June 20, 2016
IUFRO 2.09.02 Conference, Sept 19-23, 2016, La Plata, Argentina
Development and application of vegetative propagation technologies in plantation forestry to cope with a changing climate and environment
Register and submit your abstract(s)!
=> Less than 2 weeks now remaining!
Abstract submission<http://www.iufro20902.org/contribution.html>
Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2016
Deadline for registration at reduced fees: July 4, 2016
Are you scientists from economically disadvantaged countries? Apply for IUFRO travel grants!
=> Deadline is today: June 20
Upload conditions to apply<http://www.iufro20902.org/IUFRO_SDC_SPA_Programme120516.pdf>
Here<http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-and-lending-groups#Low_income> is the list of eligible countries from either low or lower-middle income economies
Interested to join our IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party?
Fill in the Information Form!
Subscribe to the IUFRO 2.09.02 mailing list<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1d6RpZrq5EJpcrOghtquq9TljPvoa9iJvHYXVNdFWrp…>
More information needed?
Conference Website<http://www.iufro20902.org/index.html>
Conference Secretariat<mailto:info@iufrolaplata2016.com.ar>
The Conference Organizing Committee:
Jean-François Trontin - jean-francois.trontin(a)fcba.fr<mailto:jean-francois.trontin@fcba.fr>
Sandra Sharry - ssharry(a)gmail.com<mailto:ssharry@gmail.com>
Paloma Moncaleán - pmoncalean(a)neiker.eus<mailto:pmoncalean@neiker.eus>
Mariano Toribio - mariano.toribio(a)madrid.org<mailto:mariano.toribio@madrid.org>
Heung-Kyu Moon - mhkmoon(a)korea.kr<mailto:mhkmoon@korea.kr>
Jana Krajňáková - jana.krajnakova(a)oulu.fi<mailto:jana.krajnakova@oulu.fi>
Yill-Sung Park - yillsung.park(a)canada.ca<mailto:yillsung.park@canada.ca>
Dear colleagues,
thank you very much for the exciting session proposals we have already received!
As you know, the official deadline was today, 15. June.
However, we have decided to extend this deadline by two weeks.
Thus the extended deadline is now Thursday, June 30th .
We are looking forward to your contributions! Please feel free to share this information widely with your colleagues.
Yours sincerely,
The FVA Organization Team
FVA Baden-Württemberg | Wonnhaldestr. 4 | D-79100 Freiburg
June 13, 2016
IUFRO 2.09.02 Conference, Sept 19-23, 2016, La Plata, Argentina
Development and application of vegetative propagation technologies in plantation forestry to cope with a changing climate and environment
Register and submit your abstract(s)!
=> Less than one month now remaining!
Abstract submission<http://www.iufro20902.org/contribution.html>
Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2016
Deadline for registration at reduced fees: July 4, 2016
Are you young graduate students or recent PhDs?
Participate in the student's scientific awarding competition!
=> Only a few days remaining! Deadline: June 15
Upload directives to participate<http://www.iufro20902.org/SC_announcement060516.pdf>
Are you scientists from economically disadvantaged countries? Apply for IUFRO travel grants!
=> Less than 2 weeks remaining! Deadline: June 20
Upload conditions to apply<http://www.iufro20902.org/IUFRO_SDC_SPA_Programme120516.pdf>
Here<http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-and-lending-groups#Low_income> is the list of eligible countries from either low or lower-middle income economies
Interested to join our IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party?
Fill in the Information Form!
Subscribe to the IUFRO 2.09.02 mailing list<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1d6RpZrq5EJpcrOghtquq9TljPvoa9iJvHYXVNdFWrp…>
More information needed?
Conference Website<http://www.iufro20902.org/index.html>
Conference Secretariat<mailto:info@iufrolaplata2016.com.ar>
The Conference Organizing Committee:
Jean-François Trontin - jean-francois.trontin(a)fcba.fr<mailto:jean-francois.trontin@fcba.fr>
Sandra Sharry - ssharry(a)gmail.com<mailto:ssharry@gmail.com>
Paloma Moncaleán - pmoncalean(a)neiker.eus<mailto:pmoncalean@neiker.eus>
Mariano Toribio - mariano.toribio(a)madrid.org<mailto:mariano.toribio@madrid.org>
Heung-Kyu Moon - mhkmoon(a)korea.kr<mailto:mhkmoon@korea.kr>
Jana Krajňáková - jana.krajnakova(a)oulu.fi<mailto:jana.krajnakova@oulu.fi>
Yill-Sung Park - yillsung.park(a)canada.ca<mailto:yillsung.park@canada.ca>
Dear Colleagues,
I’m glad to invite you to attend at the
Final Conference on
“Marginal and peripheral tree populations: a key genetic resource for European forests”,
organised by the Cost Action FP1202 (http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1202)
on 27 – 29 September 2016
at the CREA SEL Headquartiers,
Viale Santa Margherita 80, 52100 Arezzo (Italy)
The Conference will organised with the sponsorship of
EUFORGEN, IUFRO Division 2.00.00, IUFRO 2.02.13, EFI and (FAO) Silva Mediterranea WG4.
