International Union
of Forest Research
XXVI IUFRO World Congress: Call for Abstracts
XXVI IUFRO World Congress 2024
Stockholm, Sweden; 23-29 June 2024
Congress website: https://www.iufro2024.com/
Dear forest scientists and experts, dear IUFRO members, dear colleagues,
The Congress Scientific Committee (CSC) is pleased to announce that the Call for Abstracts for the XXVI IUFRO Congress in Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024, is open and welcomes submissions of abstracts for presentations in sub-plenary, technical and poster sessions.
To submit your abstract, please take the following steps:
1. Consult the list of sessions at Call for Congress Abstract | IUFRO Stockholm 2024 (iufro2024.com)<https://iufro2024.com/call-for-congress-abstract>
2. Submit your abstract at Abstract Submission | IUFRO 2024 <https://www.appinconf.com/kas/Abstract?projectName=iufro2024abstracts>
A form for abstract submission is available online. You will be required to insert a title (max 150 characters), authors with their affiliation (the author presenting the paper or poster at the Congress must be designated as the Presenting Author), and text (max 350 words describing context, specific topic of the study, methods, main results, and conclusions in plain writing). No figures, tables or list of references should be added. Please note that abstracts may be submitted in English only.
Authors must select one of the following options: oral only; poster only; oral or poster. The session organizers will decide on the length of a talk, which could range from 2-3 minutes for flash talks to 15 minutes or more for regular talks. Please note that poster presenters will be given the opportunity to present their work orally (2-3 min) during moderated poster sessions. The Congress will feature only digital poster displays to ensure high visibility for poster presentations. Poster areas will be open and free to visit during the whole Congress.
Authors are limited to a maximum of two abstracts as presenting author, although an individual may be listed as a co-author on several abstracts. Abstracts not associated with one of the sessions in the list may be assigned to a general poster session. Session organizers will review the abstracts for scientific quality, topical significance and relevance to the Congress themes<https://iufro2024.com/iufro-world-congress-2024/forests-and-society-towards…> and to the particular session to which the abstract is submitted, and assign them as oral or poster presentations. You will be informed in due time about the type and length of your presentation.
Candidates for Best Poster Award<https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/discover/honour-bpa.pdf> must apply online during the abstract submission process.
Abstracts will be accepted until 2 June 2023. Authors will be informed if their presentation is accepted by 30 October 2023. In order to remain in the programme, the registration deadline for Presenting Authors of accepted abstracts is 15 January 2024.
We look forward to your active participation in the design of the scientific program for the 2024 IUFRO Congress in Stockholm.
Elena Paoletti
On behalf of the CSC
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Hello colleagues worldwide,
[The Ohio State University]
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office / 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2(a)osu.edu<mailto:bonello.2@osu.edu> / Website<https://plantpath.osu.edu/our-people/pierluigi-enrico-bonello>
Zoom: https://go.osu.edu/enricozoom
Pronouns: he/him/his
Specialty Chief Editor: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change – Pests, Pathogens and Invasions<https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/forests-and-global-change/sections/pes…>
Center for Applied Plant Sciences<https://caps.osu.edu/>
Infectious Diseases Institute<https://idi.osu.edu/>
Sustainability Institute<https://si.osu.edu/home>
Environmental Science Graduate Program<http://esgp.osu.edu/>
The STEAM Factory<https://steamfactory.osu.edu/>
From: Leigh Greenwood <lgreenwood(a)TNC.ORG>
Date: Monday, February 13, 2023 at 12:53 PM
To: "Lebow, Beth" <elizabeth.lebow(a)usda.gov>, Andrew Liebhold <aliebhold(a)gmail.com>, "andrew.liebhold(a)usda.gov" <andrew.liebhold(a)usda.gov>, "Williams, Geoffrey (CTR) - FS, EUGENE, OR" <Geoffrey.Williams(a)usda.gov>, "Hulcr,Jiri" <hulcr(a)ufl.edu>, "Deriel, Elise - FS" <elise.deriel(a)usda.gov>, Rebecca Turner <Rebecca.Turner(a)scionresearch.com>, "MacQuarrie, Chris" <christian.macquarrie(a)NRCan-RNCan.gc.ca>, Emma Hudgins <EmmaHudgins(a)cunet.carleton.ca>, "Enrico Bonello.2" <bonello.2(a)osu.edu>
Subject: FW: [fisnet] Forest Health - Needs assessment
Hello forest health colleagues! Please see below and attached for a Needs Assessment being conducted on invasive species and forests by the FAO. In order for this Needs Assessment to reach a wide array of professionals outside of the USA, I
Hello forest health colleagues!
Please see below and attached for a Needs Assessment being conducted on invasive species and forests by the FAO. In order for this Needs Assessment to reach a wide array of professionals outside of the USA, I tried to pick each person on this list due to their likely good connections, or literal being, outside the USA. Please distribute widely as you see fit. Thank you!
