Dear All,
The latest Division 7.02.00 Pathology Newsletter (Newsletter No. 1/2014) has been posted to the IUFRO website and can be accessed through this link:
The newsletter contains the message from the coordinator, an update on the upcoming World Congress, links to the proceedings of the meeting of 7.02.09, a brief article entitled "Effective forest protection is a multifaceted endeavour", and a list of upcoming pathology meetings.
If you would like to contribute something for the next newsletter, please contact Jolanda Roux or myself.
Enjoy the newsletter.
Jolanda and Tod
Tod Ramsfield, PhD
Research Scientist Forest Pathology | Chercheur, Pathologie forestière
Natural Resources Canada | Ressources naturelles Canada
Canadian Forest Service | Service canadien des forêts
Northern Forestry Centre | Centre de foresterie du nord
5320 122 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6H 3S5
Tel : (780) 435 - 7394 Fax : (780) 435 - 7359
Email : Tod.Ramsfield(a)