The effects of climate change are likely to be stronger and more rapid in marginal and peripheral populations (MaP) of forest trees than elsewhere.
MaP forest populations are at the edges of species ranges where conditions are less suitable for survival.
Studying adaptive processes in these populations is crucial and of mutual interest for European and neighbouring countries for understanding the evolution of species and developing gene pool (FGR) conservation and management strategies and networks to cope with global changes.
These populations are not only threatened by modern climate changes but also by other disturbances arising from human pressures and
they may prove invaluable for adapting the European forestry sector.
Topics and all information you require can be found in the following page
Please register your attendance at the following link:
Kind regards
Fulvio DUCCI
IUFRO 2.02.13
Dr. Fulvio Ducci
Cost Action FP1202
“Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation
of marginal/peripheral populations of forest trees to climate change in Europe
Tel. +39 0575 353021
Fax + 39 0575 353490
Skype: ghiandaiafd
May 20, 2016
IUFRO 2.09.02 Conference, Sept 19-23, 2016, La Plata, Argentina
Important information
Development and application of vegetative propagation technologies in plantation forestry to cope with a changing climate and environment
Dear Members of the IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party,
Registration and abstract submission are now opened!
However, due to technical problems, the maintenance of our website<http://www.iufro20902.org/index.html> is delayed.
As deadlines are approaching fast, we provide below directs links:
Abstract submission<http://iufrolaplata2016.com.ar/resumenes.php>
Abstract submission deadline: June 30, 2016
Deadline for registration at reduced fee: July 4, 2016
See our Conference Website for Registration Fees (here<http://www.iufro20902.org/registration.html>)
For confirmation of registration, you must complete the Registration Form and send the bank transfer receipt to inscripcion(a)laplataiufro2016.com.ar<mailto:inscripcion@laplataiufro2016.com.ar>
The updated information is available in the Conference Brochure
Upload the Conference Brochure
English version<http://data38.fcba.fr/iufro_conference/LaPlata2016_ConfBrochure_Eng_140516.…>
Spanish version<http://data38.fcba.fr/iufro_conference/LaPlata2016_ConfBrochure_esp140516.p…>
A student's scientific awarding competition is already opened
Upload the call for application to the student's competition<http://data38.fcba.fr/iufro_conference/SC_announcement060516.pdf>
Deadline for applicants: June 15, 2016
Two travel grants from the IUFRO-SPDC Scientist Assistance Programme are available to support scientists from economically disadvantaged countries
Upload the information document about IUFRO travel grants<http://data38.fcba.fr/iufro_conference/IUFRO_SDC_SPA_Programme120516.pdf>
Deadline for applicants: June 20, 2016
Here<http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-and-lending-groups#Low_income> is the list of eligible countries from either low or lower-middle income economies
If interested to join our IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party and receive information, we invited you to fill in the Information Form.
Subscribe to the IUFRO 2.09.02 mailing list<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1d6RpZrq5EJpcrOghtquq9TljPvoa9iJvHYXVNdFWrp…>
More information needed?
See the Conference Website<http://www.iufro20902.org/index.html>
Contact the Conference Secretariat: info(a)iufrolaplata2016.com.ar<mailto:info@iufrolaplata2016.com.ar>
Confirmed Invited Speakers
Nelly AGGANGAN (Philippines)
Maria Elena AGUILAR VEGA (Costa Rica)
Maria De Los Angeles BASIGLIO CORDAL (Argentina)
Patricia BOERI (Argentina)
Jorge CANHOTO (Portugal)
Maritza ESCALONA (Cuba)
Jens FIND (Denmark)
Miguel GUERRA (Brazil)
Cathy HARGREAVES (New Zealand)
Marie-Anne LELU-WALTER (France)
Charles A. LESLIE (USA)
Olivier MONTEUUIS (France)
Fernando NIELLA (Argentina)
Javier OBERSCHELP (Argentina)
Ricardo PENCHEL (Brazil)
Li-Wang QI (China)
Marguerite QUOIRIN (Brazil)
Luciano ROUSSY (Argentina)
We are looking forward to seeing you in la Plata!