From: Forest Invasive Species <fisnet(a)dgroups.org> On Behalf Of Natalia Paola Cano Marimon
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2023 2:03 AM
To: Forest Invasive Species <fisnet(a)dgroups.org
Subject: [fisnet] Forest Health - Needs assessment
Dear all,
Happy Monday!
At FAO we are working to protect forests health, to do this we would like to have your say about what is being done and what is needed still in your own contexts.
Find more information attached or access the assessment through the following link: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=UOywkz_87UeTRZ_8YBJUHOh…<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx…>
Do not hesitate to reach out and share further comments.
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You are receiving this message because you are a member of the community Forest Invasive Species<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/dgroups.org/fao/fisnet?e=*__e*vc*e4ea85e…>.
View this contribution on the web site<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/dgroups.org/_/8djcfby0?e=*__e*vc*e4ea85e…>
A reply to this message will be sent to all members of Forest Invasive Species.
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The 62nd annual Southern Forest Insect Work Conference will be held 25-27 July 2023 (Tuesday - Thursday) in Raleigh, North Carolina USA!
We have chosen the Sheraton Raleigh Hotel for our meeting. Although meeting registration is not yet open, I encourage you to make your hotel reservation as soon as possible. We have a block of 80 rooms (Tuesday-Thursday nights) and 70 rooms (Monday night) set aside for the group until June 24, 2023, so make your reservations by this date. Don't miss out on the special pricing!
IMPORTANT: For the second year in a row, we will hold the entire meeting on Tuesday-Thursday, making Monday and Friday travel days. The opening business meeting and plenary session will begin after lunch on Tuesday. A full day of concurrent sessions, the closing business meeting, and awards banquet are scheduled for Thursday. Depending on your travel plans, you may want to reserve a room for Monday night even if you haven't needed to do this for past meetings.
Here are the details:
Date: 25-27 July 2023
Place: Sheraton Raleigh Hotel, 421 South Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina USA
Phone reservations: 800-325-3535. Mention the group code: SFI.
Online reservations link:
Self-parking is available at the hotel for $15 per day plus tax.
Visit https://www.marriott.com/en-us/hotels/rdusi-sheraton-raleigh-hotel/overview/<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.marri…> for hotel information.
Room rates are $149.00 per night plus tax for up to 4 occupants and are good for the nights of 24-27 July, 2023. Remember, this low rate is valid only until June 24, 2023, and only for the first 80 rooms (first 70 on Monday, July 24). Make your reservation right away!
I hope to see you in Raleigh in July!
William P. Shepherd, SFIWC Secretary-Treasurer
USDA Forest Service SRS
2500 Shreveport Highway
Pineville, LA 71360 USA
Voice: 318-473-7256
FAX: 318-473-7222
SFIWC website: http://www.sfiwc.org<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.sfiwc.…>
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Dear colleagues,
Following the announcement of the IUFRO conference on bark and wood
boring insects in Bordeaux (France) from August 29 to September 1, 2023,
we invite you without further delay to *pre-register* by following the
link below:
This will be very useful for us to adjust the logistics of organizing
our meeting and to keep you informed
Thank you in advance!
Best regards
Hervé on behalf of the organizing committee
Directeur de Recherches
Entomologie Forestière & Biodiversité
Forest Entomology & Biodiversity
69, route d'Arcachon
33612 CESTAS cedex, France
Tel + 33 (0)5 35 38 53 11
Hello all
Mark your calendars! I just wanted to let you know that our session for
IUFRO in Stockholm, 2024 was approved. The title is “*Mini-Symposium:
Resilience of Forest Biodiversity to Climate Change and Pests: Civic
Engagement and Conservation in Seed Banks, Public Gardens, and Wild, Urban,
and Agroforestry Landscapes*”
This has been organized by myself, Jill Wagner, Sean Hoban, Lara Salido and
Denita Hadziabdic. I shared with the rest of you because I would love for
you to submit for a talk, a poster, or to participate in a panel discussion
and/or spread the word to others. The submissions will open soon (details
coming February 10). The speakers will be selected by the organizing
committee as well as the session organizers.
Here is a link to the meeting and submission details and description:
*Mini-Symposium: Resilience of Forest Biodiversity to Climate Change and
Pests: Civic Engagement and Conservation in Seed Banks, Public Gardens, and
Wild, Urban, and Agroforestry Landscapes*
*To conserve biodiversity, multiple approaches can be taken on the ground.
