Planning is proceeding well on the
The 6th International Workshop on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions:
Tree Resistance to Insects and Diseases: Putting Promise into Practice
We have had a great response to our earlier first announcement. If you did not reply to our previous announcement but are interested in attending, please let us know so that we can add you to our mailing list)
Visit the website for more details on the workshop https://treeresistance2018.ca.uky.edu/
We now are soliciting Abstracts for Oral and Poster presentations for the workshop.
There will also be two publication outlets from the workshop: (1) a special journal issue of Plants, People, Planet, and (2) a proceedings - see attachments and website for details
NOTE: To keep more of a workshop format (and for the special facilities we have selected to host the workshop) we will cap attendance at ~110 participants.
URGENT: (1) Note that the due date for abstracts is January 21, 2018
(2) It is also urgent to reserve lodging by Jan. 30, to keep our block of rooms at this facility (no other lodging nearby)
See the 2 attachments for details.
Contact Jennifer Koch (jkoch(a)fs.fed.us<mailto:jkoch@fs.fed.us>) or Richard Sniezko (rsniezko(a)fs.fed.us<mailto:rsniezko@fs.fed.us>) with any questions, and to ensure we add you to future mailings. Please pass along the announcement to colleagues working with Genetic Resistance in trees.
For more information: https://treeresistance2018.ca.uky.edu/
Past Conferences
* 5th International Workshop on the Genetics of Tree-Parasite Interactions, Orleans, France, 2015, https://colloque.inra.fr/tree-parasite-interactions2015
* 4th International Workshop on Disease and Insect Resistance in Forest Trees (2011) Eugene, Oregon, 2011, http://ucanr.edu/sites/tree_resistance_2011conference/Home/ (Sniezko et al., 2012)
* Mechanisms and Deployment of Resistance in Trees to Insects, Iguassu, Spain, 2000 (Wagner et al., 2002)
* Breeding Insect and Disease Resistant Forest Trees Eugene, Oregon, 1982
* 3rd International Workshop on Resistance to Diseases and Pests in Forest Trees, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1980 (Heybroek et al., 1982)
* Workshop on Biology of Rust Resistance in Forest Trees, Moscow, Idaho, 1969 (considered the 2nd International Workshop in this series) (Bingham et al., 1972)
* Workshop on Breeding Pest-Resistant Trees, University Park, Pennsylvania, 1964 (considered the 1st International Workshop in this series) (Gerhold et al., 1966)
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Jennifer Koch
Richard Sniezko
[Forest Service Shield]
Richard A. Sniezko, PhD
Center Geneticist
Forest Service
Dorena Genetic Resource Center
p: 541-767-5716
c: 541-954-6793
f: 541-767-5709
34963 Shoreview Drive
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
[http://wwwstatic.fs.usda.gov/images/email/usda-logo.png]<http://usda.gov/>[Twitter Logo]<https://twitter.com/forestservice>[Facebook Logo]<http://facebook.com/USDA>
Caring for the land and serving people
Jennifer Koch, PhD
Research Biologist
Forest Service
Northern Research Station, Project NRS-16
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---------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------
From: Dean Meason <Dean.Meason(a)scionresearch.com>
To: "div2(a)lists.iufro.org" <div2(a)lists.iufro.org>
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2017 22:26:25 +0000
Subject: Ph.D. Opportunity in New Zealand
Scion and University of Waikato Ph.D. Scholarship in Tree Ecophysiology
Deadline: 1st December 2017
Job Description:
Scion and the University of Waikato are seeking a Ph.D student to conduct research focused on how different Pinus radiata genotypes respond physiologically to different site productivity drivers starting in early 2018. This research is part of the Growing Confidence in Forestry’s Future program.
The ideal candidate would already have obtained a Master of Science in in tree ecophysiology, forest ecology, forestry, soil science or a related discipline and has published a manuscript in a peer-reviewed journal. The candidate should have field experience working with scientific instruments, proven problem-solving skills, excellent written and verbal communication skills, a good statistical background, an ability to work both independently and as a productive member of a research team, and motivation to develop, conduct, and publish their research. The candidate must have a full driver’s license, and is confident to collect data in the field in rough terrain, remote locations, and in all weather.
The successful candidate will receive a three year scholarship to cover tuition fees and a stipend. Research costs, including travel, will be supported by the research program. Students will be co-supervised by Scion and the University of Waikato’s Department of Biological Sciences Clearwater Lab.
How to Apply:
If you are interested in this opportunity, please familiarize yourself with the University of Waikato admission requirements and send a single pdf containing: (1) a 1-2 page statement of your research interests and a summary of your professional career goals that explains why you think working in the Clearwater Lab and with Scion’s Forest Science will help you realize these goals; (2) a current CV; (3) unofficial transcripts showing all previous coursework, and degrees; and (4) contact information of three references to Dr. Dean Meason (dean.meason(a)scionresearch.com) or Dr. Michael Clearwater (mclearw(a)waikato.ac.nz) If selected to compete for this scholarship, you will be encouraged to submit an application to the University of Waikato Postgraduate Program. Please contact Dean Meason (dean.meason(a)scionresearch.com) with any additional questions.
Useful Links
University of Waikato:
<http://sci.waikato.ac.nz/about-us/people/mclearw> http://sci.waikato.ac.nz/about-us/people/mclearw
<https://www.scionresearch.com/science/growing-the-value-of-forests/boosting…> https://www.scionresearch.com/science/growing-the-value-of-forests/boosting…
Growing Confidence in Forestry’s Future program
<https://gcff.nz/> https://gcff.nz/
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