December 13, 2019
Preliminary announcement of the 6th IUFRO 2.09.02 conference, Harbin 2020, China
Dear Colleagues and strong supporters of the IUFRO 2.09.02 Working Party<> (Somatic embryogenesis and other vegetative propagation technologies) and IUFRO Division 2<>,
As decided during our last event in Coimbra, Portugal (Sept. 2018), we are delighted to announce our 6th IUFRO 2.09.02 Conference that will be held during September 14-20, 2020 at the NorthEast Forestry University<> (NEFU), Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China.
Somatic embryogenesis and other asexual propagation technologies to produce trees for a greener future
Just save this new international event in good place into your September 2020 diary!
Pr. Hailong Shen (NEFU, Professor Committee Chairman of the School of Forestry, PI of the State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding),
Pr. Long Sun (NEFU, Dean of the School of Forestry),
Pr. Guanzheng Qu (NEFU, School of Forestry, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Tree Genetics and Breeding),
Pr. Ling Yang (NEFU, School of Forestry, member of Pr. Shen's team), and
Pr. Peng Zhang (NEFU, School of Forestry, Vice Dean and member of Pr. Shen's team)
are arranging the conference with support of the Organizing Committee and Executive & Local Arrangement Committee.
Join us in Harbin, the world-renowned and glamour "Ice City" located at the center of China's northeast forest region, for a productive and friendly international conference and discover the latest advances and application of vegetative propagation of trees for a greener future!
More information at our Conference Website as soon as it is activated.
Please forward this announcement to everyone in your network, organization and team interested by vegetative propagation of trees and other woody plants!
Some already important deadlines:
Abstract submission: May 31, 2020
Registration at regular fees: July 03, 2020
Conference Secretariat
Pr. Ling Yang, Ms. Jian Zhang, Ms. Chunxue Peng, Ms. Bei Li, Ms. Yang Liu, and Mr. Qiang Lin
Conference secretariat Email: iufro20902(a)<>
The Organizing Committee of Harbin 2020
Hailong Shen (NorthEast Forestry Univ., China)
Long Sun (NorthEast Forestry Univ., China)
Guanzheng Qu (NorthEast Forestry Univ., China)
Jorge Canhoto (Univ. Coimbra, Portugal)
Sandra Correia (Univ. Coimbra, Portugal)
Sandra Sharry (Univ. La Plata, Argentina)
Jana Krajňáková (Scion, New Zealand)
Paloma Moncaleán (Neiker, Vitoria-Gasteiz)
Yong Wook Kim (NIFoS, Republic of Korea).
Jean-François Trontin (FCBA, France)
(Véase abajo para el anuncio en español)
(Voir ci-dessous pour l'annonce en français)
Dear Colleagues:
Please consider joining the Global International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF). With its focus on being a communication network, ISTF can help you connect with others interested in tropical forests and forestry, and with related resources. ISTF was founded in the 1950s and “in response to a worldwide concern for the fate of tropical and subtropical forests, ISTF is committed to the protection, wise management and rational use of the world’s tropical forests”. So far, ~1300 people from around the world have joined. For now, the organization will be dues-free (although this is under discussion). If you would like to join, please fill out the membership form at <…> GoogleForms ( <…>… )
For questions and comments, please send a message to <\\> tropicalforesters(a)
Sheila Ward
ISTF Coordinator
La Sociedad Internacional de Silvicultorales (Forestales) Tropicales (ISTF): ¡Lo invitamos a unirse!
Lo invitamos a unirse a la Sociedad Central de Silvicultores Tropicales (Central International Society of Tropical Foresters - ISTF). Enfocándose en ser una red de comunicación, ISTF puede ayudarlo a conectarse con otras personas interesadas en los bosques tropicales y silvicultura. ISTF se fundó en la década de 1950 y "en respuesta a una preocupación mundial por el destino de los bosques tropicales y subtropicales, ISTF está comprometida con la protección, el manejo adecuado y el uso racional de los bosques tropicales del mundo". Hasta el momento, más de 1300 personas alrededor del mundo se han unido. Por ahora, la organización estará libre de cuotas (aunque esto se está discutiendo). Si desea unirse, por favor complete el formulario de membresía en <…> GoogleForms ( <…>… )
¿Preguntas? Contactarse a <> tropicalforesters(a)
Je vous prie de se joindre au Centre de la Société internationale des forestiers tropicaux (ISTF). En se concentrant sur son rôle de réseau de communication, ISTF peut vous aider à vous connecter avec d’autres personnes intéressées par les forêts tropicales et la foresterie. ISTF a été fondée dans les années 50 et «en réponse à une préoccupation mondiale concernant le sort des forêts tropicales et subtropicales, ISTF s’est engagée à la protection, à la gestion et à l'utilisation rationnelle des forêts tropicales du monde». Pour l’heure, plus de 1300 personnes du monde entier y ont déjà adhéré. Pour l’instant, l’organisation sera exempt de toute cotisation (bien que cela soit en discussion). Si vous souhaitez vous inscrire, veuillez remplir le formulaire d'adhésion à l'adresse suivante: <…> GoogleForms ( <…>… )
Si vous avez des questions, contactez-nous par e-mail: <> tropicalforesters(a)