Chers collègues,
Le réchauffement global engendre la sècheresse et l'extension des
déserts avec leurs cortèges de misères alors que la population mondiale
augmente exagérément.
De nombreuses espèces forestières et agroforestières sont menacées
alors que les populations humaines en ont de plus en plus besoin.
C'est pourquoi, après mûre réflexion, je propose 3 méthodes simples
mais efficaces d'amélioration et de conservation génétiques pour faire
face à ce défi.
C'est l'objet de la publication que je considère comme une des plus
importantes de ma carrière :
* **NANSON, A.(2008) Trois méthodes simples d'amélioration et de
conservation génétiques pour l'agroforesterie et la foresterie en
régions arides. /Sécheresse/ 2008, 19, 4, 269-275.*
Malheureusement, les contraintes Email de la Liste IUFRO font qu'on
ne peut pas dépasser 50 K en annexe et donc que je ne peux pas vous
envoyer le texte en .pdf.
Voulez-vous en savoir plus ? Alors consultez la revue "*Sècheresse*"
du Groupe John Libbey Eourotext, 2009. Vous pouvez cependant voir le
résumé/summary en faisant : ** .
Avec mes salutations cordiales et bonne lecture !
Alphonse NANSON
Prof hon.
Forest Geneticist
Rue Chapelle-Dieu 29A
B-5030 Gembloux (Belgium)
Dear colleagues,
The 2nd International Conference on Conservation of Forest Genetic Resources
in Siberia will be held August 3-9, 2009 in Novosibirsk, Russia. Deadline
for registration is April 15, 2009, for abstracts - April 24, 2009 (see for additional information).
Please, contact me, if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Konstantin (Kostya) V. Krutovsky, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Ecosystem Science & Management Texas A&M University
#319 Horticulture and Forest Science Building (HFSB)
2138 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-2138
Phone: (979) 458-1417 (office)
(979) 458-0471 (lab)
Fax: (979) 845-6049
E-mail: k-krutovsky(a)
* Bonne Année à tous !
* Je profite de l'occasion des Fêtes de fin d'année pour vous
envoyer, pour vos archives, mon nouvel article de synthèse sur un sujet
d'actualité : les _*OGM* du point de vue forestier_ (mais aussi
agricole) : quels sont les arguments pour ou contre ?
Malgré vos lourdes charges, vous pouvez peut-être lire cet article,
après les fêtes, au moins le début et les conclusions et éventuellement
le faire circuler au personnel concerné.
Il faut cependant d'abord y ajouter au sommet de la dernière
colonne, p.11, les mots suivants qui ont été escamotés à la publication
: "*/Bien sûr, ceci n'exclut pas des recherches/*" fondamentales ...
Vos remarques éventuelles sont les bienvenues.
En attendant, je vous présente mes
*Meilleurs Vœux de Bonheur et d'Activités valorisantes pour l'Année
nouvelle !*
Alphonse NANSON
Prof hon.
Forest Geneticist
Rue Chapelle-Dieu 29A
B-5030 Gembloux (Belgium)
IUFRO informs about forthcoming first CPF global assessment report on the
adaptation of forests and forest-dependent people to climate change
5 December 2008 (Friday)
White-tailed Eagle Room, Poznań International Fair
On 5 December 2008, during the side event of the Collaborative Partnership
on Forests (CPF), Alexander Buck from IUFRO will report on the progress of
the first CPF global assessment report on the adaptation of forests and
forest-dependent people to climate change.
The peer-reviewed report will be launched at UNFF 8 in April 2009. It has
been prepared by the first CPF Global Forest Expert Panel (GFEP), which is
led and coordinated by IUFRO. The Panel has gathered input from about 100
renowned scientists from a broad range of disciplines.
This will be the most comprehensive assessment to date of existing
scientific knowledge about forest adaptation. It will provide decision
makers with an objective source of science-based information on the
ecological, social and economic impacts of climate change on forests and
people, and present forest management and policy options for adaptation.
The web-cast presentation will be available on demand from the UNFCCC
website at
For more information on GFEP and the Assessment Report, please visit:
Alexander Buck, IUFRO Headquarters
Dear Colleagues,
I find that many interesting discussions raised on these mails have
already got a solution in my synthesis book "Génétique et Amélioration
des arbres forestiers". Please see hereunder a presentation.
This synthesis book has already obtained a fair success
among French speaking researchers and foresters. Why not among English
speaking ones since these two languages are rather similar at the
reading stage?
Furthermore, thanks to a simple style and *bilingual entries of
a large glossary* relating to relevant chapters and *preventing long
readings*, the English readers should *understand* the essence of this
book *with little knowledge of French.*
So are some reasons why I hope that you will acquire, Dear
Colleague, this *handbook* for* your desk, *for* your library *and also
for* your collaborators.**
With my best Forest Geneticist's seasons greetings!
Alphonse NANSON
Prof hon.
