Please Note! Respond only to:
Kim Camilli, Pathologist, CalFire
Dear colleagues,
I am sending this note regarding the
California Forest Pest Council (CFPC), to
1) update contact and interest information of current members,
2) give an opportunity to anyone wanting to be on its mailing list
3) to see if others would like to become members of the Council and its
The CFPC is an organization whose aim is to foster education
concerning forest pests and forest health, and advise the
California Board of Forestry and Fire Protection
on forest health protection.
The major Forest Health protection issues covered
include established and emerging
insects, pathogens, abiotic factors,
invasive weeds, and animal problems.
The CFPC publishes an annual
California Forest Pest Conditions Report,
which is a great outlet for noting changes
in severity and occurrences of forest health problems.
CFPC has annual meetings every fall (this year, Nov. 18-19)
open to anyone interested in forest health, including
CFPC members, forest managers, forest pest specialists,
policy makers and analysts, and government agencies.
It also has summer field tours showcasing
California forest problems caused by
1) weeds, and 2) insects and diseases.
for more info and details on
the upcoming 2008 Annual meeting.
All are welcome to receive alerts of upcoming events,
or to join the council and its committees
and membership is free!
Please update contact info or show interest in being a member of
CFPC and / or one or more committees.
Email responses only to: kim.camilli(a)
Kim Camilli, Pathologist
California Dept. of Fire and Forest Protection
South Coast and Southern California Forest Health
This message is being sent to the old CFPC membership
list and, for recruiting, to the following lists:
Paul Zambino
Pathology Committee Chair
California Forest Pest Council
Title / Organization
___Tour attended W(eed) I(nsect and Disease)
Do you want to: (X)
___Be on email list? (To receive notices)
___Be a member?
___OK to Post Your Contact Info on Web Site?
___Be on a committee?
___Be on Insect Committee?
___Be on Disease Committee?
___Be on Weed Committee?
___Be on Animal Damage Committee?
___Be on Southern California Committee?
___Be on Editorial Committee?
Paul Zambino, Ph.D.
Plant Pathologist, Forest Health Protection
Southern California Shared Service Area
San Bernardino NF - SO
602 S. Tippecanoe
San Bernardino, CA 92408-3430
Ph: (909)382-2727 FAX: (909)383-5586
Cell: (909)215-0394
Email: pzambino(a)
Please see attached advertisements for PhD and MS Graduate Research
Assistantship's at Auburn University.
Dr. Lori G. Eckhardt
Assistant Professor & Director
Forest Pathology & Entomology
Forest Health Dynamics Laboratory
Forest Health Cooperative
3301 School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Bldg
Auburn University, AL 36849-5418
Phone: (334) 844-2720 Lab: (334) 844-1058 Fax: (334) 844-1084
Email: eckhalg(a)
"A professor can never better distinguish himself in his work than by
encouraging a clever pupil, for the true discoveries are among them, as
comets amongst the stars..." Linnaeus
Hello FORENT and FORPATH friends,
I want to remind you about the upcoming, first ever IUFRO International
Forest Biosecurity Congress16-20 March, 2009 in Rotorua, New Zealand. The
call for papers closes 31 October, 2009 and early registration closes 30
November, 2009
--- NEW!!! --- We are now offering grants to assist students ($500). ---
NEW!!! ---
See for more information.
Biosecurity in a Global Context
The IUFRO International Biosecurity Conference 2009 will showcase advances
in forest biosecurity research from around the world. Speakers will cover
the range of issues associated with the exclusion, eradication or effective
management of pests to protect the diverse benefits offered by forests.
This Conference provides a forum for forest entomologists, pathologists and
vegetation management scientists, forest managers and policy makers to
share knowledge, create networks and promote international actions.
Join us in exploring key questions such as:
· How do we model the impacts of weeds, insects and diseases on forest
· How do we define pests of the future and model the likelihood of their
· How do we stop pests moving around the world?
· Can we manage vegetation without herbicides?
· Can we manage quarantine pests without fumigants like methyl bromide?
· Are diverse forests more resistant to pest impacts?
· What are the best techniques for eradicating pests?
The conference incorporates:
· 6th International Forest Vegetation Management Conference.
· Workshop on managing the biosecurity threats to forests in a changing
global environment.
· Working parties of IUFRO division 1 (silviculture), division 7 (forest
health) and division 8 (environment).
Post conference tour:
Delegates who wish to make the most of their trip have the option of
attending a week's tour of New Zealand's beautiful South Island.
