Dear Colleague:
IUFRO is pleased to announce that Divisions 1, 4 and 8 as well as Working
Party 1.01.08, together with the Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences, TemaTillväxt, and the University of Copenhagen, Forest &
Landscape, are organizing the:
Ecology, silviculture, forest products, management risks and conservation
31 Aug 3 Sep 2009 - Halmstad, Sweden
Please have a look at the Second announcement and call for abstracts at:
Note in particular the Publication Timeline:
Papers, posters and computer demonstrations are welcomed within the theme of
the conference. Participants are invited to contribute problems and ideas as
well as potential solutions. Extended abstracts (max. one printed page,
including one figure or illustration) for all invited speakers, voluntary
presentations, posters and demonstrations will be available in printed
proceedings format at the start of the conference.
30 April 2009 Last date for submission of abstracts is 30 April 2009.
Abstracts should be prepared according to the guidelines presented on the
conference web-site.
15 May 2009 Notification of acceptance will be issued by 15 May 2009.
15 June 2009 Final, extended abstracts, including specific results, should
be received no later than 15 June 2009.
For more detailed information please visit:
Please distribute this message to colleagues that might be interested in the
conference subject.
Sent by Brigitte Burger, IUFRO Headquarters
on behalf of Jens Peter Skovgaard, University of Copenhagen, Chairman of the
Scientific Advisory Board
The 2nd International Conference on Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources
in Siberia (Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 3-9, 2009)
Dear prospective participants of the conference,
The registration and abstract submission deadline has been extended till May
30th. Please, register and submit your abstract on-line at
If you have not booked your flight yet, please, notice that the conference
starts on August 3rd morning, and the best time for arriving would be August
The conference program will be announced and displayed at after July 7th.
We hope to see you at the conference!
Best regards,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
Konstantin (Kostya) V. Krutovsky, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Ecosystem Science & Management
Texas A&M University
#319 Horticulture and Forest Science Building (HFSB)
2138 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2138
Phone: (979) 458-1417 (office)
(979) 458-0471 (lab)
Fax: (979) 845-6049
E-mail: k-krutovsky(a)
Please download this announcement and call for papers at
DIVISION 1: Unit 1.01.10 Ecology and silviculture of pine
DIVISION 2: Unit 2.02.13 Breeding and genetic resources of Mediterranean
DIVISION 4: Unit 4.01.00 - Forest mensuration and modelling
Joint International Meeting
10-12 February, 2010
University of Valladolid at Palencia, Spain
With the scientific support of:
Instituto Gestión Forestal Sostenible (UVa-INIA)
With the technical collaboration of:
FAO Silva Mediterranea
EFI Mediterranean Regional Office - EFIMED
Background and theme
Global change challenges forestry around the world by changing both
environmental and social conditions. This fact is especially true in the
Mediterranean basin, one of the biodiversity hotspots, where climate change
and demographic development will likely have strong impacts in the near
future. The Mediterranean area is especially sensitive to any climate change
because it represents a transition zone between arid and humid regions of
the world, which make this region an interesting model system to study the
effects of global change on terrestrial ecosystems.
Climate change in the Mediterranean region is revealing itself by
temperature increase, change in precipitation regimes, and more frequent
extreme events, such as drought, heat waves and storms, which in turn
increase the frequency and intensity of forest fires, pest outbreak and wind
damages. Such changes affect drastically forest growth and health, the
capacity of forests to sequester carbon as well as the diversity of forest
ecosystems either directly or indirectly. The Mediterranean resources are
simultaneously threatened and strategic because of possible future use in a
broader geographical range. Therefore, improving the knowledge about the
effects of such environmental changes to forest regeneration, growth and
mortality needs to be improved for predicting forest responses from the gene
to the community level. Without such knowledge it is impossible to develop
adequate adaptive management models for Mediterranean forest.
Meeting Key Challenges:
a. A better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the physiological
and ecological responses of different Mediterranean pine species (in terms
of nutrient uptake, growth, biotic stress factors, etc.) to climate change
and water availability is needed to define new adaptive management regimes
for reducing water use and ensuring the long-term soil preservation.
b. Understanding the ecological and genetic adaptive capacity of pine
species in response to environmental changes and various forest management
c. Anticipating the effects of interactions between different components
of future environmental changes.
The Meeting, and therefore the contributions, is expected to add to the
following main research fields:
* Forestry strategies to cope with global change
* Ecological and Genetic adaptations to climate change
* Interaction between genetics, ecology and silviculture of
Mediterranean pines under global change conditions
Scientific programme
* Global framework
* Interaction between genetics, ecology and silviculture of
Mediterranean pines under global change conditions
* Policy and management implications
* Case studies
Conference webpage
Information on the Meeting, as well as registration and chance for entering
abstracts in the Meetings peer-review scheme can be found at This Internet domain mirrors, where those facilities are
Call for abstracts
Authors willing to submit a paper or poster must send an abstract written in
English, of no more than 300 words, before 15 July 2009. The abstracts will
be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the Meeting.
Abstract instructions
* Please submit abstracts through the communications module of (registration required, preferred option) or by sending it
to the Meeting Secretariat
* In the second case, abstracts should be submitted in plain text
* Main body of abstract should be 300 words or less
* Information on a given abstract must include:
· Title
· Authors and affiliations
· Body of abstract
· Contact information for corresponding author, including mailing
address, phone, and email.
· Type of submission (paper or poster)
· Suggestion for most applicable theme
· Name of presenter
* Abstracts due: 20 July 2009
* Notification of acceptance: 9 October 2009
* Final papers: 7 December 2009
Manuscript formatting
Edited proceedings will be distributed at the Meeting, and will include
accepted papers and posters. A publication of selected papers is further
Deadlines and dates
Early registration: 1 May 2009
Abstract submission: Not after 20 July 2009
Notification of acceptance: Not after 9 October 2009
Paper due: 7 December 2009
Meeting: 10-12 February 2010
Details on registration, accommodation and travel information will be
provided through or by the Secretariat at (e-mailed)
Further information
Questions and information requests can be directed to:
Dr. Felipe Bravo
c/o IUFRO 2010 Meeting Secretariat
Sustainable Forest Management Research Institute
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agrarias, Universidad de Valladolid
Postal address: Avda. Madrid 57
34004 Palencia
Tel.: (+34) 979108440
Fax: (+34) 979108430
Mail: secretariat(a)