... and here comes IMPORTANT update for Visby Scandic acommodation:
i) as stated below, our group reservation are confirmed and secured up to 15th of May, but
note that it is not possible to make our booking through hotel website;
ii) to make reservation just send e-mail to:
meeting.visby(a)scandichotells.com (as Cc-ed with this e-mail)
... and as stated below, you will pay upon arrival;
iii) under e-mail Subject provide code "reservation for 46605559-LIFE+", your
name and the dates of arrival (night ferry on August 29th) and departure;
iv) as stated below, price for standard room with single ocuppation is 1220 SEK/night, but
in case of double occupation it is 914 SEK/person/night; family room: 1590 SEK/night;
suite: 1790 SEK/night;
please go on (some reservations have already been made);
kind regards, and looking forward;
From: Rimvydas Vasaitis
Sent: Monday, April 30, 2018 12:31 PM
To: div7(a)lists.iufro.org; rg70100-forclimair(a)lists.iufro.org;
rg70200-forpath(a)lists.iufro.org; rg70300-forent(a)lists.iufro.org; IUFRO Rots 2018;
jean.berube(a)canada.ca; gafur(a)uwalumni.com; eeva.vainio(a)luke.fi;
Louis.Bernier(a)sbf.ulaval.ca; tod.ramsfield(a)canada.ca; heino.konrad(a)bfw.gv.at;
paul.copini(a)wur.nl; jelle.hiemstra(a)wur.nl; Duncan.Stone(a)snh.gov.uk;
trevor.fenning(a)forestry.gsi.gov.uk; gibbs(a)intamail.com; Jonas Rönnberg;
Irene.Barnes(a)fabi.up.ac.za; mtijdgat54(a)gmail.com; sadams(a)mortonarb.org;
heli.viiri(a)luke.fi; marta_aleksandrowicz_trzcinska(a)sggw.pl; fborlea(a)yahoo.com;
Lars-Goran.Stener(a)skogforsk.se; marijke.steenackers(a)inbo.be; me(a)resista-ulmen.com;
jbrunet(a)wisc.edu; Jerry.Weiland(a)ARS.USDA.GOV; fmiller(a)jjc.edu; b.schulz(a)tu-bs.de;
berthold.heinze(a)bfw.gv.at; t.oszako(a)ibles.waw.pl; freeman(a)volcani.agri.gov.il;
zmendel(a)volcani.agri.gov.il; Barbara.Fussi(a)asp.bayern.de; koltaya(a)erti.hu;
corine.schoebel(a)wsl.ch; Gerry.Douglas(a)teagasc.ie; Miguel.Gorriz(a)teagasc.ie;
bonello.2(a)osu.edu; musolin(a)gmail.com; ddiminic(a)sumfak.hr; Jonàs Oliva Palau; Jan Stenlid;
Rimvydas Vasaitis; Audrius Menkis; paolo.capretti(a)unifi.it; nenad.keca(a)sfb.bg.ac.rs;
rasmus.enderle(a)julius-kuehn.de; Joan.Webber(a)forestry.gsi.gov.uk;
Clive.Brasier(a)forestry.gsi.gov.uk; kspanos(a)fri.gr; edk(a)ign.ku.dk; imt(a)ign.ku.dk;
thomas.kirisits(a)boku.ac.at; fred.asiegbu(a)helsinki.fi;
kathrin.blumenstein(a)uni-goettingen.de; adam_byk(a)sggw.pl; jaroslav.durkovic(a)tuzvo.sk;
luana.giordano(a)unito.it; paolo.gonthier(a)unito.it; kwasna(a)up.poznan.pl;
nikica.ogris(a)gozdis.si; jacek_pietka(a)sggw.pl; racko(a)tuzvo.sk; feifei3080(a)163.com;
xpetrsedlak(a)gmail.com; fabiano.sillo(a)unito.it; Duncan.Stone(a)snh.gov.uk;
nicola.laporta(a)fmach.it; hui.sun(a)helsinki.fi; terhonen(a)uni-goettingen.de;
forester24(a)mail.ru; tomsovsk(a)mendelu.cz; Johanna Witzell; ana.brglez(a)gozdis.si;
laszlo.dalya(a)mendelu.cz; l.e.hailey(a)pgr.reading.ac.uk; liina.jyrisoo(a)emu.ee;
anna_maria_soltys(a)o2.pl; baranchikov_yuri(a)yahoo.com; kateryna.davydenko74(a)gmail.com;
lgseraya(a)gmail.com; iramatsah(a)ukr.net; Simon.Shamoun(a)Canada.Ca
Cc: meeting.visby(a)scandichotells.com
Subject: LIFE + IUFRO conference
Dear Colleagues;
i) the registration and abstract submission to our conference goes in full speed, and for
now we have around 50 participants who registered, and some of you already sent abstracts
both for talks and posters; each of those registered have received automatically generated
confirmation, and those that submitted, a personal e-mail from me confirming the
ii) … but PLEASE NOTE that the deadline for “early bird” registration expires on 2nd of
May , and there are just three days left, just in case you intend to come and would like
to save 125 €; here is the reference to “Registration” link in Conference homepage:
https://www.slu.se/iufro-rots2018 (please read all of it thoroughly)
therefore, as it is the fact that many more colleagues have preliminary expressed interest
for participation, it is in your interest to proceed with the registration in a good
iii) please proceed also with accommodation arrangements for Uppsala; as stated in the
website, accommodation in Uppsala is to be arranged by yourself; do not delay with hotel
reservations, as academic activities in both universities of Uppsala start the same week
as our Conference;
iv) onward trip to Gotland by ferry is included into registration fee, and reservations
for that have been already made (for now, for 85 participants: “first registered, first
served”), while the return from Gotland is up to you; note that a ferry from Visby harbour
to the mainland on September 1st departs at 07:15 with subsequent bus connections upon its
arrival to Nynäshamn;
this is relevant, as we are supposed to stay within a walking distance from the harbour
(but see below);
v) IMPORTANT! the situation with accommodation in Visby has changed drastically just a day
ago; on Friday, i tried to make reservation for myself, first at one, then at another of
Best Western hotels recommended on Conference website, just to find out that they are
fully booked!
vi) yet after some slight panic, even better option has been found:
for now, 45 standard double rooms (for those, price 1220 SEK/night, for now, approx. 120
€, payment at arrival), 20 family rooms and 10 suites are pre-reserved at this hotel for
our Conference (note that double accommodation could be an option also in standard
upon reservation, provide reservation number 46605559-LIFE+; the group reservation for us
is secured until 15th of May; after that date, the rooms become “loose”, and accommodation
arrangements in Visby are fully up to you;
the hotel is situated approx. 100 m from the terminal, and within walking distance from
Conference venue:
Wisby Strand Conference Centre in Visby<http://www.wisbystrand.se/>
accommodation so close to the terminal is very relevant both for arrival (just before
midnight on August 29th, and hotel knows about it), and for departure on early morning
(07:15) on September 1st;
vii) regarding Conference publications, please also consider preparing manuscripts for
peer-reviewed scientific journals; those will be considered for publication in good
reputation, non-commercial (free-of charge), open access, WoS impact factor journals; …
but should be ready by the end of the Conference, where we also discuss in more detail the
process of eventual submission;
looking forward to greeting you in Sweden, and kind regards;
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