--------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: "Jean-françois Trebuchon" <jean-francois.trebuchon(a)cirad.fr>
To: bft_news(a)cirad.fr
Cc: jean-francois trebuchon <trebuchon(a)cirad.fr>, philippe menozzi <philippe.menozzi(a)cirad.fr>
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 12:47:28 +0200
Subject: BFT-CIRAD-DIVECOSYS-Formation à l'écriture d'article scientifique au Bénin
<http://www.cirad.fr/> LogoCirad_Recherche_web
<http://ur-hortsys.cirad.fr/actualites/formation-a-l-ecriture-d-articles-sci…> DIVECOSYS
Dispositif en partenariat
<http://bft.cirad.fr/> logobftvct
Journal des sciences forestières
Revue en Open Access à facteur d’impact
Formation à l'écriture d'article scientifique
Le Cirad, en collaboration avec les équipes du dispositif en partenariat DIVECOSYS et de la revue Bois et forêts des tropiques, organisent une formation à l'écriture d'article scientifique à :
Cotonou, Bénin - Lundi 13 au vendredi 17 octobre 2014
Vous trouverez en fichier joint toutes les informations pour une inscription.
Pour avoir de plus amples informations, vous pouvez prendre contact avec :
Jean-François Trébuchon
Coordinateur éditorial
<mailto:jean-francois.trebuchon@cirad.fr> jean-francois.trebuchon(a)cirad.fr
Bois et Forêts des Tropiques
TAC 105/D
34398 Montpellier Cedex 5
Fax : +33 4 67 59 37 55
Tél. : +33 4 67 59 37 81
Philippe Menozzi
<mailto:menozzi@cirad.fr> menozzi(a)cirad.fr
UPR 115 AIDA (Agroécologie et Intensification Durable des cultures Annuelles)
Correspondant du Cirad au Bénin
CIRAD-IRD, 08 BP 841, Cotonou, BENIN
Centre du Riz pour l'Afrique (AfricaRice)
01 BP 2031, Cotonou, BENIN
tel. mob.: (00 229) 96 72 53 57
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: "Jacobs, Douglass F" <djacobs(a)purdue.edu>
To: "div1(a)lists.iufro.org" <div1(a)lists.iufro.org>, "div2(a)lists.iufro.org" <div2(a)lists.iufro.org>, "div3(a)lists.iufro.org" <div3(a)lists.iufro.org>
Date: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 08:07:05 +0000
Subject: 2nd IUFRO Restoring Forests Congress__Abstract Deadline July 1
Dear Colleagues,
Attached is the third circular for our upcoming IUFRO-sponsored 2nd Restoring Forests Congress to be held 14-16 October 2014 in Lafayette, Indiana USA (Purdue University). The deadline for abstracts for volunteer oral and poster presentations is July 1.
The 1st Restoring Forests Congress was held in September 2011 in Madrid, Spain and attended by > 100 scientists representing 17 countries. A double special issue of New Forests ( <http://link.springer.com/journal/11056/43/5/page/1> http://link.springer.com/journal/11056/43/5/page/1) was produced from the 1st Congress. The theme of the 2nd Congress is "What constitutes success in the 21st Century?". We will examine the continued evolution of the scope of forest restoration and re-explore the need to set realistic goals to achieve restoration success. Field tours will highlight the ongoing forest restoration research of the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center ( <http://www.htirc.org/> http://www.htirc.org) at Purdue University, featuring especially the role of genetics in ecological restoration.
Selected papers from the congress will once again be published in a special issue of New Forests. Please consider participating in the conference and forward this message to your colleagues, encouraging them to attend. Updated information can be found at the conference website: <https://www.purdue.edu/fnrrf/> https://www.purdue.edu/fnrrf/
Best wishes,
Organizing Committee, 2nd IUFRO Restoring Forests
If you can't see this email, please clic <http://www.neiker.net/neiker/iufro2014/index03.html> here
Woody Plant Production Integrating Genetic and Vegetative Propagation Technologies
Owing to circumstances beyond our control the congress e-mail had to be changed. From now on the new e-mail of the conference will be <mailto:vitoria2014iufro@neiker.net> vitoria2014iufro(a)neiker.net
We ask all authors TO FOLLOW STRICTLY the instructions for sending abstract both in format and content, otherwise the organization will be forced to reject them until they meet all the conditions. Please check the instructions for authors on the web <http://www.iufro20902.org/contribution.html> http://www.iufro20902.org/contribution.html
Dear Colleagues:
The Organizing Committee is pleased to reminder that the 3rd International Conference of the IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02-Somatic Embryogenesis and Other Vegetative Propagation Technologies will be held in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain during September 8-13, 2014. The conference is co-hosted by the NEIKER-Tecnalia in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain and Korea Forest Research Institute in Seoul, Korea
The initial conference information is posted on our conference website: <http://www.iufro20902.org> http://www.iufro20902.org, and the content will be updated as the preparations progress. Please visit our website frequently.
