The First International Conference *REFORESTATION CHALLENGES*, Belgrade -
Serbia, June 03-06, 2015
*Call for Abstracts*
Contributions are welcome on any aspect of reforestation programs.
The participation of early career scholars and postgraduate researchers is
positively encouraged.
The Conference will include a full range of academic sessions, plenary
lectures, social events and field trip to Research and Education Base of
Faculty of Forestry – University of Belgrade on Mountain Goč and visit to
National Seed Center and nursery in Požega.
- Country report
- Stocktypes
- Seedling quality
- Monitoring reforestation successes
- Plantations
- Breeding for resistance (drought, insects, disease)
- Species, intra-species and seed source selection
- Reasons of reforestation failure
- Planting and after planting protection
- Handling Issue (from lifting to planting)
- Site factors effects on planting stress and establishment
- Competition - Site preparation and vegetation management
- Planning and management of afforestation and reforestation programs
For more information please visit
Best regards,
*Dr Vladan Ivetić*
Assistant Professor
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Forestry
Department for Seed science,
nursery production and afforestation
Kneza Višeslava 1
11030 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 3053 873
fax: +381 11 2545 485
mob: +381 64 2383 584