The 64th annual Southern Forest Health Work Conference (SFHWC) will be held 15-17 July 2025 (Tuesday - Thursday) in Tulsa, Oklahoma USA!
We have chosen the Hyatt Regency Tulsa Downtown for our meeting. Although meeting registration is not yet open, I encourage you to make your hotel reservation as soon as possible. We have a block of 70 rooms (Monday and Thursday nights), 90 rooms (Tuesday night), and 85 rooms (Wednesday night) set aside for the group until June 23, 2025, so make your reservations by this date. Don't miss out on the special pricing!
IMPORTANT: The entire meeting will be held on Tuesday-Thursday, making Monday and Friday travel days. The opening business meeting and plenary session will begin after lunch on Tuesday. A full day of concurrent sessions, the closing business meeting, and awards banquet are scheduled for Thursday. Depending on your travel plans, you may want to reserve a room for Monday night even if you haven't needed to do this for past meetings.
Here are the details:
Date: 15-17 July 2025
Place: Hyatt Regency Tulsa Downtown, 100 East Second Street, Tulsa, Oklahoma USA
Phone reservations: 888-591-1234. Mention the group code: G-ASFH.
Online reservation link:
Self-parking is available for overnight guests at the hotel for $12 per day.
Visit for hotel information.
Room rates are $119.00 per night plus tax for up to 4 occupants (double rooms) or 2 occupants (king rooms) and are good for the nights of 14-17 July, 2024 (as well as 3 days pre- and post-conference, depending on availability). Remember, this low rate is valid only until June 23, 2025, and only for the limited number of rooms in our group block. Make your reservation right away!
I hope to see you in Tulsa in July!
William P. Shepherd, SFHWC Secretary-Treasurer
USDA Forest Service SRS
2500 Shreveport Highway
Pineville, LA 71360 USA
Voice: 318-473-7256
SFHWC website:<>
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Dear colleagues,
We are only a week away from the start of the 2nd annual IUFRO Women in
STEM webinar event!
Please join us on the *11th and 12th of February 2025 *to celebrate
the *International
Day of Women and Girls in Science* through a *free & global* IUFRO webinar
Twenty women in science will present their work related to *forests* over
four sessions:
Session 1 - 11th February 08:00 to 10:00 GMT
Session 2 - 11th February 20:00 to 22:00 GMT
Session 3 - 12th February 04:00 to 06:00 GMT
Session 4 - 12th February 14:00 to 16:00 GMT
Learn more and register by visiting our website
Please share it widely!
Joséphine, on behalf of the organizing committee
*Joséphine Queffelec (She/Her/Elle), PhD*
*Deputy Coordinator*,
IUFRO Research Group 7.03.00 - Entomology
*Social Media Manager - **IUFRO Division 7 - Forest Health*
twitter: @IUFROdivision7
facebook: IUFRO Division 7- Forest Health
Dear colleagues,
Please join us on the *11th and 12th of February 2025 *to celebrate
the *International
Day of Women and Girls in Science* through a *global IUFRO webinar event.*
Twenty women in science will present their work related to forests. Their
presentations will cover a wide variety of topics from forest health to
policy, silviculture, engineering, social aspects of forests and many more.
This event is *free* and *online*!
It is divided into four sessions:
Session 1 - 11th February 08:00 to 10:00 GMT
Session 2 - 11th February 20:00 to 22:00 GMT
Session 3 - 12th February 04:00 to 06:00 GMT
Session 4 - 12th February 14:00 to 16:00 GMT
Learn more and register by visiting our website
Looking forward to celebrating with you.
The organizing committee
*Joséphine Queffelec (She/Her/Elle), PhD*
*Deputy Coordinator*,
IUFRO Research Group 7.03.00 - Entomology
*Social Media Manager - **IUFRO Division 7 - Forest Health*
twitter: @IUFROdivision7
facebook: IUFRO Division 7- Forest Health
Von: Carney,Tyler J <tcarney96(a)>
Betreff: Please Share: Postdoc in Entomology and Biosecurity at University of Florida
The University of Florida Forest Entomology Lab is looking for a "writing" post-doc focused on entomology and biosecurity. The ideal applicant will be capable of effective synthesis of scientific literature, knowledgeable on APHIS regulatory language, and/or understands the biology of wood-boring insects. A track record of research or regulatory writing is required.
Duration: 1 year, with likelihood of continuation
Salary: $60,000
Position start: As soon as possible, likely February/March 2025
Application deadline: Friday, January 24th, 2025
Please refer to this link:… for more details and application instructions.
Tyler Carney, PhD
Natural Resource Policy and Economics
ProForest Coordinator
373 Newins-Ziegler
If you are receiving this message outside of your normal work hours, please do not feel pressured to respond until your workload and schedule permit.
"Teaching is a noble calling. Our fingerprints are on the future." - Foy Mills
[image: Banner 2025b.jpg]
Dear colleagues,
We are very excited to invite you to join us in celebrating the 2025
Day of Women and Girls in Science* through a *global IUFRO webinar
event* taking
place on the *11th and 12th of February 2025*.
