The following may interest you concerning the development of forest entomology in western
North America that literally began just 120 years ago:
· The summer 2010 issue of the American Entomologist will contain the following
Heritage feature:
Furniss, M.M. 2010. Beginnings of American forest entomology: The role of Andrew Delmar
Hopkins (1857-1948). American Entomologist 56: 78-87.
· Aided by webmaster Kathy Sheehan, I began posting a selection of historical photos
and accompanying narratives in October 2007. They are grouped under 10
categories, beginning with the most recent postings. As of March, 153 photos were
included; their accompanying narratives total 23,941 words. Now, I am turning my time to
other pursuits, although a few stragglers may come along. I have enjoyed digging into the
stories behind these photos and sharing my own experiences.
Also, at the request of the Forest History Society, I edited the rough transcripts of oral
interviews of R. L. Furniss and J. C Evenden, which are now available on the FHS website:
· Furniss, M. M. (editor). 2010. Oral History interview with James C. Evenden
(1889-1980), Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, 1979. Forest History Society and USDA Forest
Service. Interviewed by R.C. Larson; transcript edited by M.M. Furniss.
· Furniss, M.M. (editor). 2008. Oral History interview of Robert L. Furniss
(1908-1980), Portland, Oregon, 1977. Forest History Society and USDA Forest Service.
Interviewed by R.C. Larson; transcript edited by M.M. Furniss.
Mal Furniss
Moscow, Idaho