[cid:image002.jpg@01D837A4.903953F0]This is to announce the 8th International Symposium on
Roots of Woody Plants, which will be held in-person on July 10-14, 2022 at Penn State
University in State College, PA, USA.
During this symposium, which usually meets every three years, world-recognized
researchers, scientists with emerging research programs, and graduate students gather to
discuss research on roots of forest trees and shrubs and nut and fruit crops. The specific
focus of the symposium allows for in-depth discussion on a wide array of topics, from
water acquisition to managing roots in impaired ecosystems.
This international symposium typically includes 150 participants from around the world.
The symposium will be hybrid with the option to choose in-person or virtual attendance in
the registration process.
Go to
for event summary to view symposium details and to register!
We look forward to seeing you at Penn State in July!
David Eissenstat
Department of Ecosystem Science and Management
201 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: 814-863-3371
Email: dme9@psu.edu<mailto:dme9@psu.edu>
posted by IUFRO Headquarters on behalf of Professor David Eisenstat