Dear colleagues,
We seek two highly motivated PhD-students to join the long-term research on
the pedunculate oak / coffee, both of which involve fungal diseases, insects
and biodiversity.
1. The interactions among fungal pathogens, insects and endosymbionts on
b=1334&rmlang=UK> &rmjob=1334&rmlang=UK
2. PhD student in Plant Ecology: Pest and Pathogens on Coffee at the
Agro-ecological Interface
b=1306&rmlang=UK> &rmjob=1306&rmlang=UK
The positions are in the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant
Sciences at Stockholm University. The closing date for applications is May
Note that our department also has open applications for five Postdoctoral
positions feel free to contact to discuss an application: (deadline end of
b=1128&rmlang=UK> &rmjob=1128&rmlang=UK
Please spread this message to any colleagues who may be interested!
Dont hesitate to contact us directly by email,
My best,
Ayco Tack & Kristoffer Hylander
ayco.tack(a) <>
kristoffer.hylander(a) <>
1. PhD student in Plant Ecology: Interactions between Plants, Microbes
and Insects
The position will be associated with the long-term research on insect and
pathogen dynamics on wild plants in the research group of Ayco Tack. The
overall aim of the research is to understand the role of
plantmicrobe-insect interactions in structuring plant-based communities in
nature. The core of the PhD project is to investigate the role of insect
microbes (endosymbionts) and plant-based microbes (endophytes, pathogens) in
understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics of the diverse insect and
pathogen community on the oak tree Quercus robur. The main tasks include
field work (field sampling and surveys, dataloggers) and laboratory work
(molecular identification of the endophytes and insect endosymbionts). The
work may also involve experiments where the microbial community on the
leaves or roots is manipulated. The exact direction of the project will
depend on the skills and interest of the applicant.
2. PhD-position in Plant Ecology at Stockholm University (coffee, pests,
The position will be associated with the project Managing coffee to
increase farmers livelihood and biodiversity in Ethiopia with is financed
by SIDA. The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge of how to
manage coffee systems for positive synergies between biodiversity and
farmers incomes. The core of the project is to investigate plant-fungal
interactions of major coffee pathogens along a gradient in management
intensity. Along this gradient we will investigate fungal infestation rates,
coffee yields, coffee genetic variation and various measures of biodiversity
and management. The field work will take place in Ethiopia but the position
is placed at Stockholm University.
Ayco Tack
Assistant professor
Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Svante Arrhenius Väg 20A, room N420
Phone: + 46-(0)8-163959
Mobile: + 46-(0)70-4942557
<> ayco.tack(a)