Dear Division 2 members:
Please take a look at this e-mail and its attachments. I strongly encourage all of you to
seriously considering submitting proposals for sessions at the upcoming IUFRO Wold
Thanks for considering my request,
Yousry El-Kassaby
Division 2 Coordinator
From: Parrotta, John -FS []
Sent: January-17-13 4:51 AM
To: ahhwong(a); Guldin, Richard -FS; Hans R. Heinimann
(hans.heinimann(a) Jens Peter Skovsgaard (jps(a)
jim.johnson(a); Lisa Hansen; McRoberts, Ronald -FS; Mike Wingfield
(Mike.Wingfield(a) Parrotta, John -FS; Robert Jandl (robert.jandl(a) Su
See Lee (leess(a) Tod.Ramsfield(a); tuija.sievanen(a);
El-Kassaby, Yousry
Cc: Hayes, Jennifer -FS; Brigitte Burger (burger(a)
Subject: IUFRO 2014 Congress: Session proposal website open for business
Dear CSC friends,
I hope that the new year is off to a good start for all of you. I would also like to take
this opportunity to welcome Robert Jandl, deputy coordinator of Division 8, to the
Congress Scientific Committee. Robert will be replacing Alain Franc, who is not able to
continue in this role.
As you all know, the next phase of our work is to promote the preparation and submission
of session proposals from within IUFRO and from other partners, optimally in cooperation
with IUFRO Research Groups, Working Parties and/or Task Forces. All session proposals will
be submitted online via the Congress website which is now open: Session proposals can be
submitted any time from now until April 30th. As we have discussed earlier, we expect all
members of the CSC to help spread the word about the open call for session proposals and
to encourage the preparation of session proposals by IUFRO units and others (preferably
involving two or more IUFRO units, optimally across IUFRO Divisions, Task Forces and/or
other organizations) closely aligned to the Congress Themes. It would be most helpful if
those preparing session proposals could send drafts of these proposals to relevant members
of the CSC prior to their submission online - this could help us identify potential
co-organizers (from other IUFRO units), and thereby reduce the number of very similar
session proposals (which was a bit of a problem for the 2010 Congress). It will also save
us work during the session proposal review phase (May-June), since part of that review
process will be to identify very similar sessions that need to be combined.
In the coming weeks, all CSC members will be given access to the session proposal database
and online review system - you will receive a message when this is ready.
Finally, I would like to note that all session proposals, including those that will
eventually be designated as sub-plenary sessions, must be submitted through this online
system (which, by the way, is very easy to use). I will be writing separately to CSC
members (and other identified colleagues) who have already volunteered to serve as the
focal points for development of the sub-plenary sessions in cooperation with relevant
IUFRO Task Forces, which we identified as priorities during our CSC meeting in Nairobi
last June.
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns at this stage. I look forward to
working with you in this very important phase of preparations for the 2014 Congress.
With best wishes,
John A. Parrotta, Ph.D.
National Research Program Leader, International Science Issues
Chair, IUFRO 2014 Congress Scientific Committee
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