Iufro Proceedingis
XIII Conference "Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees"
IUFRO Working Party 7.02.01 September 4 th 10 th 2011
Firenze, - Auditorium di S. Apollonia - S. Martino di Castrozza (TN)
Palazzo Sass Maor,
Dear colleagues,
The proceedings of the XIII IUFRO Conference on "Root and Butt Rot of
Forest Trees" have been published by Florence University Press and now
are available at:
Free download is accessible at:
The hard copy of the Proceedings will be sent to the mail address of
the participants during the next month.
We hope the work will be appreciated.
Looking forward to see you in Turkey
Best regards
Paolo Capretti
To cite this book:
"Root and Butt Rot of Forest Trees"
Capretti P., Comparini C., Garbelotto M., La Porta N., Santini A.,
(eds.). Proceeding of the XIII International Conference on Root and
Butt Root of Forest Trees. Firenze (FI) S. Martino di Castrozza (TN),
Italy, 4th 10th September 2012. University Press, Firenze, 2012. 280
ISBN 978-88-6655-352-6 (print)
ISBN 978-88-6655-353-3 (online)
Prof. Paolo Capretti
DISPAA - Sez. Patologia vegetale ed Entomologia
Piazzale delle Cascine, 28
50144 - Firenze - Italy
Tel. office +39 055 3288275
FAX tel. +39 055 32882753
Laurea Magistrale Scienze e Tecnologie dei sistemi forestali
Fb Laurea Magistrale Scienze e tecnologie dei sistemi forestali - Firenze