We will be advertising for a full-time permanent forest entomologist (GS
11/12) position shortly with our Forest Health Protection group in Durham,
NH. A few of the insects we are currently working on include Asian
longhorned beetle, winter moth, emerald ash borer, Sirex woodwasp, hemlock
woolly adelgid, various native defoliators, and the occasional bark
beetle. More details on the position can be found in the email below and
the attachment.
Sorry for any cross-posting.
Kevin J. Dodds
Forest Entomologist
USDA Forest Service
Durham Field Office, NA State & Private Forestry
271 Mast Road
Durham, NH 03824
Phone: 603-868-7743
Cell: 603-397-2669
Fax: 603-868-1066
----- Forwarded by Kevin J Dodds/NA/USDAFS on 02/23/2011 10:23 AM -----
Michael Bohne/NA/USDAFS
02/23/2011 10:20 AM
Forest Entomologist position in Durham, NH opening soon
The USDA Forest Service, Northeastern Area, Office of the Durham Field
Representative, Forest Health Protection group is looking to fill a
GS-0414-11/12 Forest Entomologist position. This is a permanent position
stationed at the Durham Field Office in Durham, NH.
This employee will serve as part of an interdisciplinary team conducting
aerial survey and providing technical advice, assistance and guidance on
various forest health and forest entomology issues to state, tribal and
federal cooperators in New York and New England. The position combines
technology transfer, various field/aerial surveys and interactions with
diverse stakeholders. This is an exciting and challenging opportunity to
provide leadership in the coordination and development of a wide variety
of new and existing forest health projects in northeastern forests.
To express interest in this position, please respond via email to Michael
Bohne, Forest Health Group Leader at mbohne(a)fs.fed.us. For more
information about this position, please contact Michael at 603.868.7708.