Dear all,
The IUFRO symposium on pine wilt disease* (working party 7.02.10) will
take place from Nov 22nd to 26th, 2021 as a virtual meeting. Talks will
be related to :
- the situation of the pine wood nematode invasion in infested regions
or countries,
- the insect vectors,
- the host trees and development of the pine wilt disease,
- the interactions within this complex multi-player system, and
- the management of the pine wood nematode.
The schedule is available here :
To register and obtain your connexion links to this webinar (it is
free), please visit :
Feel free to circulate this information.
On behalf of the scientific and organizing committees,
Christelle Robinet
* This event corresponds to the rescheduling of the symposium that was
initially planned in Orleans (France) in March 2020 and that was
cancelled due to COVID-19.
*Dr. Christelle ROBINET*
Research Director
Coordinator of IUFRO WP 7.02.10
INRAE Val de Loire, site d'Orléans
Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière (URZF)
2163 Avenue de la Pomme de Pin - CS 40001 - Ardon
45075 Orléans cedex 2
Tel: (+33)
Fax: (+33)
E-mail: christelle.robinet(a) <>