The research programs of Nadir Erbilgin, Justine Karst, James Cahill
(University of Alberta), Suzanne Simard (University of British Columbia),
and Jonathan Cale are seeking motivated and collaborative students (3 PhD,
1 MSc) to work on a project investigating questions focused on the roles of
soil fungal communities in modulating boreal forest resistance and
resilience to biotic and abiotic disturbances. This project seeks to expand
our recent findings demonstrating the effects of mountain pine beetle
outbreaks on below- and above-ground processes, including decline of
mycorrhizal fungi and pine resistance following forest mortality in western
Canada (*New Phytol (2015) 208: 904-914; Plant & Soil (2015). 390: 29-47;
PLOS One (2015) 10 (4): e0124691*). All students will be co-supervised by
at least two investigators and the others will be in the students’ theses
committees. While student projects will use a subset of these, this overall
project will employ genomic, metabolomic, and DNA-stable isotope probing
techniques in field and greenhouse experiments. Student research topics
will include, but are not restricted to: (1) Soil fungal community
response to and recovery from forest disturbances (PhD); (2) Fungal
communities as drivers of tree insect and disease resistance (PhD); (3)
Abiotic gradients and the response of root-inhabiting fungi to pine
mortality (PhD); and (4) Fungal community control of tree mineral
acquisition and carbon allocation (MSc).
Depending on applicant interest and qualifications, all projects offer
flexibility in designing a research project pursuing areas of personal
interest while investigating the topics above. Depending on research
topic, a background in soil microbial or chemical ecology or plant-fungal
interactions will be an asset to successful candidates. Proficiency in
spoken and written English is required along with the ability to obtain
provincial driving privileges upon arrival. Candidate selection will be
based on academic achievements, reference letters, and previous research
experience. Strong verbal, written, and computational skills are essential.
A standard U of A Graduate Assistantship can be offered for successful
All positions are available to start in Spring (May/June, 2016) term.
Applicants must satisfy University of Alberta Department of Renewable
Resources entrance requirements, available for review at:
Interested candidates are encouraged to email (1) an unofficial transcript
(undergraduate and/or MSc, as appropriate), (2) curriculum vitae, (3) a
brief personal statement describing research and career goals, and how this
degree would help the student achieve those goals, and (4) names and
contact information for three references to Dr. Jonathan Cale, Department
of Renewable Resources, 4-42 Earth Science Building, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta T6E 2E3, Canada. Please submit application materials or
information inquires to Jacale(a)
Additional information: Department of Renewable Resources –
Dear Colleagues,
Please help us advertise a new exciting faculty position in our department in the context of Ohio State’s Discovery Themes Initiative ( The position is in Ecology of Emerging Plant Diseases and is part of a cluster hire among the colleges of Agriculture, Public Health, and Arts and Sciences. Please distribute to any highly promising candidate. The package will be highly competitive. Flyer attached.
Thank you for your assistance.
[The Ohio State University]
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall | 2021 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office | 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2(a)<><> -<> -<> -<>/
Dear Forpathers and Forenters,
I wanted to alert you to this exciting possibility for promising, high caliber, motivated students to join our Translational Plant Sciences Graduate Program here at Ohio State (see below and attached).
Let me know if you have any questions.
[The Ohio State University]
Pierluigi (Enrico) Bonello Professor
Dept. of Plant Pathology
201 Kottman Hall | 2021 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5401 Office | 614-292-4455 Fax
bonello.2(a)<><> -<> -<> -<>/
The Ohio State Translational Plant Sciences Graduate Program (TPS - is starting its fourth year with a call for highly qualified graduate students. This is an exciting program. Please let your students know of this opportunity!
* TPS-GP is designed to offer an individually driven pathway for our students to attain their PhDs. This could include an internship in a company, national lab, not for profit, etc. It could also include an international experience, either via an internship or as a student in our Dual-Degree program, which allows students to earn 2 PhDs at the same time, one from OSU and one from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
* The TPS-GP program is focused on a rigorous research experience that could include laboratory rotations and minimal coursework. Our Graduate Studies Committee is dedicated to tailoring every student's path to their PhD based on what each individual desires.
* Importantly, the TPS program pays a guaranteed fellowship with no teaching requirement, plus $2,000 per year for education & research needs, and 100% tuition remission for the full five years for students that maintain good standing in the program. That is a PhD "full-ride"!
