We are pleased to announce an upcoming IUFRO Division 2 conference on Forest Genetics for Productivity.
This conference will be held 14-18 March 2016, in Rotorua, New Zealand, followed by a post-conference tour.
Please see the attached first announcement for more details.
A website for this conference is currently under construction.
Heidi Dungey
Science Leader, Forest Genetics
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 2.02.20- Breeding and Genetic Resources of Southern Pines
Scion (New Zealand Forestry Research Institute Ltd.)
49 Sala Street, Private Bag 3020, Rotorua 3046, New Zealand
DDI +64 7 343 5629 | Mobile +64 272455026
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Von: Sophie Vallée [mailto:sophie.vallee@efi.int]
Gesendet: Montag, 02. März 2015 17:15
Betreff: #FacesOfTheForest Photo Contest
Version française ci-dessous
Dear friends and colleagues,
#FacesOfTheForest Photo Contest – Winning photos to be part of an exhibition at the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site during IV Mediterranean Forest Week in Barcelona.
The first edition of the #FacesOfTheForest Photo Contest, launched by the Forest Communicators Network in the Mediterranean Region and Near East (FCNMedNE), is organised in the framework of the 2015 International Day of Forests. This year’s theme is “Forests | Climate | Change”, climate change being one of the biggest challenges facing our planet while the role of our forests in mitigation needs to be more clearly understood.
The #FacesOfTheForest Photo Contest aims at highlighting the vital role of the forests in the development of forest communities. Photos should be taken in the forest in Mediterranean and Near Eastern countries and should reflect the role played by forest people and forests in general on the following topic(s): income generation; mitigation of climate change; water conservation; soil conservation; sustainable development; social equity, gender balance; women empowerment; youth development.
A selection of the best photos will be shared on the <http://www.fao.org/forestry/communication-toolkit/86425/en/> FAO website of the FCNMedNE, printed and presented in an exhibition during the IV Mediterranean Forest Week in Barcelona (17-20 March 2015).
Deadline for sending photos: 12th March 2015 at 23:59 UTC
Please find enclosed the instructions in English, French, Spanish.
Best regards,
Chers amis et collčgues,
Concours photo #FacesOfTheForest - Les photos gagnantes seront exposées au site Art nouveau Sant Pau, ŕ l’occasion de la IVčme Semaine forestičre méditerranéenne ŕ Barcelone.
La premičre édition du concours photo #FacesOfTheForest, lancée par le Réseau de communicateurs forestiers en Méditerranée et au Proche-Orient (FCNMedNE), est organisée dans le cadre de la Journée internationale des foręts 2015. Le thčme de cette année est ŤForęts | Changement| Climat ť, le changement climatique étant l'un des plus grands défis de notre plančte tandis que le rôle des foręts en matičre d'atténuation doit ętre mieux compris.
Le concours photo #FacesOfTheForest vise ŕ mettre en évidence le rôle essentiel des foręts dans le développement des communautés forestičres. Les photos doivent ętre prises en foręt dans le Bassin méditerranéen et au Proche-Orient et doivent refléter le rôle joué par les populations forestičres et les foręts en général sur le(s) sujet(s) suivant(s): la génération de revenus ; l'atténuation du changement climatique ; la conservation de l'eau ; la conservation des sols ; le développement durable ; l'équité sociale, l'équilibre entre les sexes ; l'autonomisation des femmes ; le développement des jeunes.
Une sélection des meilleures photos sera partagée sur le <http://www.fao.org/forestry/communication-toolkit/86425/fr/> page internet de la FAO dédiée au FCNMedNE, imprimée et exposée au cours de la IVčme Semaine forestičre méditerranéenne ŕ Barcelone (17-20 mars 2015).
Date limite pour l'envoi des photos: le 12 mars 2015 ŕ 23:59 UTC
Veuillez trouver ci-joint les instructions en anglais, français et espagnol.