Forest Geneticist
Rue Chapelle-Dieu 29A
B-5030 Gembloux (Belgium)
nanson.a(a) <>
NANSON, A. (2004) *Génétique et amélioration des arbres forestiers*. Les
presses agronomiques de Gembloux. 712 p., 103 ill., 25 tabl. ISBN
Price: Belgium: 60 € + mail (7,50 €); abroad: 68 €[1] <#_ftn1> + mail (±
10 €)
-see *Site* for exact values-
*/Purchase Address/*: Presses Agronomiques, Passage des Déportés 2, 5030
tel/fax 00 32/81/62 22 42, Email: pressesagro(a)
For direct purchase, see */Site/*:
(idem for the cover picture)
/Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding/ have progressed
considerably and researchers have diversified into many divergent fields.
This synthesis and comprehensive book aims to: (1) present a state of
the art at the dawn of this new century, (2) introduce many important
innovations and new concepts, (3) provide practical guidelines to
foresters for afforestations and regenerations, (4) restore links among
more and more divergent specialists.
Based on 40 years of experience, it focuses on practice of forest tree
breeding and of forest genetic resources management.
The principles and methods developed in this book can be applied to any
forest species in the world.
Forest Tree Breeding can *increase*, in a significant and
*sustainable* way, with minimal investment per unit of area: the
*productivity*, quality, adaptation and resistance of forest
plantations, without inputs such as pesticides or fertilizers.
Indirectly, it contributes to atmospheric *CO_2 sequestration*, a new
growing concern of this age. Forest Tree Breeding is therefore one of
the most ecologic and economic ways of applying the Laws of Nature.
Oil is becoming rare and more expensive, world population
and need in renewable wood products are increasing continuously. On the
contrary, the *area of productive forests is decreasing*, either by use
for agriculture or even by destruction in the tropics, or by their use
for nature conservancy in temperate countries. The *increase of
production per unit of area* becomes therefore a *necessity*. That is
precisely one of the major purposes of Forest Tree Breeding.
With the *concept of broaden heritability*, this book
presents also a new vision of genetic and environment relationships. It
proposes also quite new concepts as for example: "*the forest variety*"
and its main consequences, *a unified theory* and wording in
*quantitative genetics*, early testing and nursery selection, genetic
resources management, compacts and *simple programmes for developing
countries*, ...
For the field forester, the detailed list of *recommendable
provenances et varieties*, given species by species, for planting in
Belgium and countries of Western Europe is a simple tool to *increase
readily forest production*.
This consultation and reference manual is aimed principally at
professionals, students and skilled amateurs in forestry and genetics,
but also in agroforestry, dendrology, agronomy, horticulture, ecology,
biology, botany and possibly in zoology and medicine since genetics
represents an integrating factor of the whole biology (microbes, plants,
animals, men).
Its *comprehensive* referenced *glossary* with bilingual entries permits
a *rapid consultation* of relevant chapters *without long readings*.
It is the only one to be written for half a century in Europe.
/Though written in French, this book uses a rather direct and simple
style in order to be accessible to English readers. The technical
language being very similar with the same Latin roots and keywords being
translated in the glossary, the English readers should understand the
essence of this book with little knowledge of French. Moreover, were not
the founders of IUFRO in 1892 in Berlin considering that any forest
researcher should be able to read German, French and English, without
being necessarily able to speak them?/
/Alphonse NANSON/, Engineer of Waters and Forests, Doctor in agronomy,
Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Gembloux, has been researcher at
the Forest Experiment Station of Groenendaal (Brussels) and after at the
Station of Gembloux (Wallonia). Besides his basic work on foundations of
Forest Genetics, he has among other things, determined the best
recommendable provenances for Belgium and Western Europe and has
developed highly producing varieties that are already increasing
sustainable productivity and quality of Walloon and Belgian forests. His
scientific publications have been honoured by various academic awards,
including the IUFRO Scientific Award attributed to him in Oslo in 1976.
He has made many missions in Europe, in the United States and in
Developing Countries where he has successfully developed various long
term Tree Breeding Programmes.
* Contents*
*Préface de J. KLEINSCHMIT*
*Chapitre 1 : Introduction*
1.1. Bref historique
1.2. Objectifs de l'amélioration
1.3. Gains et rentabilité
*Chapitre 20 : Notions de base*
2.1. Aspects biologiques des espèces forestières
2.2. Écologie génétique
2.3. Génétique des populations
2.4. Généalogie, parenté, consanguinité, /outbreeding/
2.5. Génétique quantitative
2.6. Dispositifs d'expérimentation en forêt
*Chapitre 3 : Sélection des populations*
3.1. Espèces
3.2. Provenances
3.3. Région de provenance et peuplements à graines
*Chapitre 4 : Sélection individuelle*
4.1. Méthode classique
4.2. Sélection d'arbres plus
4.3. Multiplication végétative
4.4. Parcs à Clones
4.5. Vergers à graines
4.6. Schémas de croisements et tests de descendances
4.7. Variétés clonales
*Chapitre 5 : Stratégies et programmes d'amélioration*
5.1. Définitions
5.2. Stratégies
5.3. Programmes d'amélioration
5.4. Discussion
*Chapitre 6 : Questions spéciales*
6.1. Amélioration par polyploïdie, mutations, génie
génétique et autres biotechnologies, OGM (*/GMO/*)
6.2. Marqueurs génétiques
6.3. Amélioration du peuplier
(6.3.3. Foresterie à courte révolution et séquestration du carbone)
6.4. Sélection massale en pépinière
6.5. Régénération naturelle
6.6. Gestion des ressources génétiques forestières
6.7. Amélioration dans les pays en développement
6.8. Contrôle et certification des matériels forestiers de
*Chapitre 7 : Conclusions et perspectives*
______________________ nanson.a(a)
<> NoticE.doc, 21/11/2008.
