit 2.08.03
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites applications for the position of Professor in »Tree Growth and Wood Physiology«, W3 Associate or W3 Full Professor, to begin as soon as possible. The professorship will be assigned to the TUM School of Life Sciences, Department Life Science Systems, located at the interdisciplinary campus Freising-Weihenstephan. The School provides ample opportunities for collaboration in the areas of forestry, biological and agricultural sciences. Close collaboration of the professorship with TUM.wood and the Center of Forestry Weihenstephan is intended. The responsibilities include research and teaching as well as the promotion of early-career scientists. TUM seeks to appoint an expert in the research area of tree growth and wood physiology based on experimental or modelling data with a focus on forest stands and environmental change. Teaching responsibilities include courses in the university's bachelor and master programs, including the master's program Sustainable Resource Management. TUM is looking for candidates who have demonstrated excellent achievements in research and teaching in an internationally recognized scientific environment, relative to the relevant career level.
An der Technischen Universität München (TUM) ist die Position als Professor (w/m/d) für »Tree Growth and Wood Physiology« in Besoldungsgruppe W3 Associate oder W3 Full Professor zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt zu besetzen. Die Professur wird dem Department Life Science Systems an der TUM School of Life Sciences zugeordnet, die sich am interdisziplinären Campus Freising-Weihenstephan befindet. Die School bietet umfangreiche Kooperationsmöglichkeiten in den Bereichen Forstwirtschaft, Biologie und Agrarwissenschaften. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit der Professur mit TUM.wood und dem Zentrum Wald-Forst-Holz Weihenstephan wird angestrebt. Zu den Aufgaben gehören Forschung und Lehre sowie Betreuung und Förderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses. TUM sucht eine Expertin oder einen Experten im Forschungsgebiet Baumwachstum und Holzphysiologie, basierend auf experimentellen oder Modellierungsdaten, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Forstbeständen und Umweltveränderung. Zu den Aufgaben in der Lehre gehört die Mitwirkung in den Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen der TUM, einschließlich des Masterstudiengangs Sustainable Resource Management. TUM sucht eine Persönlichkeit, die herausragende Leistungen, entsprechend des zutreffenden Karrierelevels, in Forschung und Lehre in einem international anerkannten wissenschaftlichen Umfeld vorweisen kann.
Application deadline: 21 April 2023
Dear Iufro colleagues,
On the occasion of the International Day of Forests on March 21st, a
group of forest scientists of the Forests and Societies Research Unit of
Cirad, thought it would be an opportunity to publish an opinion column
to recall the urgent need to conserve and to safeguard the tropical
forests. This opinion column will be published in the French online
newspaper Reporterre which has about 1.5 million readers per month.
Please take few minutes to read it and if you agree with the contents,
please sign it by filling the form available on this link:
If you want to sign the form, please do it before *March 13th, Midnight
By signing this paper you are signing as an individual but you can also
indicate your institution. The list of signatories and their institution
(if you indicate it) will also be published on the Reporterre website
with the paper.
The original text is in French but I attached an English version of it
for the non French speakers.
We hope that this opinion paper will reach a large public and will be
of interest for others medias. With this, we hope that we will be able
to increase our visibility and get opportunities to talk further about
the urgency in saving the tropical forests.
Please do not hesitate to disseminate this message to your scientists
and students networks.
Plinio Sist #2708
Directeur-Director UR Forêts et Sociétés
Tropical managed Forests Observatory (TmFO) Coordinator
IUFRO 1.02.00 Silviculture of tropical forests
Plinio Sist #2708
Directeur-Director UR Forêts et Sociétés
Tropical managed Forests Observatory (TmFO) Coordinator
IUFRO 1.02.00 Silviculture of tropical forests
Campus International de Baillarguet, TA C-105/D
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
Tél : +33 4 67 59 39 13
Tel.Portable/Mobile Phone: +33 786 3289 46
Open post for a PhD student at Slovenian Forestry Institute
(Use of genomic data to improve prediction of tree provenance growth and resilience under future climate)
The candidate will conduct research based on a combination of field and laboratory work and from existing genomics datasets. He/she will collaborate in international projects (H2020 FORGENIUS, Horizon Europe OptFORESTS) and with recognized research institutions in Slovenia and abroad. Through his/her work and participation in various workshops/conferences, the candidate will acquire skills that will enable him/her to have a successful scientific career after graduation. He/she will gain experience with analyzing large datasets and high-performance computing, molecular lab, critical thinking, audience-friendly communication including manuscript writing and teamwork.