This mini-symposium (Panel, Flash-talks & Posters) represents experts who
focus on complementary aspects of conservation and reforestation; threat
assessment, seed collecting and banking from wild trees, collective action
and civic engagement, the roles of public gardens in conserving genetic
resources, developing genetic resistance to pests to conserve biodiversity,
and the importance of conserving genetic diversity in the face of pests and
climate change.*
*Seed is the unit by which biodiversity is propagated, and therefore,
protected. There is ever increasing pollination disruption with shifting
local climate conditions and more fragmented and degraded native
ecosystems. As forests and genetic diversity are lost, so are mother trees
for seed collection, in a time when people want to greatly scale
reforestation efforts. In addition to potential declines in seed crops,
global trade, biodiversity loss, and fragmentation increase the threat of
emergent insect and pathogen outbreaks, resulting in local or range-wide
extinction of iconic tree species. Therefore, there is a global need for
threat assessments, seed collection and banking of native tree species.*
*In the context of the above challenges and solutions, public gardens and
arboreta are critical to the resilience of forests and society. In addition
to acting as living collections, seed sources, and refugia of tree species,
public gardens serve as biodiversity hotspots in cities, and meeting places
for public and volunteer conservation efforts and outreach. As sentinels,
trees in public gardens can be used to proactively detect emergent disease
threats. Through collective action, exchange of information, public
engagement, and local expert knowledge, “think global, act local” could be
applied to aid proactive efforts to protect forest biodiversity from the
next major pests across the world. Local experts and civic ecologists can
accomplish this by collecting seed and observing trees in native
environments, plantations, public gardens, and urban forests.*
*Breeding or human-directed genetic improvement presents a practical
solution for restoration of species that are impacted by emergent pest
epidemics, climate change, or other threats. The utility of breeding to
protect biodiversity also depends on the prior establishments of seed banks
and other germplasm resources. It is critical to generate a prior
understanding of the diversity of populations of tree species valued for
their ecological, horticultural, or economic and commercial
characteristics, the observed or potential effects of threats to those
populations, and the role diversity could play in recovery of species.*
We look forward to seeing the submissions of you and your colleagues to
this event.
Best regards,
*Geoff Williams, PhD International Sentinel Network Coordinator*
*Forest Service *
*International Programs*
*Office of the Chief*
*Office: +1 (202) 263-9231*
*WhatsApp: +1 (208) 874-7604 **geoffrey.williams(a)usda.gov
<geoffrey.williams(a)usda.gov> *
3101 Discovery Dr., Suite F
Lansing, MI 48910
*Caring for the land and serving people*
Dear Division 7 colleagues,
Please see below an email from Bastien Castagneyrol from INRAE. Bastien and Maarten de Groot are looking for new partners.
Dear forest entomologist colleagues,
We are looking for partners in the native range of the oak lace bug Corythucha arcuata (North America) for a small-investment-high-reward* experiment between June and August. We are particularly interested in place where the species is reasonably abundant and easy to spot.
If you are interested, please contact us to know more
Many thanks in advance,
Bastien Castagneyrol & Maarten de Groot
* Three working days in 2023, for cool results and one nice co-authored paper
Bastien Castagneyrol
Domaine de l'Hermitage
69 route d'Arcachon
33612 Cestas Cedex
Joséphine Queffelec, PhD (She/Her/Elle)
Natural Resources Canada
Great Lakes Forestry Centre
(+1) 705-541-5636
Deputy Coordinator
IUFRO Research Group 7.03.00 - Entomology
IUFRO Task Force 46 - Precision Pest Management in Forest Ecosystems
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that an IUFRO conference will be held in
*Bordeaux, France*, from *August 29 to September 1*, *2023 *on “*Global
challenges and innovative management of bark and wood borers in planted
It will be jointly organized by the WP7.03.05 “Ecology and management of
bark and wood boring insects”, WP 7.03.07 “Population dynamics of forest
insects”, WP7.03.16 “Behavioral and Chemical Ecology of Forest Insects”,
and the Task Forces on “Precision Pest Management in Forest Ecosystems”
and “Resilient Planted Forests Serving Society & Bioeconomy”.
More information to come but please *save the dates!*
Hervé Jactel, Juan Corley, Dimitrios Avtzis, Jess Hartshorn, Jean-Noël
Candau, Natalia Kirichenko, Jeremy Allison, Andres Gonzalez Ritzel,
Quentin Guignard, Sigrid Netherer, Victoria Lantschner, Josephine
Queffelec, Christophe Orazio, Peter Freer-Smith, Tim Payn and Margarida
Directeur de Recherches
Entomologie Forestière & Biodiversité
Forest Entomology & Biodiversity
69, route d'Arcachon
33612 CESTAS cedex, France
Tel + 33 (0)5 35 38 53 11
Dear international colleagues,
First of all, happy holidays everyone!
I am writing to you in my role as Specialty Chief Editor representing the editorial team of Frontiers in Forests and Global Change – Pests, Pathogens and Invasions<https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/forests-and-global-change/sections/pes…> (IF: 4.332). I would like to invite you all to consider submission of research topics or individual research papers. We are specifically interested in regionally focused research topics or articles. For example, topics and papers around pests and pathogens in Southeast Asia, or pests and pathogens in Central Africa, etcetera.