[1] <#_ftnref1> Including a part of the mail costs as well.
Dear all,
While some of you have already provided us with highly valuable comments on the services
IUFRO provides we would like to bring the IUFRO Benefits Questionnaire back to the
attention of those that have not yet had an opportunity to share in.
Please let us know how you feel about the services IUFRO provides and fill in the IUFRO
Benefits Questionnaire by 10 October 2008. It'll take you no more than 10 minutes to
answer the 13 questions at:
Your opinion is essential for the scientific progress of our Union and will also be an
important guideline for the IUFRO Review 2008/09 and the development of the IUFRO Strategy
Thanks a lot for your kind cooperation and for spreading the word among scientists
interested in IUFRO!
Best wishes,
PS. Please feel free to contact us at prueller(a) with any questions you might
have. You are also most welcome to request a Word version of the Questionnaire (also
available in French and Spanish) by email.
Claudia Goestl - Web Management
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Mariabrunn (BFW), Hauptstrasse 7 │ A-1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877 0151-14 │ Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Website: <> │ Email: <>
Message forwarded on behalf of B. Hanell:
If you have not already done so, this message is to invite you to register to the
International Conference on Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing
Climate that will be held in Umeå on August 25-28.
Extensive information on the conference can be found at: "
<file://> ", including the Book of Abstracts, the
preliminary programme, and the registration information. The Conference will feature:
- Numerous keynote addresses from world-renowned experts and high-level managers of
forest and environmental portfolios such as the Chief of the US Forest Service and
Sweden's Minister of Agriculture;
- Oral and poster presentations arranged in 18 sessions that cover science, management
and policy issues within a wide range of forest adaptation-related topics;
- Moderated discussions whose outputs will feed into process aiming at increasing the
profile of forest-related challenges and opportunities within the global climate-change
I hope that you can join us in Umeå for this event.
Kind regards
Bjorn Hanell
Co-Chair of the 2008 Forest Adaptation Conference
Professor of Silviculture, SLU
Coordinator IUFRO Division 1 Silviculture
Dear all,
Please be informed that the 3rd Announcement of the Conference on Adaptation of Forests and Forest Managment to Changing Climate with Emphasis on Forest Health, in Umeå, Sweden; August 25-28, 2008 is now available.
Weblink: <>
Direct link to 3rd Announcement and Second Call for Abstracts:
Abstracts of presentations will be accepted until the May 31st submission deadline and must be submitted to “forest-adaptation-2008-abstracts(a)fao.xn--org-9o0a (guidelines available from the conference website).
With best wishes,
Claudia Goestl - Web Management
International Union of Forest Research Organizations
IUFRO Headquarters - Secretariat
Mariabrunn (BFW), Hauptstrasse 7 │ A-1140 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-877 0151-14 │ Fax: +43-1-877 0151-50
Website: <> │ Email: <> goestl(a)
AUGUST 25-29***
The Executive Committee is pleased to invite you to attend the 2008 Joint
Conference of the IUFRO Working Groups 2.04.01 (Population, ecological and
conservation genetics) and 2.04.10 (Genomics), along with the Canadian Tree
Improvement Association (CTIA) that will be held in QUEBEC CITY, AUGUST
24-29, 2008, including satellites activities and workshops. It will be
hosted by Laval University and its partners, under the theme Adaptation,
Breeding and Conservation in the Era of Forest Tree Genomics and
Environmental Change.
The conference venue (Loews Le Concorde) is located near the beautiful
Battle Fields, the St-Lawrence River and the historical city.
***CONFIRMED KEYNOTE SPEAKERS include David Neale (USA) and Antoine Kremer
(France); other confirmed invited speakers are Thomas Byram (USA), Yousry
El-Kassaby (Canada), Matias Kirst (USA), and Antje Rohde (Belgium). More to
The IUFRO-CTIA main conference event will be held from Monday, August 25
to Thursday, August 28.
The CTIA Working Groups on Tree Seeds and Wood Quality will hold their
workshops on Monday, August 25.
The first Arborea-Treenomix Joint Workshop on spruce genomics will be held
on Monday, August 25.
The 2nd CONFORGEN Conference will be held on Friday, August 29.
the IUFRO-CTIA 2008 website (***
The site also provides additional information on accommodation, on-line room
booking, main conference program, workshops and field trips.
Looking forward to see you in Quebec City next summer,
The Executive Committee,
Jean BOUSQUET, Laval University
Jean BEAULIEU, Canadian Forest Service
Andre RAINVILLE, Ministere des Ressources Naturelles et de la Faune du
John MACKAY, Laval University