Work description
The proposed research will combine knowledge from different scientific fields, especially genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, and modelling working with long-lived forest trees. The research will focus on understanding the adaptability and maladaptation of different tree provenances to climate change by including genomic data from common gardens into models predicting the growth and resilience under different environments, including calculations of statistics related to population vulnerability (e.g., genomic offset). The training program of the young researcher and the exact content of the PhD project will be agreed with the selected candidate. The choice of the University is negotiable.
Candidate’s profile
We expect the candidate to have a desire to explore data, creativity, initiative, sound critical judgment, and the ability to work in a team. Working in international collaborations requires a good command of the English language. The candidate should have a basic knowledge of genetics and genomics and a willingness to further develop his/her knowledge in these fields along with learning bioinformatics and modelling. The candidate should be willing to travel for extended periods of time to attend training courses and obtain experience at partner institutions abroad. We expect a candidate with a MSc degree in genetics, biology, forestry, agriculture, or other related fields. Experience in programming languages (R, Python) and command of Linux is desirable.
The young researcher will work in the Department of Forest Physiology and Genetics at the Slovenian Forestry Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The PhD student will be employed full time for 4 years and will receive all social benefits. The work will start on October 1, 2023.
Further information:
Please contact Marjana Westergren, e-mail: marjana.westergren(a)gozdis.si<mailto:marjana.westergren@gozdis.si> for further information.
Open positions in other disciplines and more details about the above one are available at this link: https://www.gozdis.si/f/docs/informacije-javnega-znacaja/Public-Call-for-Ap…
Dr. Marjana Westergren, univ. dipl. inž. gozd / For. Eng.
Znanstvena sodelavka / Research fellow
[Text Description automatically generated with low confidence]
Večna pot 2, SI–1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
Telefon/Phone: +386 (0)1 200 78 54
E-mail: marjana.westergren(a)gozdis.si<mailto:marjana.westergren@gozdis.si> / www.gozdis.si<http://www.gozdis.si>
Dear Colleagues,
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations' (IUFRO), Poplar and Willow Genetics Working Party 2.08.04, convenes the International Poplar Symposium (IPS) every four years for the presentation and discussion of the most recent and important scientific findings in Populus and Salix genetics, molecular biology, physiology, ecology, wood science, etc. The next symposium, IPS-IX, will be held in 2026. IPS-IX will follow previous poplar symposia held in Seattle, Washington, USA (IPS-I, 1995), Orleans, France (IPS-II, 1999), Uppsala, Sweden (IPS-III, 2002), Nanjing, China (IPS-IV, 2006), Orvieto, Italy (IPS-V, 2010), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (IPS-VI, 2014), Buenos Aires, Argentina (IPS-VII, 2018), and most recently, Novi Sad, Serbia (IPS-VIII, 2022, virtual).
The Poplar and Willow Genetics Working Party 2.08.04 welcomes all proposals to host IPS-IX.
Details about the sections of a bid are available at: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/divisions/div2/20804/ips-i…
Please submit your bid by 1 May 2023 to Dr. Ron Zalesny (USDA Forest Service, USA), 2.08.04 coordinator, via electronic mail (ronald.zalesny(a)usda.gov<mailto:ronald.zalesny@usda.gov>)
posted on behalf of Ronald S. Zalesny Jr., PhD
Supervisory Research Plant Geneticist
Dear Division 2 and IUFRO 2.09.02 Colleagues,
Pr. Stéphane Maury, WG1 leader of the EU COST action
<https://www.epicatch.eu/> EPI-CATCH (Epigenetic mechanisms of crop
adaptation to climate change) would like to advertise our memberships about
the 3rd EPI-CATCH Conference Epigenetics in Crop Improvement, from
Mechanisms to Applications to be organized 30 May 1 June 2023 in Sofia,
Bulgaria. The conference will host sessions on plant epigenetic responses to
environmental stresses, underlying epigenetic mechanisms, advances and new
approaches in plant epigenetics for crop improvement in the context of
global warming. Of course, a topic of high relevance for breeding and
propagating forest trees!
Please find attached the conference brochure. If interested, you can access
the conference website <https://61e6e24bcea16.site123.me/> here to find
appropriate links and deadlines. In case of any question about this event,
please contact Dr. Federico Martinelli (
<mailto:federico.martinelli@unifi.it> federico.martinelli(a)unifi.it)
Warm regards! Stay tuned, new IUFRO 2.09.02 networking activities to be
announced soon!
IUFRO 2.09.02 Coordinator