The Conference Organizing Committee:
Jean-François Trontin - jean-francois.trontin(a)fcba.fr<mailto:jean-francois.trontin@fcba.fr>
Sandra Sharry - ssharry(a)gmail.com<mailto:ssharry@gmail.com>
Paloma Moncaleán - pmoncalean(a)neiker.eus<mailto:pmoncalean@neiker.eus>
Mariano Toribio - mariano.toribio(a)madrid.org<mailto:mariano.toribio@madrid.org>
Heung-Kyu Moon - mhkmoon(a)korea.kr<mailto:mhkmoon@korea.kr>
Jana Krajňáková - jana.krajnakova(a)oulu.fi<mailto:jana.krajnakova@oulu.fi>
Yill-Sung Park - yillsung.park(a)canada.ca<mailto:yillsung.park@canada.ca>
May 9, 2016
IUFRO 2.09.02 Conference, Sept 19-23, 2016, La Plata, Argentina, 2nd announcement
Development and application of vegetative propagation technologies in plantation forestry to cope with a changing climate and environment
Dear Colleagues and Supporters of the IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party "Somatic embryogenesis and other vegetative propagation technologies"
Registration and abstract submission will open soon at the conference webpage.
Conference Webpage<http://www.iufro20902.org/index.html>
Register now!<http://www.iufro20902.org/registration.html>
Submit your abstract<http://www.iufro20902.org/contribution.html>
Abstract submission deadline: recently extended to June 30, 2016
Deadline for registration at reduced fee: July 4, 2016
We strongly encourage young scientists to attend and contribute to the scientific program.
A student's scientific awarding competition is already opened at the conference webpage.
Participate in the student's awarding competition!<http://www.iufro20902.org/SC_announcement160316.pdf>
Deadline for applicants: recently extended to June 15, 2016
Final decision will be published by June 30, 2016 at the Conference webpage
If interested to join our IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party and receive information, we invited you to fill in the Information Form.
Subscribe to the IUFRO 2.09.02 mailing list<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1d6RpZrq5EJpcrOghtquq9TljPvoa9iJvHYXVNdFWrp…>
Please forward this announcement to Everyone in your organization/team interested by vegetative propagation of woody plants!
We are looking forward to welcoming you at La Plata for a friendly and productive meeting!
The Conference Organizing Committee:
Jean-François Trontin - jean-francois.trontin(a)fcba.fr<mailto:jean-francois.trontin@fcba.fr>
Sandra Sharry - ssharry(a)gmail.com<mailto:ssharry@gmail.com>
Paloma Moncaleán - pmoncalean(a)neiker.eus<mailto:pmoncalean@neiker.eus>
Mariano Toribio - mariano.toribio(a)madrid.org<mailto:mariano.toribio@madrid.org>
Heung-Kyu Moon - mhkmoon(a)korea.kr<mailto:mhkmoon@korea.kr>
Jana Krajňáková - jana.krajnakova(a)oulu.fi<mailto:jana.krajnakova@oulu.fi>
Yill-Sung Park - yillsung.park(a)canada.ca<mailto:yillsung.park@canada.ca>
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to inform you that the book entitled, "Vegetative Propagation of Forest Trees" has been published by the National Institute of Forest Science (NIFoS-Korea, http://english.forest.go.kr/) in early March, 2016. The information has just been highlighted in IUFRO News, volume 45, Issue 4, 2016<http://www.iufro.org/publications/news/electronic-news/>. The online edition (pdf) is available through the IUFRO 2.09.02 conference webpages (http://iufro20902.org) section "Publications<http://www.iufro20902.org/Publications/index.html>". A link is also provided through the IUFRO webpages dedicated to the 2.09.02 Working Party "Somatic embryogenesis and other vegetative propagation technologies", section "Publications and references<http://www.iufro.org/science/divisions/division-2/20000/20900/20902/publica…>".
Initially, we thought that it would be a 200-page book, but, owing to an overwhelming and enthusiastic response, it turned out to be a 676-page book! We are very happy with the quality of contributions. We thank all the authors for their contributions.
The book describes many different aspects of modern, vegetative propagation techniques of forest trees and is divided into two parts. Chapters in the first part deal with the current trends and status of research from a theoretical point of view. New technologies that are expected to have a major impact in future tree improvement programs, such as genomic selection and application of molecular analysis, are discussed in detail in this part. The second part is focused on a number of species of hardwoods and conifers and describes practical application of the various vegetative technologies including their use in industrial production.
