Full-time position announcement: propagation scientist (Rotorua, New Zealand)
by jfrancois.trontin@gmail.com
Full-time position announcement : Propagation Scientist (Rotorua, New Zealand)
Dr. Jana Krajňáková, Senior Researcher for tissue culture and Project Leader at Scion, Rotorua, New Zealand, would like to announce that a full-time position (Propagation Scientist) is now being launched (Sept. 28) within the Plant Physiology and Development Research Group.
The recipient will lead and develop propagation research at Scion for both exotic and native forestry species with a focus on mechanisation, automation and sustainability of nursery systems. The position has also an important dimension in building strong relationships with third-party stakeholders and Māori communities towards science-led solutions for the forestry value chain. This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced forest propagation scientist to work closely with industry and to deliver science that contributes to better environmental, social and economic outcome for New Zealand.
Job description, instructions, and links for further information of candidates are available here <https://careers.sciencenewzealand.org/jobdetails/ajid/ebXx9/Propagation-Sci…> .
Please forward this information to any interested colleague and note that the current deadline for application is October 21, 2022.
Jean-François Trontin
IUFRO 2.09.02 Coordinator