Von: TRONTIN Jean Francois
Betreff: IUFRO 2.09.02 Conference now on the road! Sept 19-23, 2016, La Plata, Argentina
Dear Colleagues,
We are very pleased to announce our 4th International Conference that will be held at the
La Plata University, September 19-23, 2016, City of La Plata (Province of Buenos Aires),
The conference theme is:
“Development and application of vegetative propagation technologies in plantation forestry
to cope with a changing climate and environment”.
Our main objective is clearly to foster the development and practical outcomes of
vegetative propagation technologies (including biotechnologies) for conservation,
breeding/selection and efficient, cost-effective deployment of resilient, productive tree
varieties in multi-varietal, plantation forestry.
Just save immediately this event in good place into your September 2016 diary and join us
for a friendly and productive meeting focused on vegetative propagation of woody plants!
Please forward this Email to Everyone in your Working Party, Organization or Team
interested by vegetative propagation of woody plants!
Important dates to remember:
Abstract submission deadline: May 30, 2016
Deadline for registration at reduced fee: July 4, 2016
For more information, please visit frequently our Conference Webpages:
If you are interested to join our 2.09.02 Working Party and/or to attend the Conference we
invited you to fill in the Preliminary Information Form
, preferably by April 4,, 2016.
We are looking forward to seeing you at La Plata!
Kind regards,
The Organizing Committee:
Jean-François Trontin ( <mailto:jean-francois.trontin@fcba.fr>
Sandra Sharry ( <mailto:ssharry@gmail.com> ssharry(a)gmail.com)
Paloma Moncaleán ( <mailto:pmoncalean@neiker.net> pmoncalean(a)neiker.net)
Mariano Toribio ( <mailto:mariano.toribio@madrid.org> mariano.toribio(a)madrid.org)
Heung-Kyu Moon ( <mailto:hkmoon@forest.go.kr> hkmoon(a)forest.go.kr)
Jana Krajňáková ( <mailto:jana.krajnakova@uniud.it> jana.krajnakova(a)uniud.it)
Yill-Sung Park ( <mailto:ypark@nrcan.gc.ca> yillsung.park(a)canada.ca)
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