The event is divided into *four sessions* during which twenty women in
science will present their work related to forests. Their presentations
will cover a wide variety of topics from forest health to policy,
silviculture, engineering, social aspects of forests and many more.
This event is *free* and *online*!
Learn more and register by visiting our website
Looking forward to celebrating with you.
Joséphine, on behalf of the organizing committee
*Joséphine Queffelec (She/Her/Elle), PhD*
*Deputy Coordinator*,
IUFRO Research Group 7.03.00 - Entomology
*Social Media Manager - **IUFRO Division 7 - Forest Health*
twitter: @IUFROdivision7
facebook: IUFRO Division 7- Forest Health
Von: Geoffrey Williams - FS <geoffreywilliamsfs640(a)>
Gesendet: Montag, 25. November 2024 17:22
Betreff: [IUFRO RG 7.02 FORPATH] Time sensitive: assist w IUFRO task force proposal monitoring forest disease/insect outbreaks
Dear colleagues,
I am requesting your help on an IUFRO task force and a proposal this week. The concept note was approved, but the full proposal is due Nov 30. Henrik Hartmann previously led a task force on monitoring global tree mortality patterns and trends, and we would like to extend and integrate this with pest monitoring. The idea is to identify gaps in need of improvement internationally and coordinate efforts to integrate efforts internationally. I am currently leading the effort but transitioning to a new position that will likely make it difficult to coordinate the activities of the task force without help from other deputies. This task force would need help and to network with many of you and others internationally in any case. If you can help please reply ASAP.
For background, here is a link that describes what a task force is. There is no $ involved, just plans to network and form a team to coordinate activities internationally toward a common goal: IUFRO: Task Forces / Science in IUFRO<>
We are seeking help from you on this proposal by the end of the week.
Specifically, I would like to know
* If you can serve as deputies helping to coordinate task force activities
* If you can serve as a member of the task force
* If you would like to help with the proposal, reply and I will send you a link to the proposal; currently, we want to have workshops/seminars to talk about integrating surveys, monitoring, remote sensing, and inventory efforts internationally, a list of sentinel tree monitoring programs and research internationally, and a database and/or standards to house information from them, as well as workshops, seminars, and publications integrating parallel or ongoing efforts.
* If you can help coordinate team building activities or workshops through your institution(s)/agency(ies) over the next years - we can seek outside or inside funds for these as well - for example
* Directory of sentinel monitoring efforts
* Workshop on establishing standards and repositories for data from international sentinel monitoring programs
* International workshop(s) on inventories and how to integrate them?
* International workshop(s) on remote sensing programs and how to integrate them?
* International workshop(s) on pest surveys and how to integrate them?
* International workshop(s) on integrating inventories, remote sensing, and surveys internationally?
* If you can help network with colleagues in China or the global south to be part of the proposed task force
* Additional potential members of the task force
Thanks for your last minute help
Geoff Williams, PhD
International Sentinel Network Coordinator
Forest Service
International Programs
Office of the Chief
Office: +1 (202) 263-9231
WhatsApp: +1 (208) 874-7604
2601 Coolidge Rd, Ste. 203
East Lansing, MI 48823<><>
Caring for the land and serving people
*Research Scientist position in Ecology and forest insect invasions***
The Forest Zoology Research Unit(INRAE URZF
<>), located in Orléans in the
Centre Val de Loire region (France), is expected to soon open a
permanent research scientist position in the field of forest insect
community ecology in the context of biological invasions.
URZF studies the response of pest forest insect populations to
anthropogenic changes, with two main research axes: (1) invasions of
exotic insects linked to the intensification of human activities, and
(2) expansions of native insects threatening plant or human health in
connection with climate change. The invasive success of a species
depends both on its "invasiveness" (currently studied in the unit) and
on the "invasibility" of the recipient environment, /i.e./, its
vulnerability to invasion. This issue involves hypotheses such as the
biotic resistance hypothesis (a crucial question not yet addressed in
our unit). If this researcher position is opened, your mission will be
to study the invasibility of environments colonized by invasive forest
insects, using concepts and tools from community ecology.
The strengths of the unit include:
- International recognition in the field of invasions/expansions, and
co-leadership of a Franco-Chinese International Joint Laboratory,
- Integration of multiple disciplinary approaches,
- Dedicated infrastructures and facilities for laboratory and field
To apply, *visit the **INRAE Jobs*
at the end of January or early February 2025*. To receive a notification
by email on the opening date, you can create a job alert
<>now in just three clicks.
*Dr. Christelle ROBINET*
Directrice de Recherche
Directrice Adjointe de l'URZF
INRAE Val de Loire, site d'Orléans
Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière (URZF)
2163 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin - CS 40001 - Ardon
45075 Orléans cedex 2
Tel: (+33)
Fax: (+33)
E-mail: christelle.robinet(a) <>
Deasr IUFRO colleagues,
The UF Fungal systematics lab (Matt Smith) and the Forest entomology lab (Jiri Hulcr) are planning to run a short course "Summer School of Ambrosia Symbiosis". It will be in May and June 2025. We are also considering making it a bigger course and opening it to students from other institutions and overseas. Do you have/know students or colleagues who would be interested in a 6-week course here in Florida? It will be hands-on, supervised, and it will teach participants how to start isolating and studying ambrosia fungi using robust, contemporary methods and theory.