Other topics of interest revolve around the issue of invasions by non-native pests and pathogens, specifically the issues of prediction of invaders and target countries/continents, and analyses of introduction pathways, including means of introduction (lives plants for planting, dunnage, etc.) and predominant global trade routes. Other topics around aspects of biotech and machine learning to exploit biological and genetic data are also of high interest.
I hope you will consider submitting to the journal soon, and with this I wish you all the best for a successful 2023!
[The Ohio State University]
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Road, Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office / 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2(a)osu.edu<mailto:bonello.2@osu.edu> / Website<https://plantpath.osu.edu/our-people/pierluigi-enrico-bonello>
Zoom: https://go.osu.edu/enricozoom
Pronouns: he/him/his
Specialty Chief Editor: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change – Pests, Pathogens and Invasions<https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/forests-and-global-change/sections/pes…>
Center for Applied Plant Sciences<https://caps.osu.edu/>
Infectious Diseases Institute<https://idi.osu.edu/>
Sustainability Institute<https://si.osu.edu/home>
Environmental Science Graduate Program<http://esgp.osu.edu/>
The STEAM Factory<https://steamfactory.osu.edu/>
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that WP7.02.13 Forest Health in Southern Hemisphere Commercial Plantations announce our second meeting:
Novel and classical strategies to manage forest health in plantations
Where: Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
When: 17-20 September 2023
Carlos Frederico Wilcken, Caroline Dias de Souza, Edson Luiz Furtado, and Leonardo Rodrigues Barbosa will be the local organisers.
Attached is the first announcement. Also available online here: https://www.iufro.org/fileadmin/material/science/divisions/div7/70213/matto…
March: call for abstracts - Registration open
May: abstract submission deadline - Early registration close
June: abstract acceptance communication
September 17th: Opening session at 7 p.m.
Please share this announcement with your forest pathology and entomology colleagues.
Apologies if you receive this message more than once as we will be circulating through several channels.
Best wishes,
Stuart Fraser
Research Group Leader, Ecology and Environment
Titokorangi Drive (formerly Long Mile Road), Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand
DDI +64 7 343 5500 | Mobile +64 22 160 1097
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Dear colleagues,
The National Institute of Agricultural Research of Uruguay (INIA) is looking for a researcher in the field of forest entomology. The hired candidate will join a multidisciplinary team operating in INIA Tacuarembó, within the Forestry Research System.
Main responsibilities:
· Develop and conduct research projects on forest pests.
· Be part of multidisciplinary teams and participate in international networks.
· Prepare technical reports and write scientific manuscripts.
· Suggest, plan, and conduct outreach activities for diverse target audience (stakeholders, decision-makers, students, and general public).
* Supervise and evaluate performance of personnel under their direction.
Required qualifications:
* University degree in biological sciences, agronomy or equivalent academic training and a finished PhD degree by the date of hire.
· Authorship of published scientific manuscripts with focus in forest entomology, in international peer reviewed indexed journals.
· Experience in leading research projects and in collaborating within multidisciplinary inter-institutional networks.
· English language proficiency.
Preferred qualifications:
· Work experience in the field of forest entomology.
· Good understanding of the Uruguayan forestry sector.
· Spanish language proficiency.
Work conditions:
This is a permanent position with a one-year probationary period subjected to satisfactory performance evaluation by the end of the period.
It is a full-time position that requires availability to travel around the country and abroad.
Evaluation procedure:
A preselection round will be merit-based with focus on the required qualifications.
Top candidates meeting those criteria will have a technical and psychological interview.
During the interview, candidates will be evaluated for their potential, scientific vocation, and aptitude for integrating multidisciplinary teams.
Applications should be emailed to rrhh(a)inia.org.uy attaching updated CV, proof of achieved degrees, motivation letter and salary expectations. Please use “Ref. Inv. Entomología” as the email subject. Due date to receive applications: December 5th, 2022.
You can also access this call directly at INIA website here<http://www.inia.uy/Documentos/P%C3%BAblicos/Llamados%20de%20personal/TB/lla…> (in Spanish).
Feel free to forward the call to other colleagues.
Best Regards
[Twitter]<https://twitter.com/INIA_UY> [cid:image003.png@01D8BBBF.1A808E90] <https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOOWOjgZHO2pTNPBLXdHooA> [cid:image004.jpg@01D8BBBF.1A808E90] <http://inia.uy/>
Dr. Gonzalo Martínez Crosa
Director (int) - Sistema Forestal
Tel: +598 4632 2407 ext 1387
Cel: +598 99 321633
Estación Experimental del Norte
Campus Interinstitucional de Tacuarembó| Ruta 5 km 386. Tacuarembó – Uruguay