Dear friends and colleagues,
The Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
is advertising an "open-subject" 2-year post doc position (fully funded) related
to climate change. Our forest pathology lab at SLU Alnarp in particular encourages
applications for project ideas that incorporate climate effects on one or more
pathosystems. If you would know someone who would be qualified and interested to apply,
please feel free to pass along this information. See attachment for more instructions.
Kind regards
Dr. Michelle Cleary
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences/ Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre/Sydsvensk Skogsvetenskap
Box 49, SE-23053, Alnarp, Sweden
Visiting address : Sundsvägen 3, Alnarp
Telephone (office) : +46 (0)40 415181
Telephone (mobile) : +46 (0)76 7878771
Email :<>
Website :…
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better". Albert