Scientists and Colleagues:
Submit your abstract today! Less than one week remains to submit your abstract for the 2014 IUFRO World Congress!
Do not miss to be part of this unique and exciting event!
The IUFRO 2014 Congress Scientific Committee
John Parrotta (Chair); Jens Peter Skovsgaard (Division 1); Yousry El-Kassaby (Division 2); Hans Heinimann (Division 3); Ron McRoberts (Division 4); Andrew Wong (Division 5); Tuija Sievänen (Division 6); Tod Ramsfield (Division 7); Alain Franc (Division 8); Jim Johnson (Division 9); Mike Wingfield (Vice-President, Divisions); Su See Lee (Vice-President, Task Forces, Special Programmes, Projects and IUFRO-led Initiatives); Lisa Hansen (International Forestry Students Association); Richard Guldin (ex-officio; COC Chair)
Dear All,
Below you will find the link to the latest Division 7.02.00 Pathology Newsletter. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the newsletter, and if you would like to contribute an article for the next edition, please contact Jolanda and I.
The newsletter is posted on, the direct link is
The newsletter contains:
A message from Jolanda
Information about abstract submission for the upcoming world congress
Information about Puccinia psidii in South Africa
Summaries of meetings of Units 7.02.02, 7.02.04 and the Third IUFRO Latin America Congress
Information about upcoming meetings
Enjoy, and note that the FIRM deadline for abstract submission for the IUFRO World Congress in Salt Lake City is Oct. 15, 2013.
All the best, Tod and Jolanda