Please indicate your interest in joining this tour
Andrew Liebhold 304-285-1512
Northern Research Station 304-285-1505 FAX
USDA Forest Service 724-317-8668 mobile
180 Canfield St. aliebhold(a)
Morgantown, WV26505 USA
Persons with both forest entomology and forest pathology experience are encouraged to consider submitting an application for this position.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Missouri Department of Conservation is seeking applicants for the Resource Scientist (Forest Pathologist) position within the Cooperative Forest Health Program located in Columbia, Missouri, USA.
Position Summary: Monitors forest disease-related disturbances on a statewide basis through ground and aerial surveys and assessment of field staff reports and samples. Evaluates disease impacts on forest health and recommends management options. Maintains diagnostic laboratory and provides diagnostic and consultant services to Department field staff, state and federal agencies, and private organizations and individuals.
Identifies training needs and produces forest health training for Department field staff. Presents forest health seminars and develops forest health educational materials, diagnostic tools, and management guidelines for private, state and federal stakeholders.
Conducts research on forest pathology concerns relating to forest health monitoring and resource management. Designs research studies, analyzes and interprets data, and writes scientific articles, professional reports and popular articles.
Qualifications: Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Master’s Degree in Forestry or closely related field, and two (2) years of progressively responsible professional experience in forest pathology work; or an equivalent combination of education and experience. Experience with ArcGIS software and GPS is desirable.
Closing date for applications is October 31, 2008.
For complete job description and to apply online, visit web site at:
Robert Lawrence
Resource Scientist - Forest Entomologist
Missouri Department of Conservation
1110 S. College Ave.
Columbia, MO 65201
Voice: 573-882-9909 ext 3303
Fax: 573-882-4517
Email: Robert.Lawrence(a)<>
Hello FORENT colleagues,
I'd like to encourage you to submit a proposal for a scientific session at
the XXIII IUFRO World Congress, “Forests for the Future: Sustaining Society
and the Environment”, Seoul, Korea - 23 - 28 August, 2010. (web: )
The IUFRO World Congress is held every 5 years and is one of the largest
global forest events attended by more than 2,000 participants. It brings
together an interdisciplinary group of scientists and stakeholders from all
parts of the world to discuss scientific and technical issues related to
priority areas of forest research, policy and management. Plans are being
made to hold the next IUFRO Congress in 2010 in Korea and I can personally
tell you that a very strong effort is being made to elevate the strength of
the scientific content at the Congress. Specifically, we are seeking to
turn the 2010 Congress into an important event for sharing cutting-edge
research results and sharing information on critical scientific issues with
the forestry community at large. As such, we are seeking your help in
organizing sessions where you and your colleagues can share information on
current research topics.
Many of you attended the recent Entomology Congress in Durban, South Africa
and were able to participate what I think was an exceptional selection of
scientific sessions focusing on various aspects of forest insect research.
We would like build on our success in Durban by putting together a program
of symposia and other sessions that focus on forest entomology topics, as
well as other cross-disciplinary fields with other forest science
disciplines. Those of you that have attended IUFRO Congresses in the past
know that even though we've had some great sessions in past Congresses, the
forest health issue has never been recognized as a core area in organizing
the program. However, for the first time, "Forest Health" is being
recognized as one of the nine central themes of the Congress. As such,
this is a great opportunity for us to showcase the excellent work that is
going on in the field of forest entomology.
If you have an idea for a session, please submit it on-line using the links
at . Congress
organizers are allowing session organizers to use their creativity in their
selection of formats for sessions including panel discussions, videos, as
well as traditional symposia. Sessions will last 2 to 2.5 hours and each
speaker should be given at least 15 minutes for their presentation. It may
be possible to expand a session into two 2 hour periods. When you prepare
your proposal on-line, make sure that you select "D7 Forest Health" as the
IUFRO affiliation on the form and to select "Frontiers in Forest and Tree
Health" as the Congress sub-theme. Though we ask that you provide a list
of speakers in your session, we do not require final confirmation of
attendance by speakers at this point. Proposals will be evaluated as they
arrive up until 15 January, 2009 so it will be to your advantage to send
these in sooner than later. Proposals will be accepted from all . You do
not need to be from an institution that is a member of IUFRO either to
attend the Congress or to submit a proposal. Graduate students may also
submit proposals.
One other thing worth mentioning is that in that past, the IUFRO Special
Programme for Developing Countries has provided funds to cover some or all
of the travel expenses for scientists from countries with developing
economies to attend IUFRO Congresses, and I expect this program to be
similarly applied to the 2010 Congress.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Andrew Liebhold 304-285-1512
Northern Research Station 304-285-1505 FAX
USDA Forest Service 724-317-8668 mobile
180 Canfield St. aliebhold(a)
Morgantown, WV26505 USA