If yes, would you kindly forward this questionnaire to folks who may be interested?
This is totally non-binding; at this point, we are just assessing interest and people's financial capacity.
Thank you so much in advance!
Jiri & Matt
Jiri Hulcr, Professor of Forest Entomology
School of Forest Resources and Conservation at the University of Florida
Phone: 517-256-1894
Tree diagnostics:
Interested in a modern perspective on bark beetles? -
available on Amazon!<…>
Dear forest pathologists and entomologists,
Andrea Ficke (NIBIO, Norway, Chair of the Crop Loss Committee of the
International Society of Plant Pathology), Serge Savary (INRAE, France,
retired), Neil McRoberts (UC Davis, USA) and some others are thinking
about organizing an International Symposium on losses to pathogens and
pests in agriculture and forestry, with the support of FAO.
They are seeking some forest health specialists who are interested in
concepts and methods to assess losses in forests (see below).
If you are intereststed, here is a link to a Doodle poll for the next
online meeting to discuss about this symposium :
Best regards,
Pascal Frey
Dr Pascal FREY
Head of the Department of Tree - Microbe Interactions
INRAE, University of Lorraine
Ecology of Forest Pathogenic Fungi team
F-54280 Champenoux
-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : Symposium on losses to pathogens and pests in agriculture and
Date : Fri, 11 Oct 2024 09:00:50 +0200
De : Serge Savary <ssavary01(a)>
Pour : Pascal Frey <pascal.frey(a)>
Copie à : Andrea Ficke <Andrea.Ficke(a)>, Neil McRoberts
Dear Pascal,
There are discussions ongoing on the above subject.
The question of losses to pathogens and pests has not been addressed in
a formal methodology text for nearly 5 decades. An update is long overdue.
We're working, with Andrea Ficke, NIBIO, as lead (Chair of the Crop Loss
Committee of the ISPP) on the organisation of an international symposium
which would address all the new techniques/methods/technologies to
address losses to pathogens and pests.
The FAO has indicated its support.
The ongoing discussions are about the goal and contents of this
symposium, its participants, and its outputs (e.g., a small book).
It would be exceedingly important that forest pathology be properly
represented in the ongoing discussions, and of course the symposium
itself. Forest Pathology, I am sure, has its own way of looking at
things, its own logic/paradigms, and its own methods. These need to be
reported / documented / explained / illustrated with simple examples
anyone, anywhere in the world, can understand).
I am writing to you to ask you if you could find the time to attend
those meetings, and participate in the discussions. Also, it would be
very good if you could indicate to us colleagues in Forest Pathology who
could participate. These could be colleagues in France, or anywhere else
in the world.
I am in India currently, away from my usual files, and battling against
(most) unreliable internet. It may be that I already reached tout to
you. In that case, please accept my apologies. I am not trying to put
any pressure. Any advice that you could have to Andrea, Neil, and me,
would be most helpful.
With very best wishes,
PS the next meeting will be on one of these dates: 25, 28, 29 october,
6, 7, 8 November - at 2 to 4 pm, irrespective of the date chosen. If
ever you're available, please let Andrea know your preferred dates.
Anyone of the colleagues you know, and who would be interested to
attend, would be most welcome too.
*Serge Savary*
Editor-in-Chief, Food Security-
Adjunct Professor - IARI, New Delhi; Professor of Plant Pathology(Hon.),
GBPUA&T, India
Directeur de Recherche ORSTOM, IRD, INRA (Ret.); Visiting Scholar - UC
Davis, USA; Guest Researcher, Univ. of Twente, ITC, The Netherlands;
Chevalier du Mérite Agricole, France; Fellow, ISPP; APS
ORCID: 0000-0002-6867-180X
Dear colleagues,
I am Jess Hartshorn, the new Coordinator for WP 7.03.05 (Ecology & mgmt of
bark and wood boring insects), and I am writing to request your input and
feedback on potential events and collaborations with the WP.
To do this, we invite you to fill out a quick (<5 min) survey
<>on your interest in WP 7.03.05
through different activities, events, and collaborations. If you are not a
member of the WP but are interested in possible collaborations, we want to
hear from you! The survey is anonymous but you will have the option to
include your name and contact info if desired.
The survey is linked above or you can copy/paste the following URL into
your browser:
Thanks for your time and energy in helping us move our WP forward!
Jess Hartshorn, PhD
Associate Professor of Forest Health
Forestry & Environmental Conservation
Lehotsky 229, Clemson, SC 29634
[image: image.png]
C: 937-654-6719 | E: *jhartsh(a) <jhartsh(a)>*
*Lab Website