Dear colleagues,
I and Prof. Sun Jiang-hua (Chinese Academy of Sciences) are organizing a
symposium entitled "/Global Change and the Ecological Basis of
Biological Invasions/" during the 3rd International Congress on
Biological Invasions (ICBI) to be held in Hangzhou from 19 to 23
November 2017.
There still some avalaible slots from presentations. I guess that a
number of you may be interested but you have to register very soon in
order your presentation can be taken into account in the program. The
congress website can be accessed at
Hoping to see you in Hangzhou
Best regards
PS: sorry for possible cross-posting
Dr. Alain ROQUES
Directeur de Recherches
INRA- Zoologie Forestiere
Centre de recherche d'Orléans
2163 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin
CS 40001 ARDON
45075 ORLEANS Cedex 2
Tel: (33)0238417858
Fax : (33)0238417879
Attention: my mail adress has changed and is at present alain.roques(a)