The First International Conference REFORESTATION CHALLENGES, Belgrade - Serbia, June 03-06, 2015
Call for Abstracts
Contributions are welcome on any aspect of reforestation programs.
The participation of early career scholars and postgraduate researchers is positively encouraged.
The Conference will include a full range of academic sessions, plenary lectures, social events and field trip to Research and Education Base of Faculty of Forestry – University of Belgrade on Mountain Goč and visit to National Seed Center and nursery in Požega.
- Country report
- Stocktypes
- Seedling quality
- Monitoring reforestation successes
- Plantations
- Breeding for resistance (drought, insects, disease)
- Species, intra-species and seed source selection
- Reasons of reforestation failure
- Planting and after planting protection
- Handling Issue (from lifting to planting)
- Site factors effects on planting stress and establishment
- Competition - Site preparation and vegetation management
- Planning and management of afforestation and reforestation programs
For more information please visit
Best regards,
Dr Vladan IvetićAssistant Professor
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Forestry
Department for Seed science,
nursery production and afforestation
Kneza Višeslava 1
11030 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 3053 873
fax: +381 11 2545 485
mob: +381 64 2383 584