Kind regards,
The Editors
YillSung Park (Canadian Forest Service) - yillsung.park(a)canada.ca<mailto:yillsung.park@canada.ca>
Jan Bonga (Canadian Forest Service) - jan.bonga(a)canada.ca<mailto:jan.bonga@canada.ca>
Heung-Kyu Moon (National Institute of Forest Science of Korea) - mhkmoon(a)korea.kr <mailto:mhkmoon@korea.kr >
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Institut technologique FCBA - 10 rue Galilée - 77420 Champs-sur-Marne
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: Fulvio Ducci CREA FOR < <mailto:fulvio.ducci@crea.gov.it> fulvio.ducci(a)crea.gov.it>
To: IUFRO Division 2 List < <mailto:div2@lists.iufro.org> div2(a)lists.iufro.org>
Cc: "El Kassaby Prof. Yousry UBC Canada" < <mailto:y.el-kassaby@ubc.ca> y.el-kassaby(a)ubc.ca>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2016 15:48:10 +0200
Subject: FP1202 MaP FGR Training School, call open now
Dear Colleagues,
I would like to inform you that Cost Action FP1202, in collaboration with the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, University of Novi Sad (Serbia), is organizing a Training School on “Genetic diversity of marginal tree populations: from genomics to phenotypic variation” on 13-16 June 2016 in Vojvodina, Serbia at the Hotel Ceptor-Andrevlje, Banoštor.
The deadline for applicants is 15 May 2016, see attached pdf file.
The school will be focused on tree populations in Southern Europe (e.g. Balkan Peninsula), with special emphasis on broadleaved, relict and endemic species. The training will consist of a combination of lectures, practical exercises on analyses of phenotypic data obtained from common garden experiments and field visits.
The training school targets PhD students and other young scientists involved in on-going studies of genetics of forest tree species. MSc students can also benefit from the course if they already have some background knowledge in population genetics or quantitative genetics, and are working with genetic analysis of populations in their MSc thesis.
Please visit the Cost Action website for more info: http://map-fgr.entecra.it/?page_id=79
Feel free to spread the word!
Kind regards
Fulvio DUCCI
Dr. Fulvio Ducci
Chair and Grant Holder
Cost Action FP1202
“Strengthening conservation: a key issue for adaptation
of marginal/peripheral populations of forest trees to climate change in Europe
Tel. +39 0575 353021 <tel:%2B39%200575%20353021>
Fax + 39 0575 353490 <tel:%2B%2039%200575%20353490>
Skype: ghiandaiafd
NOTE: after 31 May 2016 the new Email address will be <mailto:fulvio.ducci@crea.gov.it> fulvio.ducci(a)crea.gov.it
Dear colleagues,
*Still _few slots_ available for Poster presentation...submit your
abstract before *April 14*very last deadline !
*Also *April 14***deadline for REGULAR registration - Register ASAP!
*List of selected speakers now available at
Best regards,
The organizers
Christophe Plomion
69 route d'Arcachon
tel. 0675898017
---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: "Whitfield, Michael" < <mailto:m.whitfield@lancaster.ac.uk> m.whitfield(a)lancaster.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 10:35:03 +0000
Subject: Grant deadline: 38th New Phyt Symposium - Colonisation of the terrestrial environment 2016
Dear all,
The grant deadline for the 38th New Phytologist Symposium: Colonisation of the terrestrial environment 2016, is Thursday 21 April.
The poster abstract submission deadline is Thursday 19 May.
Colonisation of the terrestrial environment 2016 will take place in Bristol, UK, from 25-27 July 2016. The purpose of this symposium is to explore the contribution that plants and mycorrhizal fungi made to the colonization of the terrestrial environment. Building on the success of the 25th New Phytologist Symposium the focus will be on exploring current uncertainties in four major themes: 1. Interrelationships 2. Anatomy – developmental genetics 3. Refining biogeochemical models to take account of the role of plants and fungi 4. Anatomy and physiology of early land plants – what can we learn from extant species.
Please see https://www.newphytologist.org/symposia/38 for further details. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with myself or Helen Pinfield-Wells (np-symposia(a)lancaster.ac.uk)
Apologies for cross-posting.
Best wishes,
Dr Mike Whitfield
Development Coordinator, New Phytologist
New Phytologist Central Office, Bailrigg House, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YE, UK
Tel: + 44 1524 592839 <tel:%2B%2044%201524%20592839> ; Fax: + 44 1524 594696 <tel:%2B%2044%201524%20594696>
www.newphytologist.org <http://www.newphytologist.org/> Twitter: @NewPhyt <https://twitter.com/newphyt> Facebook: fb.com/NewPhytologist <https://www.facebook.com/NewPhytologist>
The New Phytologist Trust, registered charity number 1154867
2014 Impact factor 7.672
Special and Feature Issues:
Evolutionary plant radiations <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nph.2015.207.issue-2/issuetoc> // Eucalyptus genome <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1469-8137/homepage/euc…> // Ecology and evolution of mycorrhizas <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/nph.2015.205.issue-4/issuetoc>
<http://www.newphytologist.org/symposia> New Phytologist Symposia 2016
Plant developmental evolution (Beijing, China) // Colonisation of the terrestrial environment 2016 (Bristol, UK)