* We are a young program here at OSU, which means our students have the individual attention of not only their advisor(s), but also the Program Chair, Dr. Thomas Mitchell, Program Director, Dr. Erich Grotewold, and all of the other members of the TPS faculty. They are all dedicated to seeing this trans-disciplinary program succeed.
* Students can be placed with faculty members from many different departments. These include Plant Pathology, Entomology, Horticulture and Crop Sciences, Molecular Genetics, Chem/Biochem, Microbiology, and Internal Medicine. Our students have the opportunity to work on novel interdisciplinary projects tailored to our students' long-term goals.
Ohio State is one of America's largest and most comprehensive universities. The main campus is located in the city of Columbus, the state capital ( The University is consistently ranked among the top national public universities. Here is a link to a few of our high points (updated periodically):
Dear colleagues and friends,
This is the third announcement of the upcoming IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) All Division 7 Conference, "Global Change and Forest Health".
The conference will be held at the University of Istanbul in Istanbul, Turkey, on 25-29 April 2016.
Key points:
- Abstract submission is now open, until 30 November 2015
- Early Bird registration is available until 31 December 2015 (300 Euros regular, students receive a 50% discount)
Our call for session and symposium proposals resulted in many submissions. The organising committee reviewed those and accepted 16 session proposals.
You are kindly invited to submit your abstract for oral or poster presentations (see<>). When you submit your abstract, you can select either one of the 16 pre-arranged sessions or a general session (“other”).
We will review all abstract submissions and ensure they will be placed in suitable sessions. Cross-disciplinary abstracts including two or more of the conference subjects (climate change, biological invasions, air pollution, forest pathology, forest entomology) are particularly encouraged.
Please submit your abstracts by the 30 November 2015 deadline.
See the web page<> for more information on the conference.
Feel free to contact us with any questions and comments.
Kind regards
Ecki Brockerhoff, Yusuf Serengil, Elena Paoletti, Jolanda Roux, Sandy Liebhold
Eckehard Brockerhoff
Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute) and
University of Canterbury, School of Biological Sciences - New Zealand
Coordinator IUFRO Division 7, Forest Health
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
Yusuf Serengil
Faculty of Forestry, Istanbul University - Turkey
Coordinator IUFRO Working Party WP 7.01.08
Local Organizer, Conference Scientific and Organizing Committees
serengil(a)<>, yserengil(a)<>
Elena Paoletti
National Research Council
Sustainable Plant Protection Institute - Italy
Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.1, Impacts of Air Pollution and Climate Change on Forest Ecosystems
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
Jolanda Roux
Tree Pathology Co-operative Programme (TPCP)
Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute - South Africa
Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.2, Pathology
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
Andrew (Sandy) Liebhold
US Forest Service
Northern Research Station - USA
Coordinator IUFRO RG 7.3, Entomology
Member of the Conference Scientific Committee
aliebhold(a)<>, aliebhold(a)<>
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Scion does not accept responsibility for anything in this e-mail which is not provided in the course of Scion’s usual business or for any computer virus, data corruption, interference or delay arising from this e-mail.
*Study on /Xylella fastidiosa/ plant hosts and vectors in Belgium and
the influence of specific plant growth conditions on disease development**
*Call for candidates**
In the framework of a Belgian 2-years research project on the potential
insect vectors of the four subspecies of /Xylella fastidiosa/, we are
looking for a postdoctoral scientist, preferably with a previous
experience with /Xylella fastidiosa/, and skilled either in plant
pathology or in entomology or both.
The work will be based at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) and
the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and start in early 2016.
The work will consist in two parts :
1. Survey of potential vectors and search for /X. fastidiosa/ in the
insects; analysis of phenology and life history traits.
2. Evaluation of the transmission of the four subspecies of /X.
fastidiosa/ to four model plant species by potential insect vector
species common in Belgium, under G2Q controlled conditions:
contamination of potential vectors using infected periwinkle;
attempts to contaminate model host plants using artificially
contaminated vector insects; detection and quantification of /X.
fastidiosa/ in the insect vectors; if possible, sentinel nurseries
in contaminated areas.
Candidates are invited to contact Prof. Claude Bragard
(claude.bragard(a) and Prof. Jean-Claude Grégoire
(jcgregoi(a) with a motivation letter and a CV.
Jean-Claude Grégoire
Lutte biologique et Ecologie spatiale - LUBIES
/Biological Control and Spatial Ecology lab/
Université Libre de Bruxelles
CP 160/12 - 50 av. FD Roosevelt
1050 Bruxelles
Tel +32 (0)2 650 31 79