Sophie Vallée
European Forest Institute - Mediterranean RO (EFIMED)
Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site, Sant Leopold Pavilion
St. Antoni M. Claret, 167
08025 Barcelona - Spain
<mailto:sophie.vallee@efi.int> sophie.vallee(a)efi.int
Office: +34 935 15 32 11
Cell phone: +34 627 00 01 65
**Please pass along to those that work with resistance and Tree-Parasite Interactions
For planning purposes, if interested attending, please send an email to
Veronique JORGE (Veronique.Jorge(a)orleans.inra.fr<mailto:Veronique.Jorge@orleans.inra.fr>)
Arnaud DOWKIW (Arnaud.Dowkiw(a)orleans.inra.fr<mailto:Arnaud.Dowkiw@orleans.inra.fr>)
Also, if your group would like to be a Sponsor, see website for details
Genetic Resistance to Diseases and Insects in Forest Trees Workshop 2015
5th International Workshop on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions
At the 2011 excellent workshop in Eugene, Oregon (proceedings at http://www.fs.fed.us/psw/publications/documents/psw_gtr240/)
it was decided to have the next international workshop on this topic in France.
the 5th International Workshop on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions
that will be held in Orléans, France, from 23 to 28 August 2015.
Please see the email from Arnaud Dowkiw (below) for some details and the website:
This important topic is even more relevant today, as several additional insect and disease epidemics have taken place.
Also, note – there may be some funding available for 1 or 2 scientists: some of the requirements (see website for details):
· Scientists from developing countries (according to World Bank List of Economies: low income countries and lower middle income countries (http://data.worldbank.org/country)
· Preference given to scientists working in IUFRO member institutions
We hope to see you in France for the talks, the discussions, and the continued friendships and collaborations.
Best regards,
IUFRO 2.02.15 Coordinator
[Forest Service Shield]
Richard A. Sniezko, PhD
Center Geneticist
Forest Service
Dorena Genetic Resource Center
p: 541-767-5716
c: 541-954-6793
f: 541-767-5709
34963 Shoreview Drive
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
[http://wwwstatic.fs.usda.gov/images/email/usda-logo.png]<http://usda.gov/>[Twitter Logo]<https://twitter.com/forestservice>[Facebook Logo]<http://facebook.com/USDA>
Caring for the land and serving people
From: Arnaud Dowkiw [mailto:Arnaud.Dowkiw@orleans.inra.fr]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 10:06 AM
Subject: You have expressed interest in attending the 5th Tree-Parasite Interactions Congress in Orleans - France
Dear Colleague,
You have expressed interest in attending the 5th International Symposium on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions that will be held in Orléans, France, from 23 to 28 August 2015.
We know that there are many other scientific meetings that you could attend in 2015, but YOU selected the best one :-)
For those who experienced the previous editions of this workshop, you know that they are always very interesting, very rich, not only because of the diversity of the attendees (phytopathologists, breeders, entomologists, physiologists, evolutionary biologists ...) but also because they are always organized in a way that most of the attendees have an oportunity to present their work and in a format that fosters discussions.
Also, compared to many other meetings, the registration fees are not so high. It is 600 € for early bird registration (1 April) and only 500 € for graduate students. These fees include all the meals (lunches + diners) + field tour and conference diner.
Last but not least, some of you are project leaders, group coordinators or in the process of building a project. We have negociated some extra free meeting rooms where you will be able to gather your troops, so think seriously about this opportunity.
Now is time to think seriously about confirming your participation to this event ! There is a brand new website waiting for you with lots of information to help you organize your trip and your presentation :
Although registrations to the meeting will open 2nd of February, online abstract registration is now open !
Please circulate this information around you and think about other colleagues or students in your lab who maybe interested (think also that France still is a good place for summer holidays, either before or after the meeting !!).
We look forward to seeing you in Orleans !
The local organizing team
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Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached a Second Circular for
*Belgrade, Serbia June 3-6, 2015*
Some important dates:
Deadline for Abstracts submission
*15 March 2015*
Deadline for Papers submission
*15 April 2015*
Deadline for early registration
*15 March 2015*
Deadline for registration
*15 April 2015*
More information:
Best regards,
*Dr Vladan Ivetić*
Assistant Professor
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Forestry
Department for Seed science,
nursery production and afforestation
Kneza Višeslava 1
11030 Belgrade, Serbia
tel: +381 11 3053 873
fax: +381 11 2545 485
mob: +381 64 2383 584
Dear All,
I would like to kindly ask you to share this information with your
Currently we have two Ph.D. and one postdoc positions in Forest
Genetics available at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.
