IUFRO-sponsored 2nd Restoring Forests Congress to be held 14-16 October 2014 in Lafayette, Indiana USA (Purdue University).
The 1st Restoring Forests (Sep 2011 in Madrid) was a successful, well attended event that resulted in a double special issue in New Forests (http://link.springer.com/journal/11056/43/5/page/1). In building upon this momentum, this 2nd symposium promises to be another exceptional symposium! The theme of the congress is "What constitutes success in the 21st Century?". We will examine the continued evolution of the scope of forest restoration and re-explore the need to set realistic goals to achieve restoration success. Field tours will highlight the ongoing forest restoration research of the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center (http://www.htirc.org<http://www.htirc.org/>) at Purdue University, featuring especially the role of genetics in ecological restoration.
We will have a wide variety of invited speakers as well as volunteer oral and poster presentations. Selected papers from the congress will once again be published in a special issue of New Forests. Please consider participating in the conference and forward this message to your colleagues, encouraging them to attend. Updated information can be found at the conference website: https://www.purdue.edu/fnrrf/
Matthew D. Ginzel, PhD • Associate Professor • Departments of Entomology and Forestry & Natural Resources • Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center • Purdue University • 901 W. State Street • West Lafayette, IN 47907-2089 • 765.494.9369 • www.entm.purdue.edu/forest
Dear colleagues,
Within the frame of the next IUFRO World Congress (Salt Lake City,
October 5-11, 2014, http://iufro2014.com), we are organizing a Technical
Session on "Multiple Risks Management in Planted Forest" (Session N°135)
under the congress theme "Forest Health in a Changing World".
We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for a presentation to
this session. We are particularly interested in presentations addressing
interactions between multiple biotic or abiotic hazards (e.g. storm and
bark beetles, drought and defoliators, etc.) that can affect planted or
plantation forests.
We plan to publish a special issue for this session in the online
open-access forestry journal "Forests"
(http://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests). The editor of the journal has
kindly offered to publish 5 papers free of charge for this issue.
We hope that the topic will be of interest to you and that you will be
keen to submit an abstract to this session.
**The deadline is approaching, don't miss it: October 15, 2013!*
Very best regards,
The organizers
Hervé Jactel, Christophe Orazio, John Moore
Directeur de Recherches
Laboratoire d'Entomologie Forestière & Biodiversité
Laboratory of Forest Entomology & Biodiversity
69, route d'Arcachon
33612 CESTAS cedex, France
Tel + 33 - (0)
Fax + 33 - (0)
Scientists and Colleagues:
Submit your abstract today! Less than one week remains to submit your abstract for the 2014 IUFRO World Congress! http://iufro2014.com/scientific-program/abstract-submissions/
Do not miss to be part of this unique and exciting event!
The IUFRO 2014 Congress Scientific Committee
John Parrotta (Chair); Jens Peter Skovsgaard (Division 1); Yousry El-Kassaby (Division 2); Hans Heinimann (Division 3); Ron McRoberts (Division 4); Andrew Wong (Division 5); Tuija Sievänen (Division 6); Tod Ramsfield (Division 7); Alain Franc (Division 8); Jim Johnson (Division 9); Mike Wingfield (Vice-President, Divisions); Su See Lee (Vice-President, Task Forces, Special Programmes, Projects and IUFRO-led Initiatives); Lisa Hansen (International Forestry Students Association); Richard Guldin (ex-officio; COC Chair)