ForPath Users:
Copied below and attached is a position announcement.
Please pass onto anyone that you believe would be interested.
I apologize for any duplicates due to cross posting on the ForEnt Listserve.
Have a good day.
Scott Enebak
Assistant/Associate Professor - Forest Health
Auburn University's School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences invites nominations and applications for the position of Assistant/Associate Professor in the area of Forest Health and the interactions of introduced and native fungi and insect vectors in forest ecosystems located in the southern US. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position, with 80% research and 20% teaching responsibilities. Additional information about the School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences and its programs can be found at our website:
Women and Minorities are Encouraged to Apply
Responsibilities: The incumbent is expected to develop a significant research program through active pursuit of extramural funding, recruitment of graduate students, and publications in high-quality refereed journals. The incumbent also is expected to teach a core undergraduate course in the forestry curriculum and develop one graduate course in their area of expertise.
Qualifications: PhD in Entomology, Pathology, Forestry, Biology or a closely related field is required. We seek candidates with research/teaching interests focused on contemporary research and how forest management practices influence stand/ecosystem health. Those with a strong forest pathology and entomology background and having worked in an applied decision-making context on habitat restoration, risk mapping systems and habitat restoration are preferred. Experience in working with southern pine ecosystems is desirable. Evidence of collaboration at the international level on forest declines would be desirable for Associate level. The incumbent must present evidence of the potential for teaching excellence and a solid record of research productivity including ability to obtain extramural grants and publish findings in high-quality refereed journals. The selected candidate must be able to meet eligibility requirements for work in the United States at the time of appointment and continue working legally for the proposed term of employment. Excellent communication skills required.
Review of applications will begin April 1, 2012 and will continue until a successful candidate has been identified.
Application: To apply, submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, official transcripts, and names, e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to Mrs. Pam Beasley (beaslpa(a) School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, 3301 Forestry and Wildlife Sciences Building, 602 Duncan Drive, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36849-5418.
For additional information contact: Dr. Art Chappelka, Chair, Search Committee, phone 334-844-1069, fax 334-844-1084, or e-mail: chappah(a)
Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
Scott Enebak
Professor & Director
Southern Forest Nursery Management Cooperative
Forest Health Dynamics Laboratory
602 Duncan Drive
Auburn University, AL 36849
334.844.1028 Office
334.844.1084 Fax
I have a collection of single gall spore collections and axenic cultures of Endocronartium/Peridermium harknessii (western gall rust), Cronartium comandrae (comandra blister rust), and C. quercuum f. sp. banksianae (eastern gall rust) that I will not be using in the future. A brief description of the materials and publications that utilized the materials is attached. If anyone is interested in receiving any of these materials, let me know soon.
James Walla, Ph.D.
Forest Pathologist
Plant Pathology Dept.
North Dakota State University
[Description: Description: Description: Description: NDSU]
Dear colleague,
herewith I like to inform you about the upcoming IUFRO Pine Wilt Disease unit symposium which will be held in Braunschweig/Germany from 15th to 18th October 2013.
The symposium PWD 2013 is a joint action of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) unit 7.02.10 Pine Wilt Disease (PWD) and the group of the EU-research project REPHRAME "Development of improved methods for detection, control and eradication of pine wood nematode" in cooperation with The German Scientific Society for Plant Protection and Plant Health and the Julius Kühn-Institut, Federal Research centre for cultivated plants.
Since the last IUFRO Symposium in Nanjing/China in 2009, several expert groups in the whole world - among other things - worked intensively on the following topics:
· Impact on the international trade as well as economic consequences in the infested areas including corresponding modeling of outbreak scenarios and pathways,
· Pathway analysis and modeling/predicting of pine wilt expression across eco-climatic zones taking account of latency ,
· Biology of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and other Bursaphelenchus species including their interaction with bacteria and fungi and their impact on host trees,
· Diagnostic methods aimed to a fast and reliable determination of PWN in pure culture and in plant tissue as well as in laboratory and under field conditions,
· Examinations on the tree physiology and resistance characteristics of host trees,
· PWN and vector association, vector dispersal capacity and strategies for vector control,
· Behavior and population dynamics in infested trees,
· Non-vector transmission and treatment options for wood and wood products,
· Management strategies for PWD.
The aim of the symposium is to bundle the actual research progress and the management of the pine wood nematode and its vector beetles and to enhance the scientific exchange and thus to present the research results to a broad interested group of scientists, disease managers and decision makers. You are invited to submit papers for oral presentations as well as for posters covering all aspects around Pine Wood Nematode and Pine Wilt Disease.
All information including registration is available at:
The deadline for abstract submission is 30. June 2013. Early bird fee payment is until 31 July 2013.
The organization committee would be grateful if you could share this email with people you think could be interested to participate. Thank you!
I hope to see you in Braunschweig!
With best regards
for the local organizing board
Thomas Schroeder
Dr. Thomas Schroeder
Julius Kühn-Institut, Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
Institute for National and International Plant Health
Messeweg 11-12
D-38104 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 531 299 3381
Fax: +49 531 299 3007
Email: thomas.schroeder(a)
URL: http://pflanzengesundheit.jki.bund.de
Paul Zambino, Ph.D.