Start date for all positions is October 1th, 2015.
Research Area: Development of “Breeding-without-Breeding” strategies
and associated topics linking theoretical quantitative genetics and
molecular genetics to operational tree improvement programs. It is a
great mixture of disciplines and the students would interact with
experts in different fields.
Our campus is located in Prague, Czech Republic.
Upon request, I will provide more information on the admission
procedure and the actual positions.
Due date for applications: April 1th, 2015.
Milan Lstibůrek, Ph.D.
Professor, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
IUFRO coordinator 2.04.02 – Breeding Theory and Progeny Testing
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A reminder that Abstract Submissions are now open for <http://www.euciufro2015.com/> IUFRO Eucalypt Conference 2015 "Scientific cultivation and green development to enhance the sustainability of eucalypt plantations" | October 21 - 24, 2015 | Nanning City, Guangxi, CHINA
This will be a conference for IUFRO Working Party 2.08.03 – Improvement and Culture of Eucalypts. It will focus on benefits, issues, and technologies associated with improving the development, growth and management of eucalypt plantations.
This conference to be held in Nanning, China, from 21-24 October 2015, will bring together world experts, practitioners, managers and policy makers involved with the growing and utilization of eucalypts.
Details about invited speakers for the conference are now featured on the website; please visit: <http://www.euciufro2015.com/> http://www.euciufro2015.com
Conference topics will include:
l Ecological and Social Aspects;
l Genetics and Breeding Technologies;
l Silviculture and Management;
l Forest Health and Nutrition;
l Wood Technology and Utilization.
Online abstract submission is now open will continue to remain so until June 20th, 2015. Please register and submit your abstract online: http://www.euciufro2015.com/user/en_user_login.asp
Please note that it is possible to send Abstracts now and follow up later with registration and your payment. We will notify you when the website is open for payments and hotel bookings.
Abstract Instructions
Only abstracts submitted in English will be accepted and reviewed.
Abstracts should represent original work.
Abstract text should not exceed 400 words (Arial, size 11 font) and must NOT contain tables, pictures or diagrams.
All abbreviations must be spelled out on first use.
The Scientific Committee will review all submitted abstracts. Abstracts failing to meet minimum standards and/or that are not relevant to this conference will be declined. The Scientific Committee will determine if the submitted work qualifies to be presented orally or by poster.
Please note that abstracts can only be eventually accepted if at least one author has registered for participation at the conference.
Support for Researchers from Developing Countries
We would like to advise that The Conference Organizing Committee have some funds to sponsor participation by regional researchers and students from government and non-profit institutions in developing countries. To be considered for such sponsorship, you will first need to submit an Abstract (offering either a spoken or poster presentation). After you have submitted your Abstract, using the online process, please send us an email, including the Title of your Abstract and full details of your institution or place of employment/study, indicating your interest in receiving support to attend the conference. We will then forward you an application form that will need to be completed and submitted to apply for support. Abstracts offered by participants seeking support will be one of the key factors in deciding on how to distribute the available funds. We recommend early submission of both Abstracts and subsequent application forms.
Those wishing to apply for such sponsorship, after submitting their Abstract, should email the organizers at: service(a)euciufro2015.com.
Registration Information
Registration Fees are as follows:
Early-Bird Registration (before July 31, 2015) – USD$500
Regular Registration (after August 1, 2015) – USD$600
Full-time Student – USD$200
Accompanying Person – USD$300
Registration fee for participant includes: Abstracts Publication, Program Book, Conference Kit, Entry to Sessions, Entry to Poster and Sponsor Exhibition, Opening Ceremony, Welcome Dinner, Mid-conference Field Trip, Conference Dinner and all lunches and other dinners during the conference.
Registration fee for accompanying person includes: Opening Ceremony, Welcome Dinner, Conference Dinner, Mid-conference Field Trip and other dinners during the conference.
Cancellation Terms and Conditions – if you cannot attend the conference after having registered and paid, we are happy to accept a substitute colleague at any time. If you have to cancel entirely, we regret that no refunds can be made after your registration
Other Information
We look forward to hearing from all researchers/workers in the eucalypt field and please feel free to forward this email to any of your colleagues and/or associates who might also be interested in attending. Please contact the Organizing Committee (E-mail:service@euciufro2015.com) if you have any queries.
