Dear colleagues,
The 14th Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology will be hosted in Sweden (Uppsala) this summer. While this conference is largely dominated by agricultural and horticultural plant pathology, there will be a forest pathology-themed session within the conference program and a field excursion to look at a plethora of forest pathogens affecting broadleaved and conifer forests.
The conference website is here:
Note: abstract submission has been extended to February 14th.
Kind regards,
Michelle Cleary (on behalf of the organizing committee for the EFPP)
Michelle Cleary
Forest Pathologist, Associate Professor (Docent)
Senior Lecturer in Forest Pathology
Vice-Director of the Centre for Excellence on Fast-growing Broadleaves (Trees For Me<>)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, SLU
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre/Institutionen för Sydsvensk skogsvetenskap
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 3, SE-23053 Alnarp
Mailing address: Box 190, SE-234 22 Lomma
Telephone (office): +46 (0)40 415181
Telephone (mobile): +46 (0)76 7878771
Email: Michelle.Cleary(a)<>
CV & Publication List<>; Google Scholar<>; LinkedIn<>; ResearchGate<>; Forest Pathology Lab<>
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Dear colleagues,
We are only a week away from the start of the 2nd annual IUFRO Women in
STEM webinar event!
Please join us on the *11th and 12th of February 2025 *to celebrate
the *International
Day of Women and Girls in Science* through a *free & global* IUFRO webinar
Twenty women in science will present their work related to *forests* over
four sessions:
Session 1 - 11th February 08:00 to 10:00 GMT
Session 2 - 11th February 20:00 to 22:00 GMT
Session 3 - 12th February 04:00 to 06:00 GMT
Session 4 - 12th February 14:00 to 16:00 GMT
Learn more and register by visiting our website
Please share it widely!
Joséphine, on behalf of the organizing committee
*Joséphine Queffelec (She/Her/Elle), PhD*
*Deputy Coordinator*,
IUFRO Research Group 7.03.00 - Entomology
*Social Media Manager - **IUFRO Division 7 - Forest Health*
twitter: @IUFROdivision7
facebook: IUFRO Division 7- Forest Health
Dear colleagues,
Please join us on the *11th and 12th of February 2025 *to celebrate
the *International
Day of Women and Girls in Science* through a *global IUFRO webinar event.*
Twenty women in science will present their work related to forests. Their
presentations will cover a wide variety of topics from forest health to
policy, silviculture, engineering, social aspects of forests and many more.
This event is *free* and *online*!
It is divided into four sessions:
Session 1 - 11th February 08:00 to 10:00 GMT
Session 2 - 11th February 20:00 to 22:00 GMT
Session 3 - 12th February 04:00 to 06:00 GMT
Session 4 - 12th February 14:00 to 16:00 GMT
Learn more and register by visiting our website
Looking forward to celebrating with you.
The organizing committee
*Joséphine Queffelec (She/Her/Elle), PhD*
*Deputy Coordinator*,
IUFRO Research Group 7.03.00 - Entomology
*Social Media Manager - **IUFRO Division 7 - Forest Health*
twitter: @IUFROdivision7
facebook: IUFRO Division 7- Forest Health
Dear colleagues!
I am advertising a new Post-doc position in our Forest Pathology lab group in Sweden. I would appreciate if you could please circulate the advertisement and encourage interested applicants to apply.
Please follow the link here: Jobs and vacancies | Externwebben<…>
Kind regards,
Michelle Cleary
Forest Pathologist, Associate Professor (Docent)
Senior Lecturer in Forest Pathology
Vice-Director of the Centre for Excellence on Fast-growing Broadleaves (TREES FOR ME)
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, SLU
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre/Institutionen för Sydsvensk skogsvetenskap
Visiting address: Sundsvägen 3, SE-23053 Alnarp
Mailing address: Box 190, SE-234 22 Lomma
Telephone (office): +46 (0)40 415181
Telephone (mobile): +46 (0)76 7878771
Email: Michelle.Cleary(a)<>
CV & Publication List <>
Forest Pathology Lab<>
Save the Ash Citizen Science <>
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Hello, fellow forest pathologists!
I have two PhD openings starting in August of 2025. Both projects will focus on needle diseases of southern pines. Please see the attached posting for more details about the positions. Applications received by January 10, 2025, will receive full consideration.
Please feel free to share this with your network and students.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Caterina Villari (she/her)
Associate Professor
Co-Director - Southern Pine Health Research Cooperative
706 389 5031 Office
706 542 0119 Lab
Villari Forest Pathology Lab<><>
D.B. Warnell School of Forestry & Natural Resources
University of Georgia
180 E Green Street
Athens, GA 30602
Integrated Plant Sciences:<>
[image: Banner 2025b.jpg]
Dear colleagues,
We are very excited to invite you to join us in celebrating the 2025
Day of Women and Girls in Science* through a *global IUFRO webinar
event* taking
place on the *11th and 12th of February 2025*.