Plant Pathologist, Forest Health Protection
USDA Forest Service, Region 1
Coeur d'Alene Field Office
3815 North Shreiber Way
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815
Ph: (208)765-7493 FAX:(208)765-7307
Email: pzambino(a)<>
From: Bennett, Dayle D -FS
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 7:48 AM
To: FS-pdl wo spf fhp all eps; FS-pdl wo spf fhpdir; Redman, Robbin -FS; Diaz, Davina -FS; william.jacobi(a); robert.mathiasen(a); fred.baker(a); Michael Jenkins (mike.jenkins(a); dmrizzo(a); mgarbelotto(a); georen(a); chastag(a); FS-pdl r1 african american program managers; FS-pdl r1 american indian program managers; FS-pdl r1 asian pacific islander program managers; FS-pdl r1 civil rights; FS-pdl r2 CRAT; FS-pdl r3 AZ Civil Rights; FS-pdl r4 ro cr staff; FS-pdl r5 outreach group rhwg; FS-pdl r5 outreach mail; FS-pdl r5 recruiters; FS-pdl r6 civil rights proj team; FS-pdl r6 cr african american sepm; FS-pdl r6 cr american indian sepm; FS-pdl r6 cr asian pacific islander sepm; FS-pdl r6 cr disabilities sepm; FS-pdl r6 cr federal women sepm; FS-pdl r6 cr hispanic sepm; FS-pdl r6 cr point of contact; FS-pdl r8 cr; FS-pdl r9 ro civil rights staff; FS-pdl r9 ro diversity champions; FS-pdl r10 outreach AK Native;; teckberg(a); gdavis(a); Conkling, Barbara L -FS; Bennett, Dayle D -FS; Cruz, Robert -FS; DeNitto, Gregg -FS; Dudley, Mike -FS; Helmuth, Von -FS; Munson, Steve -FS; Shannon, John -FS; Halsey, Richard L -FS; Johnson, Terri L -FS; Jorgensen, Carl L -FS; Lazarus, Laura L -FS; Matthews, Kathleen -FS; Mocettini, Philip J -FS; Nelson, Chad W -FS; Scarbrough, Dwight -FS
Cc: Vanderpool, Craig B -FS
Subject: R1/4 Plant Pathologist outreach - revised notice dates
This enclosed outreach notice for two Forest Service - Forest Health Protection plant pathologist positions in Idaho has been revised to show an issuance date of March 15 and a reply due date of April 5. Please distribute this revised notice to you staff, cooperators, students and any others who may be interested in one or both of these opportunities.
Dayle D. Bennett
USDA Forest Service
Forest Health Protection
1249 S. Vinnell Way, Suite 200
Boise, ID 83703
Phone: (208) 373-4227 FAX: (208) 373-4232
Email: ddbennett(a)<>
This electronic message contains information generated by the USDA solely for the intended recipients. Any unauthorized interception of this message or the use or disclosure of the information it contains may violate the law and subject the violator to civil or criminal penalties. If you believe you have received this message in error, please notify the sender and delete the email immediately.
Registration URL:…
This year, the Northeast Forest Health Workshop is being held jointly with
the spring meeting for the New England Society of American Foresters on
Wednesday through Friday, May 15-17, at the Sunday River Resort near
Bethel, Maine . The full conference is entitled, "What's in Your Woods?"
The program will start with a joint session from 1 pm to 3 pm, and then
we’ll have our own indoor session from 3:30 to 5 pm. People who have agreed
to give talks at this time include Nicholas Brazee (wood-inhabiting fungi),
Don Davis (fungal biocontrol of tree-of-heaven), Dale Bergdahl (butternut
health), Shawn Kenaley (fungal pathogens of hardwood plantations), and a
group presentation on ash health and the Emerald Ash Borer. After dinner
on our own, we can return for station reports from 7 to 9 pm.
On Thursday, an all-day field trip is planned. In the morning, Isabel Munck
(USFS, Durham) and William Ostrofsky (Maine Forest Service) will host a
tour of white pine needle damage/defoliation and Sirococcus shoot blight of
eastern hemlock and red pine.
In the afternoon, Bill Livingston (UMaine), Kara Lorion (UMaine), Colleen
Teerling (Maine Forest Service), and Nate Siegert (USFS, Durham) will host
a tour involving ash dieback/decline and monitoring for the emerald ash
borer, including hands-on demonstrations for girdling EAB trap trees.
We are also talking with the Maine Indian Basketmakers Alliance to have
representatives attend the meeting, and they would discuss the use of ash
from their perspective and the need to conserve healthy brown ash (=black
ash) with basket-quality wood.
Thursday evening will have a bar-b-q that's included in the registration
Friday morning will include another field trip. We'll travel on our own
from Sunday River Resort to Wolfe's Neck State Park on the coast near
Freeport, Maine. Alison Kanoti (Maine Forest Service) has arranged a tour
in the region to view a winter moth infestation, a browntail moth
infestation site where a BTM virus has been released, and a hemlock woolly
adelgid infestation where predatory beetles have been released. The tour
will end around noon after which LL Bean and factory outlets await you.
Early-bird registration cost is $99 including field trip transportation and
all meals on Thursday and breakfast & box lunch on Friday. After March 15,
registration increases to $120. Student registration is $70. Registration
rates go up after April 15.
Hotel rooms will be $79 per night at a nearby inn or $94 per night at the
Summit Resort which has the meeting rooms. To make reservations contact the
Reservation Department directly: (800) 207-2365. Please request the NESAF
room rate for the "NESAF 93 Annual Meeting 2013"
The group rates are available until April 15, 2013.
More program information is on NESAF web site:
Registration is done on line at:…
Be sure to select Tour 6 and Friday Tour 3.
Let me know if you have any questions, and I hope to see you in May!
Dr. William H. Livingston
Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs
School of Forest Resources
University of Maine
5755 Nutting Hall, rm 201b
Orono, ME 04469-5755
ph: 207-581-2990
fx: 207-581-2875
Email: WilliamL(a)
Dr. William H. Livingston
Associate Director of Undergraduate
Programs School of Forest Resources
University of Maine
5755 Nutting Hall, rm 201b
Orono, ME 04469-5755
ph: 207-581-2990
fx: 207-581-2875
Email: WilliamL(a)