Prof. Shaoxiong Chen
Executive Vice-Secretary-General
on behalf of the Organizing Committee
IUFRO Eucalypt Conference 2015
<http://www.euciufro2015.com/> http://www.euciufro2015.com
35th New Phytologist Symposium: The genomes of forest trees – new frontiers of forest biology
Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. 16–17 June 2015
On behalf of the New Phytologist Trust and symposium organisers we are pleased to invite you to participate in a symposium entitled ‘The genomes of forest trees – new frontiers of forest biology’.
Travel grants are available for students and early career scientists. Application deadline 13th MARCH 2015.
Poster abstract submissions are open. Submission deadline 10th APRIL 2015
New genomic technologies are bringing previously intractable but fascinating aspects of forest tree biology to the forefront of plant biology. Completed and ongoing sequencing projects are providing extensive expressed gene and even full genome sequence resources for tree species from diverse taxa. At the same time, creative applications of genomic and sequencing technologies are producing tools capable of probing the fundamental processes responsible for woody growth and other unique biological processes in trees. Among the most promising but largely unexplored areas of research is the use of comparative evolutionary genomics approaches that can illuminate key regulatory processes and how they have evolved over macro- and micro-evolutionary history. For example, the evolutionary innovations leading to the vast array of woody growth forms in extant plants are almost entirely unknown at the genetic level, but could soon be elucidated using comparative genomics approaches.
We will bring together researchers who are exploring the frontiers of tree evolution, ecology, and development using next generation sequencing, genomics, and systems biology approaches. Together, we hope to inspire new ideas for collaborative research that will bring together currently disjoint research communities, and usher in a new era of genome-based forest biology. Ultimately, the approaches and insights from genome-based forest biology will inform us how to address problems ranging from forest conservation during climate change to tailoring of tree-based biofuels feedstocks.
The symposium will take place over two days at the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA. There will be dedicated time for discussions, posters, selected poster talks, a conference dinner and a tour of the Arboretum’s collections.
William Friedman Arboretum of Harvard University, Boston, USA
Andrew Groover USDA Forest Service and University of California, Davis, USA
Peter Crane Yale University, New Haven, USA
Siobhan Brady University of California, Davis, USA
Taku Demura Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan
Steve DiFazio West Virginia University, Morgantown, USA
Carl Douglas University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
William Friedman Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, Boston, USA
Andrew Groover USDA Forest Service and University of California, Davis, USA
Ykä Helariutta University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Isabelle Henry University of California, Davis, USA
Nathalie Isabel Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Québec, Canada
Catherine Kidner University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Francis Martin INRA, Nancy, France
David Neale University of California, Davis, USA
Nathaniel Street Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Jill Wegrzyn University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA
Matthew Zinkgraf USDA Forest Service, Davis, USA
Steve Strauss Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA
Programme, registration and further information available at
Contact: Helen Pinfield-Wells np-symposia(a)lancaster.ac.uk
New Phytologist Trust website: www.newphytologist.org Twitter: @NewPhyt Facebook: fb.com/NewPhytologist G+: https://www.google.com/+NewphytologistOrgplantscience
From: Bhaskar Vira [mailto:bv101@cam.ac.uk]
Sent: Dienstag, 13. Januar 2015 12:00
Subject: Call for papers on Forests and Food Security - reminder deadline 31 January
----- Call for Papers for Special Issue of Environmental Conservation on 'Forests and Food Security' -----
The aim of this thematic issue is to provide a forum for research that explores the different ways in which forests and agroforestry systems can be managed as food provisioning systems, in addition to their existing contributions to the conservation landscape. Potential audiences for this contribution include scholars and policy makers working in forest and related sectors, as well as those working in the areas of food and nutrition security both locally and internationally. A reminder that the deadline for the submission of papers is 31 January 2015. Details are attached.
Bhaskar Vira
Department of Geography
Downing Place
Cambridge CB2 3EN
E-mail: bv101(a)cam.ac.uk
Ph: +44 (0)1223 339823
Fax: +44 (0)1223 333392