Coordinator: Janusz Sabor, Poland
Deputies: Gregor Bozic, Slovenia
Tore Skroppa, Norway
Activities of the IUFRO Working Group
Following my letter from December 12, 2011 I enclose a report
of the activities of the Working Group in 2011 and a plan for the year 2012.
1. The conclusions of the conferences held in Warsaw and Malinowka were
elaborated and the reports presented there were published in the journal
“Dendrobiology” which also contains the reviewed papers of their authors
(the titles of reports are enclosed)
2. During the IUFRO Congress of Seul I have presented a report of the
activities of the Working Group and handed it to Dr. Peter Mayer
3. Materials are elaborated concerning the conference planned for 2012.
It is dedicated to the conservation of spruce gene resources and to the
recapitulation of results obtained in international provenance experiments
IUFRO 38/39, 64/68 and 72.
4. Principles of collaboration were elaborated with respect to the
preparation of a report and field session of the Conference of organizers
with the participation of the Forestry Research Institute of Warsaw, State
Forests and foreign research centers (anclosed).
5. The main object of the current activities of the Working Group is
the evaluation of the adaptation abilities of spruce to the varied
environmental conditions in the aspect of climatic and economic changes. In
this aspect it is highly significant to elaborate the results of spruce
provenance tests IUFRO 1964/67 and IUFRO 1972 and to select such
provenance regions which could be possibly used in regions of a changed
habitat. The Conference organized in Poland in 2012 will chiefly
concentrate on these problems.
Norway Spruce in the Conservation of Forest Ecosystems in Europe.The results
of the IUFRO experimental tests series: 38/39, 68/69, 72, and other
(local)University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland, Faculty of Forestry,
Beskid Mountains - Wisla Forest District. September 13-15, 2012
IUFRO W.P. s.2.02.11. “Norway spruce provenances and breeding”
Krakow University of Agriculture , Department of Genetics and Forest Tree
Forest Research Institute, Sękocin Stary