Important dates to remember are:
* June 20, 2014 – Abstratct (oral and poster presentation) deadline.
* June 30, 2014 – Last day of early registration at reduced fee.
Please bear in mind that special prices offered by many hotels in Vitoria for the IUFRO Vitoria congress will be only applied when making booking through the booking email provided by each hotel as we pointed out on the conference web. These prices, in no case will not be applied when the booking was made through the hotel on line booking system.
Student Scientific Award on Vegetative Propagation Technologies
The IUFRO Working party 2.09.02: “Somatic embryogenesis and other vegetative propagation technologies” is pleased to announce a special call for the 1st “Scientific Competition”- aimed specifically for graduate students and recent PhDs (less than 6 months) to present their PhD thesis research or post-doctoral project.
<http://www.neiker.net/neiker/iufro2014/award.pdf> Further information
Mailing list
Our mailing list may not be complete and consequently, we may have missed your colleagues at your institute who may be interested in this conference. Please feel free to distribute this announcement to your colleagues.
Also, you may have received multiple copies of this announcement as we assembled the mailing list from multiple sources, in which case we apologize.
Looking forward to seeing you in Vitoria in 2014!
Kind regards,
<mailto:ypark@nrcan.gc.ca> Yill-Sung Park
<mailto:pmomcalean@neiker.net> Paloma Moncalean
<mailto:mariano.toribio@madrid.org> Mariano Toribio
<mailto:Jean-francois.trontin@fcba.fr> Jean-François Trontin
<mailto:jana.krajnakova@uniud.it> Jana Krajnakova
If you can't see this email, please clic <http://www.neiker.net/neiker/iufro2014/index03.html> here
Woody Plant Production Integrating Genetic and Vegetative Propagation Technologies
Owing to circumstances beyond our control the congress e-mail had to be changed. From now on the new e-mail of the conference will be <mailto:vitoria2014iufro@neiker.net> vitoria2014iufro(a)neiker.net
We ask all authors TO FOLLOW STRICTLY the instructions for sending abstract both in format and content, otherwise the organization will be forced to reject them until they meet all the conditions. Please check the instructions for authors on the web <http://www.iufro20902.org/contribution.html> http://www.iufro20902.org/contribution.html
Dear Colleagues:
The Organizing Committee is pleased to reminder that the 3rd International Conference of the IUFRO Working Party 2.09.02-Somatic Embryogenesis and Other Vegetative Propagation Technologies will be held in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain during September 8-13, 2014. The conference is hosted by the NEIKER-Tecnalia in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
The initial conference information is posted on our conference website: <http://www.iufro20902.org> http://www.iufro20902.org, and the content will be updated as the preparations progress. Please visit our website frequently.
Important dates to remember are:
* June 20, 2014 – Abstratct (oral and poster presentation) deadline.
* June 30, 2014 – Last day of early registration at reduced fee.
Student Scientific Award on Vegetative Propagation Technologies
The IUFRO Working party 2.09.02: “Somatic embryogenesis and other vegetative propagation technologies” is pleased to announce a special call for the 1st “Scientific Competition”- aimed specifically for graduate students and recent PhDs (less than 6 months) to present their PhD thesis research or post-doctoral project.
<http://www.neiker.net/neiker/iufro2014/award.pdf> Further information
Mailing list
Our mailing list may not be complete and consequently, we may have missed your colleagues at your institute who may be interested in this conference. Please feel free to distribute this announcement to your colleagues.
Also, you may have received multiple copies of this announcement as we assembled the mailing list from multiple sources, in which case we apologize.
Looking forward to seeing you in Vitoria in 2014!
Kind regards,
<mailto:ypark@nrcan.gc.ca> Yill-Sung Park
<mailto:pmomcalean@neiker.net> Paloma Moncalean
<mailto:mariano.toribio@madrid.org> Mariano Toribio
<mailto:Jean-francois.trontin@fcba.fr> Jean-François Trontin
<mailto:jana.krajnakova@uniud.it> Jana Krajnakova
Von: Maria Mirnova [mailto:maria@globalengage.co.uk]
Gesendet: Montag, 10. März 2014 15:53
Betreff: RE: Invitation: The 2nd Plant Genomics Congress, 12-13 May 2014, London, UK
Dear Scientists,
This is to announce the 2nd Plant Genomics Congress, 12-13 May in London, UK.
Over two days the event will attract over 250 industry & academic experts working in areas such as Plant sciences/ Next generation sequencing, genomics, epigenetics , bioinformatics and data management.
