Call for Proposals to Host the Seventh International Poplar Symposium
The International Union of Forest Research Organizations’ (IUFRO), Poplar and Willow
Genetics Working Party 2.08.04, convenes the International Poplar Symposium (IPS) every
four years for the presentation and discussion of the most recent and important scientific
findings in Populus and Salix genetics, molecular biology, physiology, ecology, wood
science, etc. The next symposium, IPS-VII, will be held in 2018. IPS-VII will follow
previous poplar symposia held in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A (IPS-I, 1995), Orleans, France
(IPS-II, 1999), Uppsala, Sweden (IPS-III, 2002), Nanjing, China (IPS-IV, 2006), Orvieto,
Italy (IPS-V, 2010), and most recently, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (IPS-VI,
The Poplar and Willow Genetics Working Party 2.08.04 welcomes all proposals to host
IPS-VII. Points of interest that will be considered in reviewing proposals include:
1) Host and co-host(s) organizations
2) Travel routes to conference venue from major ports of entry into host country
3) Description of conference meeting halls and facilities
4) Hotel accommodations
5) Potential conference theme
6) Description of field trip to visit poplar and willow field experiments and
industrial applications (if possible)
7) Month during which conference would be held
8) Sites of historical and cultural interest for touring
9) Conference committee
10) Scientific program committee
11) Local science program that can be showcased at IPS-VII
12) Opportunity for conference sponsorships
13) Experience in hosting international/national conferences
14) Opportunities for accompanying spousal program
Please limit your proposal to four pages and submit to Dr. Ron Zalesny (U.S. Forest
Service), 2.08.04 coordinator, via electronic mail ( <>
rzalesny(a) by April 1, 2016. Our selection committee will announce its decision
for the location of IPS-VII by May 1, 2016.