The event is divided into *four sessions* during which twenty women in
science will present their work related to forests. Their presentations
will cover a wide variety of topics from forest health to policy,
silviculture, engineering, social aspects of forests and many more.
This event is *free* and *online*!
Learn more and register by visiting our website
Looking forward to celebrating with you.
Joséphine, on behalf of the organizing committee
*Joséphine Queffelec (She/Her/Elle), PhD*
*Deputy Coordinator*,
IUFRO Research Group 7.03.00 - Entomology
*Social Media Manager - **IUFRO Division 7 - Forest Health*
twitter: @IUFROdivision7
facebook: IUFRO Division 7- Forest Health
Join Us for the 2025 Summer School on Ambrosia Symbiosis!
Discover the fascinating world of ambrosia symbiosis in a 7-day immersive workshop packed with hands-on activities, lab exercises, and expert-led discussions.
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
* May 13, 2025: Arrivals
* May 14-20, 2025: Workshop
* May 21, 2025: Departures
What You'll Learn:
* Hands-On Sampling & Isolation: Techniques for collecting and isolating ambrosia beetles and fungi.
* Guided Analyses: Molecular barcoding, data interpretation, and ecological analysis.
* Theory: Experiment design, biosecurity issues, and publishing strategies.
* Non-UF Participants: $1,592 (includes materials, textbook, and local transport).
* Accommodation: $39/day on-campus lodging (optional).
Lecturers Include:
Dr. Jiri Hulcr, Dr. Matt E. Smith, Dr. Andrew Johnson, Miranda Barnes, Alora Richardson, and Katy Deitz.
Registration Deadlines:
* Pre-registration: $50 by December 31, 2024
* Full registration: $1,542 by March 30, 2025
Contact us at ForestEntomology(a)<>.
Register now to secure your spot and explore the intriguing world of ambrosia symbiosis!
Daniel Kelley - Laboratory Manager | Forest Entomology
325 Newins-Ziegler Hall, Gainesville, FL 32611
352-871-9151 - Cell 352-392-1732 - Lab
Check out our website -<>
UF/IFAS School of Forest, Fisheries, & Geomatics Sciences
Dear colleagues,
I am requesting your help on an IUFRO task force and a proposal this week.
The concept note was approved, but the full proposal is due Nov 30. Henrik
Hartmann previously led a task force on monitoring global tree mortality
patterns and trends, and we would like to extend and integrate this with
pest monitoring. The idea is to identify gaps in need of improvement
internationally and coordinate efforts to integrate efforts
internationally. I am currently leading the effort but transitioning to a
new position that will likely make it difficult to coordinate the
activities of the task force without help from other deputies. This task
force would need help and to network with many of you and others
internationally in any case. If you can help please reply ASAP.
For background, here is a link that describes what a task force is. There
is no $ involved, just plans to network and form a team to coordinate
activities internationally toward a common goal: IUFRO: Task Forces /
Science in IUFRO <>
*We are seeking help from you on this proposal by the end of the week.*
Specifically, I would like to know
- If you can serve as deputies helping to coordinate task force
- If you can serve as a member of the task force
- If you would like to help with the proposal, reply and I will send you
a link to the proposal; currently, we want to have workshops/seminars to
talk about integrating surveys, monitoring, remote sensing, and inventory
efforts internationally, a list of sentinel tree monitoring programs and
research internationally, and a database and/or standards to house
information from them, as well as workshops, seminars, and publications
integrating parallel or ongoing efforts.
- If you can help *coordinate team building activities or workshops*
through your institution(s)/agency(ies) over the next years – we can seek
outside or inside funds for these as well - for example
- Directory of sentinel monitoring efforts
- Workshop on establishing standards and repositories for data from
international sentinel monitoring programs
- International workshop(s) on inventories and how to integrate them?
- International workshop(s) on remote sensing programs and how to
integrate them?
- International workshop(s) on pest surveys and how to integrate them?
- International workshop(s) on integrating inventories, remote
sensing, and surveys internationally?
- If you can help network with colleagues in China or the global south
to be part of the proposed task force
- Additional potential members of the task force
Thanks for your last minute help
*Geoff Williams, PhD International Sentinel Network Coordinator*
*Forest Service *
*International Programs*
*Office of the Chief*
*Office: +1 (202) 263-9231*
*WhatsApp: +1 (208) 874-7604 **geoffrey.williams(a)*
2601 Coolidge Rd, Ste. 203
East Lansing, MI 48823
*Caring for the land and serving people*
Dear forest pathologists and entomologists,
Andrea Ficke (NIBIO, Norway, Chair of the Crop Loss Committee of the
International Society of Plant Pathology), Serge Savary (INRAE, France,
retired), Neil McRoberts (UC Davis, USA) and some others are thinking
about organizing an International Symposium on losses to pathogens and
pests in agriculture and forestry, with the support of FAO.
