Von: Rowland Burdon [mailto:Rowland.Burdon@scionresearch.com]
Gesendet: Montag, 08. August 2016 23:02
Work has been proceeding over a number of years on a book covering the history and
technical issues of domesticating radiata pine. The authors are Rowland Burdon, Emeritus
Scientist, Scion, Rotorua, New Zealand; Bill Libby, Professor Emeritus, Forestry and
Genetics, University of California, Berkeley; and Alan Brown, formerly Chief, CSIRO
Division of Forestry, Canberra.
A draft is posted on a website <http://www.kriss.net/radiatapinedomestication/> as
open-access and available for printing, in the form of a series of pdf files, so
interested parties can read the files and provide feedback. Accompanying the draft
material is a covering message, expanding on this announcement and the call for feedback.
If you know of any person (or institution) who might be interested and/or might provide
feedback, do pass this message on.
If you have problems accessing the website and opening files, please let Rowland know
Best regards, Rowland
Rowland Burdon
Emeritus Scientist, Genetics
Scion (New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd)
Te Papa Tipu Innovation Park, 49 Sala St
Private Bag 3020, Rotorua Mail Centre
Rotorua 3046, NEW ZEALAND
Phone: + 64 7 343 5742 (DDI): + 64 7 343 5899 (switchboard)
Fax: + 64 7 343 5447
www.scionresearch.com <http://www.scionresearch.com/>