---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Williams, Geoffrey (CTR) - FS, OR <Geoffrey.Williams(a)usda.gov>
Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 10:58 AM
Subject: SAF Webinar: Assisted Migration: Forestry in the Future Under a
Changing Climate
To: Koyama, Akihiro <koyamaak(a)msu.edu>, Narda Trivino Silva <
ntrivino(a)uoregon.edu>, Johnson, Jeremy <jeremyjo(a)msu.edu>, Andrew B.
Perleberg (andyp(a)wsu.edu) <andyp(a)wsu.edu>, Moser, Laura - FS, NM <
laura.moser(a)usda.gov>, Sturtevant,Robert <Robert.Sturtevant(a)colostate.edu>,
Lebow, Elizabeth - FS, DC <elizabeth.lebow(a)usda.gov>, Geoffrey Williams <
readingradio(a)gmail.com>, Geoffrey Williams - FS <
geoffreywilliamsfs640(a)gmail.com>, Papa, Chad <papachad(a)msu.edu>, Belen
Pildain <mbpildain(a)ciefap.org.ar>, hgonda(a)correociefap.org.ar <
*From:* Forest Invasive Species <fisnet(a)dgroups.org>
*Sent:* Monday, March 13, 2023 3:03 AM
*To:* Forest Invasive Species <fisnet(a)dgroups.org>
*Subject:* [fisnet] 3/23 Webinar: Assisted Migration: Forestry in the
Future Under a Changing Climate
May be a topic of interest to many of you….
Some of us involved in the SAF Forest Health and Genetics working group
have organized a webinar for March 23 – I think SAF will be sending out
info this week – but wanted to give you an early alert. We obtained some
sponsorship that allowed us to open this to everyone (not just SAF members)
– so pass along to those who may be interested.
*Assisted Migration: Forestry in the Future Under a Changing Climate*
* Includes a Live Web Event on 03/23/2023 at 1:00 PM (EDT)*
*Webinar information*
Assisted migration, which is the movement of genotypes, populations,
species, or forests, has been extensively researched as an approach to
minimize the expected negative impacts of climate change on the health,
productivity, and ecosystem services of future forests. The local seed
source may no longer be adapted or optimal to meet land management
objectives, and this issue may be one of the most important challenges
foresters will need to deal with in the coming years. Fortunately, many
people study the issue and can provide tools to land managers to make the
best choice under the available data. The two talks here are aimed at
providing the why, the what, and the how of assisted migration to a general
audience including current knowledge, implementation, and future plans for
public lands. Before the conclusion of the session, participants will be
able to discuss the available tools that can facilitate decision-making to
ensure the resilience of their forests.
The webinar will be composed of two presentations, followed by a
Q&A/discussion session. The speakers are Dr. Brian Palik (Forest Ecologist,
US Forest Service, Northern Research Station) and Dr. Greg O’Neill (Forest
Geneticist, British Columbia Forest Service, Canada)
Join us at *1:00pm ET on March 23, 2023* for a live webinar here through
the SAF ForestEd platform.
Working groups are another way to receive, contribute, and add value to
your SAF membership. *LEARN MORE*
SAF Working Groups or join the Forest Health & Genetics Working Group. *JOIN
engage in a working group and tap the growing membership benefits.
*Is this webinar for you?*
This 1-hr webinar is intended for anyone interested in climate change,
assisted migration, and/or forestry, including foresters, ecologists, and
natural resource professionals in government or private practice
1. Click REGISTER to the right of the webinar title. Be sure to log in with
your SAF account username and password.
2. After checking out, the webinar will be available on your MY DASHBOARD
page here on ForestEd.
For group registrations or registering someone other than yourself please
contact membership(a)safnet.org or 202-938-3910.
Registration is FREE ($0) for all attendees. Thank you to Western Forestry
and Conservation Association and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, National Center for Reforestation, Nurseries and Genetic
Resources for sponsoring this webinar. Members and non-members still need
to register to gain access to the webinar.
*Join SAF*
to access free Working Group webinars and other growing member benefits.
*Webinar access *
The archived webinar is accessible within the Contents tab (to the right of
the Overview information) and will be archived for future viewing through
March 23, 2024 at 11:55 ET unless notified otherwise.
*Webinar duration*
This webinar is 1 hour.
*Learning objectives*
Upon successful completion of this webinar, you will be able to:
1. Define assisted migration of trees.
2. Explain the relevance of assisted migration as a management approach in
response to climate change.
3. Analyze how assisted migration can be implemented in different forest
4. Summarize where we are standing in terms of the implementation of
assisted migration.
5. Identify assisted migration considerations relevant to commercial
plantations, urban forestry, and restoration of native species in natural
[image: Forest Service Shield]
*Richard A. Sniezko, PhD (he/him/his) Center Geneticist*
*Forest Service *
*Dorena Genetic Resource Center*
*p: 541-767-5716 c: *
*541-954-6793 f: 541-767-5709 *
*richard.sniezko(a)usda.gov <richard.sniezko(a)usda.gov> *
34963 Shoreview Drive
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
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From: Shannon Lynch <sclynch(a)esf.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2023 1:38 PM
Cc: Munck Isabel -FS <isabel.munck(a)usda.gov>
Dear Colleagues,
It is with a heavy heart that I regret to inform you of the passing Dr. Paul Manion on Thursday, 2 March. Paul Manion was a beloved colleague and Professor of Forest Pathology for 36 years at the State University New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry. He had a significant impact on the thinking in Forest Pathology, and his textbook "Tree Disease Concepts" was adopted widely in forest pathology courses around the United States.
Paul was a great influence in many of his students' lives and lived his life consistent with his ideals and generosity of spirit. Paul and I became fast friends when I arrived here at ESF in July as the new forest pathologist from California. He took me around to his favorite field sites to become familiar with eastern tree diseases and shared many great stories with me along the way. He will be sorely missed.
Calling hours are on March 31, 2023 at 5:00 p.m., ending at 7:00 p.m., at Michael E. Brown Funeral Services, 2333 Fenner Road, Cazenovia.
Full obituary: Paul Manion Obituary (2023) - Cazenovia, NY - Syracuse Post Standard (legacy.com)<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.legac…>
Isabel Munck and I are working on an obituary for APS and IUFRO. Please let us know if you would like to contribute.
Best Regards,
Shannon C. Lynch, Ph.D. | she/her/hers
Assistant Professor of Forest Pathology
Department of Environmental Biology
SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210
458 Illick Hall (Office) | 416 Illick Hall (Lab)
Ph: 315-470-4847