
  • 699 discussions
FW: New lectureship opportunities in forest sciences at Bangor University
by Bonello, Enrico
3 years, 9 months
IUFRO Division 7 Pathology and Entomology 2020 Newsletter
by eckehard.brockerhoff@wsl.ch
3 years, 9 months
FW: Beech Leaf Disease Workshop
by Martin, Danielle -FS
3 years, 10 months
PhD-project: Managing stand structure to restore mixed oak-dominated forests for conservation of biodiversity
by Maartje Klapwijk
3 years, 11 months
IUFRO Prague Conference - 20-24 September, 2021
by Andrew Liebhold
3 years, 11 months
Upcoming Webinar Series "Behavioral and Chemical Ecology of Bark and Woodboring Insects"
by Allison, Jeremy (NRCan/RNCan)
4 years
Vacancy for a Post-Doc ‘Insect and bird population dynamics’ at WSL, Switzerland
by eckehard.brockerhoff@wsl.ch
4 years
PhD position - remote sensing of invasive forest insect
by Brigitte Burger
4 years
Postdoc Insect Decline
by Beat Wermelinger
4 years
Job announcement: Head of the Institute of Biodiversity and Nature Conservation at BFW in Vienna (Austria)
by Thomas Kirisits
4 years, 1 month
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