The conference will examine the latest NGS platforms and technologies suitable for progressing plant based research as well as tools to enable successful analysis.
As discussed, I would be grateful if you could forward the information to colleagues who you think would benefit from attending.
2 days Conference package: £ 495 per pack + VAT
Opportunity to present a poster is also available. An admin fee of £ 25 + VAT will be added.
We offer at the moment an Early Bird discount:
1. 10% discount on individual registrations
2. 3 for 2 deals on group bookings: when 2 people register at the standard rate, a 3rd colleague would be able to attend free of charge.
Should you prefer to register online please use the following discounted code MIM0505
Maria Mirnova
<http://www.globalengage.co.uk/> cid:image004.jpg@01CD89B5.2235F5E0
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 849841
Mob: +44 (0) 7852151533
Fax: +44 (0) 1865 598989
Dear Colleague,
We are very pleased to announce a call for abstracts for a contribution in a special issue on « Reconciling environment and production in managed ecosystems: is ecological intensification a solution? » to be published in the international scientific journal Environmental Management (http://www.springer.com/environment/environmental+management/journal/267)
The provisional planning is the following:
* Deadline for submission of abstracts (250-300 words): 07th March.
· Deadline for review of abstracts: 04th April.
· Deadline for submission of articles: 04th July.
An outline of the article can be added to the abstract.
Details on the scope of the special issue can be obtained from and your abstract must be sent to:
We are looking forward to reading from you
Best regards
Thomas Cordonnier & Jean-Luc Peyron
Thomas Cordonnier
Irstea Grenoble
2 rue de la Papeterie BP76
F-38402 Saint-Martin-d'Hères Cedex
Tel: 33(0)4 76 76 27 81
Fax: 33(0)4 76 51 38 03
In relation to the COST Action FP0905, we have organized the Final
The event will be held on 4-5 March, 2014, at the Headquarters of the
National Research Council (Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Rome, Italy) and it is
opened to all the scientist interest in the field of Transgenic Trees
and related topics.
For the participation a registration is requested using the attached
form to be sent to e-mail: rome(a)cost-action-fp0905.eu, no later than Monday, February 17, 2014.
A payment of a Conference fee of 50 EUR is requested to participants
not belonging neither to the COST Action FP0905 nor to Italian CNR.
It is also possible to submit abstracts no later than February 17, 2014 to the email address rome(a)cost-action-fp0905.eu.
More information about program, registration, fee payment, and abstract
submission are attached and in the web site:
Thank you very much.
Kind regards
Dr. Cristina Vettori, Ph.D.
Institute of Bioscience and BioResources (IBBR)
Division of Florence
Polo Scientifico CNR, Via Madonna del Piano 10
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI), Italia
Phone: +39 055 5225728; Fax: +39 055 5225729
E-mail: cristina.vettori(a)cnr.it
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: "Cornelis Van Oosten" <silviconsult(a)telus.net>
To: <div2(a)lists.iufro.org>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:01:01 -0800
Subject: International Poplar Symposium VI - online registration open
To whom this may concern,
Via IUFRO’s Ms. Brigitte Burger - Web Management IUFRO - I received the suggestion to let you know of the opening of the online registration of the Sixth International poplar Symposium (IPS VI) this coming July in Vancouver (BC), Canada. Would you be so kind to post the attached pdf and/or a link to our website www.2014ipsvi.com/ please? I appreciate your cooperation.
With kind regards,
Cees ("Case") van Oosten, M.Sc.F.
Chair - International Poplar Symposium VI
℅ SilviConsult Woody Crops Technology Inc.
2356 York Crescent
Nanaimo, B.C., V9T 4N3
Ph: (250) 758-4789 <tel:%28250%29%20758-4789> (Res. & Bus.)
2014 - International Poplar Symposium VI (IPS VI)
July 20-23, 2014 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada
July 24-27, 2014; Fraser Valley Field Tour & Interior Circle Tour
The IUFRO All-Division 5 Conference is held every 5 years. It is an apolitical, international forum open to all nations, for conduct of the Division’s business, and for exchange of scientific, professional and technical information on forest products related subjects consistent with the Division's structure.
Division 5 is currently soliciting bids for the 2017 All-Division 5 conference. If you and your institution are willing to host this conference, please visit the Guidelines and Bidding Rules at http://www.iufro.org/download/file/9492/2068/all-d5-2017-guidelines-bidding… for further details.
Please note that the deadline for the submission of bids is 28 February 2014!
We are hoping for and looking forward to receiving many outstanding bids!
Best regards
Andrew H.H. Wong, D. Phil
Coordinator, IUFRO Division 5 (Forest Products)
IUFRO Headquarters