The 61st annual Southern Forest Insect Work Conference will be held 16-19 June 2020 (Tuesday - Friday) in Lexington, Kentucky, USA!
We have chosen the Marriott Lexington City Center for our meeting. Although meeting registration is not yet open, I encourage you to make your hotel reservation as soon as possible. We have a block of 75 rooms (Tuesday-Thursday nights) and 30 rooms (Monday night) set aside for the group until May 18, 2020, so make your reservations by this date. Don't miss out on the special pricing!
Here are the details:
Date: 16-19 June 2020
Place: Marriott Lexington City Center, 121 West Vine Street, Lexington, Kentucky USA
Phone reservations: 888-236-2427. Mention that you are in the group: 61st Annual Southern Forest Work Conference Block.
Online reservations link:
Book your group rate for 61st Annual Southern Forest Insect Work Conference<…>
Self-parking is available at the hotel for $8 per day plus tax.
Visit for hotel information.
Room rates are $118.00 per night plus tax for up to 4 occupants and are good for the nights of 12-21 June, 2020. Remember, this low rate is valid only until May 18, 2020, and only for the first 75 rooms (first 30 on Monday, June 15). Make your reservation right away! IMPORTANT NOTE: If you reserve your hotel room now, we will be able to determine if we need to open additional rooms at the group rate, and can ensure that everyone who needs a room gets one! Please be considerate to your fellow attendees and reserve your room as soon as possible.
Also, there are a limited number of rooms available with 2 queen-size beds (most rooms have a single king-size bed). Please choose the 2-bed option only if you need both beds due to multiple occupancy.
I hope to see you in Lexington in June!
William P. Shepherd, SFIWC Secretary-Treasurer
USDA Forest Service SRS
2500 Shreveport Highway
Pineville, LA 71360 USA
Voice: 318-473-7256
FAX: 318-473-7222
SFIWC website:<>
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Dear all,
I'm Ana Farinha. I've just started a 2 years post-doc in the BIODIV team at INRA Bordeaux, France (Tittle: Tackling biological invasions of forest insects: from alien species invasiveness to ecosystem invasibility) . My supervisor is Hervé Jactel.
I will be working with the western conifer seed bug ( [ | Leptoglossus occidentalis ] ), rearing it in the lab.
If you happen to see them hibernating and could be kind to catch them alive and sent me I would be very pleased (they usually seek warm places like the interior of homes during the wintertime). I will need to have a large colony by summertime.
Thank you very much for all your possible help.
Best regards,
Ana Farinha