They are seeking some forest health specialists who are interested in
concepts and methods to assess losses in forests (see below).
If you are intereststed, here is a link to a Doodle poll for the next
online meeting to discuss about this symposium :
Best regards,
Pascal Frey
Dr Pascal FREY
Head of the Department of Tree - Microbe Interactions
INRAE, University of Lorraine
Ecology of Forest Pathogenic Fungi team
F-54280 Champenoux
-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : Symposium on losses to pathogens and pests in agriculture and
Date : Fri, 11 Oct 2024 09:00:50 +0200
De : Serge Savary <ssavary01(a)>
Pour : Pascal Frey <pascal.frey(a)>
Copie à : Andrea Ficke <Andrea.Ficke(a)>, Neil McRoberts
Dear Pascal,
There are discussions ongoing on the above subject.
The question of losses to pathogens and pests has not been addressed in
a formal methodology text for nearly 5 decades. An update is long overdue.
We're working, with Andrea Ficke, NIBIO, as lead (Chair of the Crop Loss
Committee of the ISPP) on the organisation of an international symposium
which would address all the new techniques/methods/technologies to
address losses to pathogens and pests.
The FAO has indicated its support.
The ongoing discussions are about the goal and contents of this
symposium, its participants, and its outputs (e.g., a small book).
It would be exceedingly important that forest pathology be properly
represented in the ongoing discussions, and of course the symposium
itself. Forest Pathology, I am sure, has its own way of looking at
things, its own logic/paradigms, and its own methods. These need to be
reported / documented / explained / illustrated with simple examples
anyone, anywhere in the world, can understand).
I am writing to you to ask you if you could find the time to attend
those meetings, and participate in the discussions. Also, it would be
very good if you could indicate to us colleagues in Forest Pathology who
could participate. These could be colleagues in France, or anywhere else
in the world.
I am in India currently, away from my usual files, and battling against
(most) unreliable internet. It may be that I already reached tout to
you. In that case, please accept my apologies. I am not trying to put
any pressure. Any advice that you could have to Andrea, Neil, and me,
would be most helpful.
With very best wishes,
PS the next meeting will be on one of these dates: 25, 28, 29 october,
6, 7, 8 November - at 2 to 4 pm, irrespective of the date chosen. If
ever you're available, please let Andrea know your preferred dates.
Anyone of the colleagues you know, and who would be interested to
attend, would be most welcome too.
*Serge Savary*
Editor-in-Chief, Food Security-
Adjunct Professor - IARI, New Delhi; Professor of Plant Pathology(Hon.),
GBPUA&T, India
Directeur de Recherche ORSTOM, IRD, INRA (Ret.); Visiting Scholar - UC
Davis, USA; Guest Researcher, Univ. of Twente, ITC, The Netherlands;
Chevalier du Mérite Agricole, France; Fellow, ISPP; APS
ORCID: 0000-0002-6867-180X
Dear All,
The Global Plant Health Assessment (GPHA) has been conducted under the aegis of the International Society for Plant Pathology (ICPP). The first phase of the GPHA was completed by approximately 100 scientists that contributed on a voluntary basis to understand the current state of plant health (annual crops, perennial crops, home gardens, peri-urban agriculture, urban trees, and forest trees) relative to the provision of ecosystem services (provisioning, regulating, and cultural services).
The GPHA website provides access to the documents that arose from the first phase:
The ICPP is now supporting phase 2 of the GPHA. The second phase will expand the assessments of phase 1 to address the future of plant health through networked projects.
The GPHA does not offer or provide sources of funding. It provides an opportunity to exchange research ideas and methods to support research and education to address the present and future of plant health.
A workshop has been planned for November 2024, in Toulouse, France. The workshop is open to any scientist that would like to contribute to the second phase of the GPHA. The goal of the workshop is to develop an overall strategy involving a collective of individual scientists and a collective of specific projects to address the state, and future, of plant health.
Several scientists from Division 7 participated in the first phase of the GPHA and all are welcome to participate in this new initiative. Attached is the programme for the upcoming workshop. If you would like to participate, or wish further information, please contact Laetitia Willocquet (lwillocquet(a)<>).
Best wishes, Tod
Tod Ramsfield, PhD
Co-coordinartor IUFRO Division 7 - Forest Health
Research Scientist Forest Pathology, Canadian Forest Service
Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
Tod.Ramsfield(a)<> / Tel: 825-510-1303
Chercheur, Pathologie forestière, Service canadien des forêts
Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
Tod.Ramsfield(a)<> / Tel : 825-510-1303