July 7, 2016
IUFRO 2.09.02 Conference, Sept 19-23, 2016, La Plata, Argentina
Development and application of vegetative propagation technologies in plantation forestry
to cope with a changing climate and environment
Register and submit your abstract(s)!
=> Only a few hours remaining!
Deadlines for abstract submission and registration at reduced fee: July 8
Final result of the Second Biennial Student’s Scientific Competition
The Evaluation Committee chaired by Mariano Toribio is pleased to award first place to:
João Filipe da Silva Martins
(University of Coimbra, Portugal)
For his excellent presentation on:
“Shoot proliferation of chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) and in vitro protective effect of
endophytes against Phytophthora cinnamomi”
Congratulations to João!
And our warmest encouragements also to all 5 runners-up of this competition:
Giovanna Campos Mamede Weiss de Carvalho (UENF, Brazil)
Evelyn Raquel Duarte (UNaM/CONICET/CEDIT, Argentina)
Taiane Pires de Freitas de Oliveira (UENF, Brazil)
Kanagaraj Suganthi (Bharathidasan University, India)
Anna Maria Wójcik (University of Silesia, Poland)
Interested to join our IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party?
Fill in the Information Form!
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More information needed?
Conference Secretariat<mailto:info@iufrolaplata2016.com.ar>
The Conference Organizing Committee:
Jean-François Trontin -
Sandra Sharry - ssharry@gmail.com<mailto:ssharry@gmail.com>
Paloma Moncaleán - pmoncalean@neiker.eus<mailto:pmoncalean@neiker.eus>
Mariano Toribio - mariano.toribio@madrid.org<mailto:mariano.toribio@madrid.org>
Heung-Kyu Moon - mhkmoon@korea.kr<mailto:mhkmoon@korea.kr>
Jana Krajňáková - jana.krajnakova@oulu.fi<mailto:jana.krajnakova@oulu.fi>
Yill-Sung Park - yillsung.park@canada.ca<mailto:yillsung.park@canada.ca>
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